Curriculum Vitae


Office address Wilson 211 Home address 1205 A Holly St.

College of Nashville, TN 37206

Arts & Science

Mail to 301 Wilson Hall Cell phone 615-525-3330

111 21st Ave South

Nashville, TN 37203

Office phone 615-343-5476



Fall 2007 - Ph.D. graduate student, Department of Psychology, College of Arts

Present and Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Program: Clinical Psychology

Major Professor: Bunmi O. Olatunji, Ph.D.

August 2007 Master of Science, Department of Psychology and Human Development, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Thesis title: Testing a Process model of Emotions: Associative Activation of Appraisals via Priming techniques – preliminary studies.

Program: Cognitive Science

Major Professor: Craig A. Smith, Ph.D.

June 2003 Master in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Thesis title: Automatic Trait Transference: What you say is what you are.

Program: Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology

Honors: `Magna Cum Laude`

Major Professor: Vera Hoorens, Ph.D.

June 2000 Candidate in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Honors: `Cum Laude`


2004- Peabody Honor Scholarship, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University,

Present Nashville, Tennessee



Fall 2007 - Emotion and Anxiety Research Lab – Dr. Bunmi Olatunji,

Present Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Engaged in literature review, experimental design, programming (Eprime), data collection and data analysis (SPSS), wrote an NSF grant application to further explore my main research question (Disgust, Morality and Punishment), submitted an abstract for the APS conference in May 08 (accepted) and 2 abstracts for the ABCT conference in November 08 (under review). Research Topics: Disgust and moral judgment / Vulnerability factors of OCD

Fall 2004 - Emotion and Appraisal Research Lab – Dr. Craig A. Smith,

Spring 2007 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Engaged in literature review, experimental design, programming (Superlab Beta 3), data collection, data entry (in SPSS or excel), data analysis (SPSS, SAS or excel) master file management (SPSS) and poster presentation, wrote a book chapter on social appraisals, wrote Master’s Thesis. Research Topics: Appraisals of coping potential via subliminal priming - Testing a Process Model of emotion-eliciting appraisals / Appraisal Styles

Fall 2001 - Lab for Experimental Social Psychology – Dr. Vera Hoorens,

Spring 2003 University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Engaged in literature review, experimental design, data collection, data entry, data analysis (SAS), wrote Master’s Thesis. Research Topic: Trait Transference


Spring 2008 Teaching Assistant for PSY 2320-01 – Adolescent Development

Helped compose syllabus and exams, gave some lectures, answered students’ questions, had review sessions, coordinated the main writing project, graded exams and papers, managed the practical side of class (o.a. Black Board).

Supervising Professor: Vicki Harris, Ph.D.

Fall 2007 Teaching Assistant for PSY 2320-01 – Adolescent Development

Helped compose syllabus and exams, gave some lectures, answered students’ questions, had review sessions, coordinated the main writing project, graded exams and papers, managed the practical side of class (o.a. Black Board).

Supervising Professor: Vicki Harris, Ph.D.

May 2007 - Teaching Affiliate for the Center for Teaching

May 2008 Participated in a two-week training to become a more effective teacher and to prepare for TAO (Teaching Assistant Orientation – a two-day workshop for new Teaching Assistants), attended several organizational meetings to prepare for TAO, led TAO with a cohort of 14 graduate students, maintained contact with the members of this cohort throughout the year (assisting them in their role as a TA). Supervising Professors: Allison Pingree, Ph.D., Patricia Armstrong, Ph.D., Derek Bruff, Ph.D., Jeff Johnston, Ph.D.

Spring 2007 Teaching Assistant for PSY 2320-01 – Adolescent Development

Helped compose syllabus and exams, gave some lectures, answered students’ questions, had review sessions, coordinated the main writing project, graded exams and papers, managed the practical side of class (o.a. Black Board).

Supervising Professor: Vicki Harris, Ph.D.

Fall 2006 Teaching Assistant for PSY 1500 – Cognitive Aspects of Child Development

Gave some lectures, answered students’ questions about the material or assignments, helped compose exams, graded exams and papers, updated lecture notes, and managed the practical side of class (o.a. Black Board).

Supervising Professor: Georgene Troseth, Ph.D.

August 2006 Practice Teaching Leader for the Center for Teaching

Facilitated sessions in which new Teaching Assistants practiced their teaching skills. Supervising Professor: Derek Bruff, Ph.D.

Spring 2006 Teaching Assistant for PSY 2510-01 – Experimental Methods

Assisted students with their research projects, helped them interpret their research data, helped compose exams and grade papers and exams, handled the practical side of class (managed Black Board: posting readings and making announcements) Supervising Professor: John Rieser, Ph.D.

