Crime and the threat of Crime


Business premises at Manor Royal

Consultation Questionnaire

July 2015

  1. Introduction
  1. The Manor Royal BID Company (MRBD Limited) are working in close partnership with Sussex Police andare committed to the full exploitation of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) and the monitoring and use of CCTV at Manor Royal, acting in partnership with others where appropriate.
  2. This project and partnership with Sussex Police is one of the Manor Royal BID’s priority projects for which it has already secured funding.
  3. The primary objective of the project is to improve the safety, security and reassurance for Manor Royal Business District staff, businesses and premisesconsistent with the primary Police Service aims to:
  • Reduce crime and terrorism
  • Bring offenders to justice forserious and major crime
  • Reduce road traffic casualties
  • Make the public feel safer and more confident in the police service
  • Prevent and reduce the numbers of all crimes in the area
  • Make more efficient use of police resources
  • Reduction of harm to the United Kingdom from serious andorganised crime
  1. Consultation Questionnaire
  1. The attached short survey of four questionsis essential for us to be able to fully justify the continued use of surveillance cameras in Manor Royal and so remain compliant with the strict Codes of Practice issued by the Surveillance Camera Commissioner in 2014.
  1. In order to satisfy ourselves and others that there is a ‘pressing social need’ in the area of Manor Royal for the deployment of such a system, Sussex Police must establish the nature and scale of crime and criminality together with the potential threat of crime on those premises we are seeking to protect.
  1. Please ensure that this questionnaire is completed by the most appropriate person within your organisation and returned urgently to the address below, either by e-mail or using the prepaid envelope included (if you are receiving this by post).
  1. Please feel free to add additional notes or submissions as you feel appropriate for your organisation that will help the Police and Manor Royal BID identify issues and improve safety and security in the area.
  1. Any queries in relation to this request should be directed in confidence to David Short, ANPR Manager, Sussex Police Headquarters, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2DZ or
  1. Submitting Completed Questionnaire Responses
  1. E-Mail – please forward these marked RESTRICTED to:
  1. Post – Using the pre-paid envelope provided.

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Sussex Police Consultation Questionnaire

Crime and the Threat of Crime at Manor Royal Business District

Completed By: ……………………………………. Company ……………………………………… Position ………………………………

Contact details ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please tick as appropriate 

1 / Please indicate the severity ofactual crime(s) your organisationor staff have experienced. / 1. Terrorism
2. Serious or Major Crime
3. Burglary
4. High value theft
5. Low level theft
6. Criminal Damage
/ Notes:
2. / Please identify whichpotential crime(s) you have reason to believe might be directed at your organisation or staff. / 1. Terrorism
2. Serious or Major Crime
3. Burglary
4. High value theft
5. Low level theft
6. Criminal Damage
/ Notes
3. / Please indicate your level of support for the installation and use of CCTV and ANPR around the Manor Royal Business District / 1. Very High
2. High
3. Medium
4. Low
5. Very low
/ Notes
4. / Is the potential for ‘intrusion’ on the private lives of allpersons visiting Manor Royal (employees, contractors or customers) outweighed by the reassurance given as a result ofdeploying CCTV and ANPR to reduce or prevent crime on the estate? / 1. Yes
2. No
/ Notes


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