Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD

Office of Human Resources

Handbook of

Educational Acronyms K-12

Most professions have their own jargon, and education is certainly no exception. In fact, teachers and school administrators often use acronyms, initials and abbreviations in our everyday communication. Without any intention, we have been told that this is sometimes confusing and frustrating to parents and community members.

As a result, we have created this handbook to inform and educate. The enclosed list of acronyms is by no means all inclusive but it does contain many “generic” educational terms as well as some that pertain only to our school district.

We hope that you find this a useful resource. As always, your input and participation is welcome and appreciated.

What is an acronym?

Ac-ro-nym (ak’ronim’)- the dictionary defines acronym as a word formed from the initial letters of a name or combining the initial letters or parts of a series of words. It is a special type of abbreviation, made up from the initial letters of the words of a phrase, like FBI for Federal Bureau of Investigation ( the word acronym itselfcomes from the Greek for ‘head’ and ‘name’). Modern acronyms sometimes also use capitalized letters from the middle of a word as well, like XML for eXtensible Markup Language.

For your convenience, the following is a listing of the most commonly used K-12 educational acronyms.


ABA Applied Behavioral Analysis

ABCAcademic Behavior Contract

AIS Academic Intervention Services

AC Augmentative Communication

ACT AmericanCollege Testing

ADA American with Disabilities Act

ADD Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

ADLActivities for Daily Living

AE Age Equivalent

AED Automated Electronic Difibulator

AI Autistically Impaired

AISAcademic Intervention Services

AMAOAnnual Measurable Achievement Objective (NCLB)

AMOAnnual Measurable Objective (NCLB)

AP Advanced Placement

APE Adaptive Physical Education

APRAnnual Performance Report (State report on SPP performance)

APPRAnnual Professional Performance Review

ASCDAssociation of Supervision and Curriculum Development

ASL American Sign Language

AT Assistive Technology


AUPAcceptable Use Policy for the Internet


BABachelor of Arts

BEDSBasic Educational Data System

BICSBasic Interpersonal Communication Skills

BIPBehavioral Intervention Plan

BOCES Board of Cooperative Educational Services

BOE Board of Education


CALPCognitive Academic Language Proficiency

CAPA Child Abuse Prevention Act

CBVHCommission for the Blind & Visually Handicapped

CCF Council on Children & Families

CCM Comprehensive Case Management

CCR&RChild Care Resource & Referral

CDC Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

CDOSCareer Development and Occupational Studies Learning


CEISComprehensive Early Intervening Services

CEPComprehensive Educational Plan

COTACertified Occupational Therapy Assistant

COWSComputers on Wheels

CP Cerebral Palsy

CPICrisis Prevention Institute

CPS Child Protective Services

CPSECommittee on Preschool Special Education

CSE Committee on Special Education

CSEISComprehensive Special Education Information System

CSICognitive Skills Index (I. Q. as reported on Terra Nova)

CST Child Study Team

CSW Certified Social Worker

CTConsultant Teacher

CTECareer and Technical Education


DATAGData Analysis Technical Assistance Group

DB Deaf-Blindness

DBQ Document Based Question

DD Developmental Disability

DDP Developmental Disabilities Profile

DDPCDevelopmental Disabilities Planning Council

DDSODevelopmental Disabilities Services Office


DFY Division for Youth

DHH Deaf/Hard of Hearing

DINIDistricts in Need of Improvement

DMH Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities

DOHDepartment of Health

DRG Diagnostic Related Group

DSS Department of Social Services

DTU Daily Tune Up

DTx Day Treatment


ECDCEarly ChildhoodDirectionCenter

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

ED Emotionally Disturbed

EI Early Intervention

EIOEarly Intervention Official

ELA English Language Arts

ELLsEnglish Language Learners

ELP English Literacy Profile

Also, English Language Proficiency (no longer LEP)

ERSS Education Educationally Related Support Services

ESEAElementary and Secondary Education Act

ESL English as a Second Language

ESTEducational Support Team

ESYExtended School Year


FAPEFree and Appropriate Public Education

FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

FBAFunctional Behavioral Analysis

FC Family Care

FERPAFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FLEPFormer Limited English Proficient

FOIL Freedom of Information Law

FSS Family Support Services

FTE Full Time Equivalent

FY Fiscal Year


GEDGeneral Equivalency Diploma


HCBSHome & Community Based Services Waiver

HHS Health and Human Services

HI Hearing Impaired

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HMO Health Maintenance Organization

HOHHard of Hearing (sometimes just HH)


IAESInterim Alternative Educational Setting

IASAImproving America’s Schools Act

ICF/DDIntermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally


ILIInfluenza-like Illness

ICF/MRIntermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded

IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act

IDEIAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

IEEIndependent Educational Evaluation

IESPIndividualized Education Services Program

IEP Individualized Education Program

IFSP Individualized Family Service Plan

IHEInstitution of Higher Education

IHO Impartial Hearing Officer

IH Impartial Hearing

ILC IndependentLivingCenter

IQIntelligence Quotient

IRA Individual Residence Alternative

IRTItem Response Theory

ISP Individual Service Plan

IT Interdisciplinary Team

ITT Interdisciplinary Treatment Team

IQ Intelligence Quotient


JITJoint Intervention Team (NYSED Differentiated



K-12 Kindergarten through 12th Grade


LAPLocal Assistance Plan (NCLB)