Fall 2005 Teaching Assistant for PSY 1200 – Brains, Minds, Context and Culture

Led group discussion sessions 1.15 hours a week (16 students), guided students in writing their papers, graded papers. Supervising Professor: Craig A. Smith, Ph.D.


January 2008 - Practicum Trainee, Vanderbilt Forensic Services, Vanderbilt

Present Psychiatric Hospital, Nashville

Provided neuropsychological and personality assessments to adult patients (40% forensic cases, 40% disability claims, 20% clinical/medical cases). Integrated testing results with clinical observations during interview, wrote reports.

Supervisor: James S. Walker, Ph.D.

June 2007 - Clinical Interviewer, RECAP project, Vanderbilt Institute for Public

August 2007 Policy Studies, Nashville, TN

Conducted structured interviews with children (2nd or 3rd grade) and their parents as part of evaluating the effectiveness of RECAP (Reaching Educators, Children And Parents), a multi-level CBT-based intervention program consisting of individual child therapy, group child therapy, parent training and teacher training. This intervention is specifically aimed at children with both externalizing and internalizing symptoms. Supervisors: Bahr Weiss, Ph.D. and Susan Han, Ph.D.

December 2007 Group Therapy Assistant, “Beauty and Grace”, Vanderbilt Center for Integrative Health, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Helped facilitate a one-day therapeutic workshop lead by Dr. Fishel for women with chronic medical illnesses. The main aim of the workshop was to increase bodily awareness and mindfulness via experiential, body-centered, and mindfulness techniques. Supervisor: P. Tobi Fishel, Ph.D.

September 2006 - Group Therapy Assistant, “Making Connections”, Women’s Center,

April 2007 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Assisted Dr. Fishel with her group therapy sessions for women with body image problems. These sessions took place once a week for one hour (resulting in a total of 32 hours) and included experiential, body-centered, and mindfulness components. My assistance consisted of preparing for the sessions, running part of the sessions or entire session, discussing impressions/observations/concerns about group members with Dr. Fishel after the sessions. Supervisor: P. Tobi Fishel, Ph.D.

September 2002 - Clinical Psychology Intern, Outpatient Community Mental Health

May 2003 Center “De Drie Stromen”, Dendermonde, Belgium

Worked in the Child, Adolescent and Family Unit of an outpatient mental health center for 34 weeks, working 30 hours a week (resulting in a total of 1020 hours). This internship consisted of: 85% therapeutic work (intake interviews, individual and family therapy sessions, group therapy sessions), 10% assessments (testing, report writing and communicating findings to parents), and 5% education (supervision, attending workshops). Clients ranged from 6 to 17 years of age and presented with enuresis, sexual abuse, aggression, depression, panic attacks, and stealing and lying. I applied cognitive-behavioral therapy, systemic therapy and play therapy, under supervision of therapists on site who were specialized in these respective treatment models. Supervisor: Gaston Cluckers, Ph.D.



Olatunji, B. O., Haidt, J., McKay, D., & David, B. (provisional acceptance). Core, animal-reminder, and contamination disgust: Three kinds of disgust with distinct personality, behavioral, physiological, and clinical correlates. Journal of Research in Personality.

Olatunji, B. O., Woods, C., de Jong, P. J., Teachman, B., Sawchuk, C. N., & David, B. (provisional acceptance). Development and initial validation of an abbreviated Spider Phobia Questionnaire using item response theory. Behavior Therapy.

Olatunji, B. O., Connolly, K. M., & David, B. (in press). Behavioral avoidance and self-reported fainting symptoms in blood-injury phobia: An experimental test of disgust domain specificity. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

Smith, C. A, David, B., & Kirby, L. (2006). Emotion-eliciting appraisals of social situations. In J. P. Forgas (Ed.), Affect in social thinking and behavior (pp. 85-101). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press.


David, B. & Olatunji, B.O. Disgust guides moral judgment.

David, B. & Olatunji, B. O. Disgust as a vulnerability factor for specific OCD subtypes.


David, B., Bondy, C. L., Broman-Fulks, J., & Olatunji, B. O. (Submitted for November 2008). Mental and Physical Contamination in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Poster Submitted to be presented at the 42nd annual convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.

David, B., Gonzales, B. G., Divack, M., Olatunji, B. O. (Submitted for November 2008). Specificity of Cognitive and Affect-Based Vulnerabilities in the prediction of Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms: A prospective Study. Poster submitted to be presented at the 42nd annual convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.

David, B., Simmons, C. R., Etzel, E. N., Gonzales, B. G., & Olatunji, B. O. (May 2008). Disgust Guides Moral Judgment. Poster accepted to be presented at the 20th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

David, B., Kirby L. D., & Smith, C. A. (January 2007). Introducing a Multidimensional Measure of Appraisal Style. Poster presented at 8th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.


Association for Psychological Science (student member)

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (student member)

Society for Personality and Social Psychology (student member)