More than I am

Congratulations to the Stars of the Week: Alexis Duroe-Skelhorn, Leo Parkes-Christian, Amelija Datava, Aimee Rose Parkes, Levs Drosdovs, Nikol Lasmane, Kia Clark and Hope Wilkinson. Well done everyone!

Head Boy and Head Girl Report
This week we had a special visitor called PCSO Gary. He came into our assembly and told us how to stay safe in the car and how fun it is to wear a seat belt. Also last week we took part in Mrs Astbury’s Apprentice competition and we’d like to say well done to year 5 as we aren’t sore losers!!! On Thursday Mrs Panther led Worship, it was really interesting, all about how to stay healthy by eating a balanced diet. So, come on let’s eat healthier from now on!
Thomas and Poppy

Attendance Award– Foundation Stage - Well done – 99.3%!

Photographs - The photographs taken this week will make good Christmas presents for grandparents or other relatives. Please could all money and orders be back in school by next Monday the 30th of November. We will then do our best to have your orders back before we break up for Christmas.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Dog Dirt around school – It is disappointing that I am having to put this on the newsletter at frequent intervals. There has been an increased frequency of dog fouling on the pavement outside school and on the path alongside the scout hut leading up to the Pavilion. I am sure that all our dog owning parents are responsible and make sure that they clean up after their dog. However, there are some local residents that do not seem to have the same level of concern for the hygiene of the streets. If you witness a dog owner not clearing up after their dog and you recognise who they are can you please let Mrs Parkinson know at the school office the date, time and name of the culprit. We will then pass this information on to the authorities.

Our Play Time Snacks As part of our Science and PSHE curriculum we frequently promote the message to our pupils that fruit and vegetables are a good source of the nutrients that children need, and form part of a healthy, balanced diet. It is recommended that children – like adults – eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. But research shows that on average children in England eat only two portions, with many eating fewer.

In the infants children receive a piece of fruit or vegetable each school day as part of the ‘School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme’ and eat this as their morning snack. To continue to promote healthy snack times in the Juniors we ask that the children bring only a piece of fruit or vegetable from home to be eaten at play time, or alternatively purchase a piece of toast from school.(15p per slice)

We hope you will support our school in this matter and help our morning play time to become an ideal occasion for your child to eat one of their 5 A DAY portions, and increase awareness of the importance of eating fruit and vegetables, encouraging healthy eating habits that can be carried into later life.

The School Council want to reward children, who are seen eating healthy snacks at playtimes with ‘Healthy Snacks’ Lotto tickets. Each half term there will be prize draw to award a certificate and prize for the ‘Eat Well’ winners in school.

ChildrenPlease come to the PTAChristmas Film Night - £3.00 entry on the night to watch a Christmas movie, plus a bag of cinema treats and a drink!
Viewing Times: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pmThursday 3rd December

The children love coming to film night at school BUT it takes parent volunteers to run it and make it a success for your child. The PTA need help. If no parents are willing to volunteer then this event might be cancelled. If you can spare some time to set up the event please can you leave their name at the school office by Tuesday 1st December.

Request from Year 1 - We are collecting the half dozen egg boxes to create treasure chests in our topic lesson. Please could you send any boxes into school? Thank you!

Christ Church – Christmas Fayre in the Community Centre. - Do pop along on Saturday 28th from 11.00am to the Community Centre to support the Church with their Christmas Fayre.

School Council Meeting

Our next school council meeting will be on Wednesday 2nd December at 3.20 till 4.15 pm

Diary Dates

Sat 28th Nov / Christ Church Wesham - Christmas Fayre in the Community Centre 11.00am onwards. Please support the local community if you can.
Weds 2nd Dec / School Council Meeting
Thurs 3rd Dec / PTA – Film Night 5.30 – 7.00pm
Weds 9th Dec / Music Concert in church 9.00 am. Recorders, Cornets, Saxophones, Guitars.
Thurs 10th Dec / 2pm Y5 Production in church with Y4 choir
6pm Y5 Production in church with Y4 choir
Fri 11th Dec / Carol singing to Millbanke Care Home
Mon 14th Dec / Carol singing to Thistleton Lodge Care Home
Tues 15th Dec / 2pm – KS1 & Foundation Stage Nativity in church
5.30pm – KS1 & Foundation Stage Nativity in church
Thurs 17th Dec / 4.00pm Carols by Glow Stick in church – Whole School
Fri 18th Dec / Stars of the Term Worship in church
Christmas parties in classes. Father Christmas to visit
Christmas lunch in school.
School closes at 1.30 pm
Monday 4th January / School opens 8.45am.

With best wishes, Mrs Astbury