Southeast Michigan Regional Transit Authority

Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

University of Michigan Detroit Center

3663 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan

Monday, December 15, 2014

4:00pm to 6:00 pm

1.  Call to Order – 4:38 PM

a)  Welcome (Includes Microphone/Name Use Reminder)

2.  Public Comment (Maximum 2 minutes per person)

·  Michael Ford – RTA up and moving, there will be 2 positions opening up. The new website will be up by the end of the week. RTA is making steps for greater public involvement.

·  Jim Casha- Per Matt Cullen, M-1 is not a solution for Metro Detroit; private interests only want money; asks RTA/CAC to reconsider position on fairgrounds

·  Sarah – Last attempt to get CAC members to take her online survey.

·  Megan Owens- 2 Tru Events: Jan 22. Annual Meeting & May 7 Awards

3.  Committee Reports - Opportunity to ask questions of Committee Chairs or Committee Chairs to offer information

·  Patty – Recommendation BRT – NEXT CAC; Branding; Gentrification

·  Ruth – Thank you

·  John – Thank you

i.  Tina Abbate Marzolf – Winter Maintenance Letter, Easter Seals website resource

·  Brian- Will help out at the first CAC meeting in January 2015. 4th Monday of the month – location TBD.

·  Robert Polk – will the size of the CAC be reduced?

·  Prashanth G. – When will committee members be announced?

·  Michael Ford- very soon

4.  New Business:

a)  Recommendation relating to “Gold Standard” Bus Rapid Transit (Policy Committee) – TABLED – Will be addressed in 2015

b)  Informational Item Regarding RTA Funding - (Policy Committee) – Presented by Larry K. and Prashanth G.- Read the informational handout to CAC.

·  Brian S. – The money currently doesn’t go to airport, as he recalls

·  David- Seattle – political comprise projects in jurisdiction

·  John W. – concerns – mileage vote diverting potential from vote

·  Robert P. – Houston, TX – Sales Tax -Remembers when Detroit had the DSR

·  Kathleen A.- Region had 4 historic votes pass - DIA, Water Authority, Lighting Authority, and RTA – Patchwork of funding ok.

VOTE TO PROVIDE “Funding Options for Region Transit” to the RTA –

Jordan – Motion, John W. – Second ; Voice Vote – Unanimous all 23 in Favor.

5.  Old Business:

a)  Bylaws Amendment (Executive Committee)

6.  Chair/General Comments:

a)  “Thank You” from Chair

b)  CAC Group Picture (time permitting)

7.  Adjournment – 5pm