LABLanguage Assessment Battery

LD Learning Disabled

LEALocal Education Agency

LEAPLocal Education Agency Program Reports (up to grade 8)

LEP Limited English Proficient

LOTELanguages Other Than English

LRE Least Restrictive Environment

LTLLong Term LEP (Limited English Proficient)


MA Master of Arts

MA Medicaid

MAPSManagement, Academic, Physical, Social (4 required areas in PLPs)

MD Multiple Disabilities

MR Mentally Retarded

MS Master of Science

MS-13Local Gang

MST Math Science and Technology


NCLB“No Child Left Behind” Act

NCPIENational Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education

NHS National Honor Society

NIE National Institute of Education

NJHSNational Junior Honor Society

NYSAANew York State Alternate Assessment

NYSCEANew YorkState Council of Educational Associations

NYSCAME New YorkState Council of Administrators of Music


NYSEDNew York State Education Department

NYSESLAT New YorkState English as a Second Language

Achievement Test

NYSSMANew YorkStateSchool Music Association

NYSUTNew YorkState United Teachers


OASASOffice of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services

O.A.S.I.S.Opportunities for Academic Success in School (After/Before

School Intervention Program)

OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCFSOffice of Children and Family Services

ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder

OHI Other Health Impaired

OI Orthopedically Impaired

OMH Office of Mental Health

OMRDDOffice of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities

OSSOfficial Station Soldiers (local gang)

OT Occupational Therapy



PARPParents As Reading Partners

PCENPupils with Compensatory Educational Needs

PEPhysical Education

PENPublic Education Network

PDPupils with Disabilities (PD) System

Professional Development

PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder

PDD-NOSPervasive Developmental Disorder – not otherwise specified

PDP Professional Development Plan

PDSPersistently Dangerous School (NCLB)

Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy

PIPerformance Index

PINSPerson in Need of Supervision

PIRProgram Information Report (AIS/Title I)

P.L.94-142The Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975

PLPPresent Level of Performance (also PLEP or PLOP)

PO Purchase Order

PPS Pupil Personnel Services


PRIMPre Referral Intervention Manual

PSATPreliminary Scholastic Assessment Test

PSTPupil Services Team

PT Physical Therapy

PTA Parent Teacher Association
PTSAParent Teacher Student Association

PWDPreschooler with a Disability



RARegional Associate

RCTRegents Competency Test

RFP Request for Proposals

RRResource Room

RTRecreational Therapist

RtIResponse to Intervention

RSRelated Services


RTFResidential Treatment Facility


SDASchool District Administrator

SAS School District Supervisor

SATScholastic Assessment Test

SAVE(Project SAVE) Safe Schools Against Violence in Education

SANYSSchool Administrators of New YorkState

SCANSSecretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills for Employment

SEAStudents Excelling Academically (special ed. before school

Program – SMS/SW)

Section “504” Accommodation Plan of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

SED State Education Department

SEIT Special Education Itinerant Teacher Services
SEPTASpecial Education Parent Teacher Association

SEQASpecial Education Quality Assurance Unit, VESID, SED

SESISSpecialEducationSchool Improvement Specialist

SETRCSpecial Education Training Resource Centers

SHAASouth Huntington Administrator’s Association

SHTASouth Huntington Teacher’s Association
SI Speech Impaired

SINISchool in Need of Improvement (NCLB)

SIRSStudent Information Repository System

SLP Speech/Language Pathology

SP Speech Pathology

SPCSpecial Class

SPPState Performance Plan

SRAPSchool Requiring Academic Progress (NCLB)

SROState Review Officer

SSI Supplemental Security Income

SSPSouth Side Posse (local gang)

ST Speech Therapy

STARSchool Tax Relief

STEPSystem for Tracking Educational Progress (high school)

SURRSchools UnderRegistration Review

SWDStudent with Disabilities

SWPSchoolwide Program (Title I)


TA Teacher Assistant

TASTargeted Assistance Program (Title I)

TASHThe Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps

TBI Traumatic Brain Injury

TC Teachers College

TCSTransition Coordination Sites

TDD Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf

TESOLTeachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

TITLE IFunds for supplemental educational services under NCLB

TONYSSTest of New YorkState Standards

TPHI Third Party Health Insurance

TRAIDTechnology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities

TRETechnology Resource for Education

TRO Temporary Restraining Order

TRSTeachers’ Retirement System

TTY Teletypewriter


UPKUniversal Pre-Kindergarten

USDOEUS Department of Education


VESID Office of Vocational & Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities.

VI Visually Impaired

VPNVirtual Private Network

VR Vocational Rehabilitation


WIC Women, Infants and Children

X, Y, Z