Range Finding Test (RFT) for Cyperus rotundus L. and Scirpus grossus as Preliminary Test of Tempe Wastewater Treatment

Marissa Olivia Damanik 1, Ipung Fitri Purwanti 1

1Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

Abstract. Tempe is fermented soybean. Organic material contained in tempe industrial wastes are generally very high. Organic compounds in tempe wastewater are proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils. One alternative of organic wastewater processing is phytotreatment using aquatic plant. Range finding test is an early stage of tempe wastewater treatment using reed bed system. The objective of RFT is to determine the tempe wastewater concentration which Cyperus rotundus L. and Scirpus grossus still survive. The maximum concentration to be tolerated by plant is indicated by no physical change of plant. During the 7days observation, maximum level that can be tolerated by Cyperus rotundus L. and Scirpus grossus were 10% for boiling wastewater, 10% for mixed wastewater and 25% for marinade wastewater.

Keywords: Cyperus rotundus L., Scirpus grossus, phytotreatment, tempe wastewater

1.  Introduction

The process of making tempe is still very traditional and uses a lot of human labor. The main raw material used is soybean (Glycine spp). Indonesia's soybean consumption in 2013 has reached 7.8 kg/cap/year (Badan Ketahanan Pangan, 2013). Wastewater from the making of tempe has BOD concentration of about 5,000-10,000 mg/L and COD of 7000-12000 mg/L (Nuraida, 2014). Not only that, tempe industry wastewater also contain free ammonia (NH3N), nitrate (NO3N) and phosphate (PO4) (Wiryani, 2013).

Many tempe industries located alongside a river or ditch to facilitate the process of wastewater disposal and it will greatly pollute the surrounding waters environment. This can occur due to the absence of wastewater treatment. Wastes that discharged directly into water bodies without any treatment are potentially causing pollution and biological imbalances in nature. Therefore, it is important to treat wastewater before entering the water bodies.

There are several waste processing technologies that have been widely used to treat tempe wastewater, including biofilm, microbial fuel cell, and phytotreatment. Phytotreatment is a waste treatment system using certain plants that work together with microorganisms in medium (soil, corals and water) so that it can convert the pollutants into less or harmless compound and even become economically useful materials (Sungkowo, Elystia, & Andesgur, 2015). Phytotreatment has several advantages compared to other processes which is cheap in terms of cost, easier operation and maintenance, has a fairly high efficiency, can eliminate heavy metals, and may provide indirect benefits such as ecological functions support.

Cyperus rotundus L. and Scirpus grossus are swamp-type plant. Cyperus rotundus L. and Scirpus grossus are easy to be found but rarely used as research agent. Cyperus rotundus L. and Scirpus grossus were chosen because they are easy to be found and grow around the tempe industrial area. Scirpus grossus used in this study because of its hyperaccumulator potential species (Tangahu, et al., 2010). That plant is naturally able to accumulate metals in large quantities on their buds (Mangkoedihardjo & Samudro, 2010).

Cyperus rotundus L. can reduce leachate’s BOD and COD concentrations by 82.65% and 73.38% within 12 days of respectively test (Rachmaulin & Mangkoedihardjo, 2013). The optimum exposure time for Scirpus grossus used as leachate treatment was 10 days using 8 plants. On domestic wastewater treatment, Scirpus grossus can reduce 89.47% of TSS, 40.89% of BOD, 48.32% of nitrite, and 13.24% of sulfate (Sari, 2013).

In this research, tempe wastewater were taken from tempe home industry in Rungkut district, Surabaya city, East Java. The concentration of BOD5, COD, and TSS of boiling wastewater were 19048 mg/L, 36000 mg/L, 1340 mg/L. For marinade wastewater were 13158 mg/L 26000 mg/L, 1190 mg/L. For mixed tempe wastewater were 17021 mg/L, 32000 mg/L, 1275 mg/L. The RFT was performed to obtain the maximum concentration of pollutants that have an effect on plant but the plants can still survive.

2.  Research methods

This research was conducted in laboratories and workshop room of Department of Environmental Engineering, ITS.

2.1.  Preparation of tools and materials

In RFT, 30cm diameter bucked filled with 20cm depth sand medium were used as reactor. Other materials used were tempe wastewater, plants, silica sand medium and chemical reagents.

2.2.  Sample characteristic analysis

The sample used in this research were tempe wastewater taken from home industry in Rungkut district, Surabaya city, East Java. Samples were taken from some process of tempe processing, which is from boiling process, marinade process and mixed of two waste mentioned before. Tempe wastewater parameter measured in this study refers to East Java Governor Regulation Number 72 of 2013 on waste water quality standards for industry and / or other business activities, which were BOD, COD, TSS, and pH.

2.3.  Research implementation

RFT performed for 7 days. Observations were physically carried out on Cyperus rotundus L. and Scirpus grossus. Variation of wastewater concentration used were 0% (control), 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Tempe wastewater was diluted with tap water, put in a bucket as much as 2 liters for Cyperus rotundus L. and 3 liters for Scirpus grossus. Wastewater were added differently to bucket volume due to the differences in the length of plant root and the length of plants. Similarly, the number of plant grown in each bucket differed according to the density of each plant species. Bucket planted with Cyperus rotundus L. contain three plants in each reactor and contain four plants for Scirpus grossus. Plants used in this study were second generation of each plant.

3.  Results and discussion

3.1.  RFT for Cyperus rotundus L.

Parameter test for tempe wastewater samples was done in Laboratory of Environmental Engineering ITS. Measured parameters were BOD5 (mg/L), COD (mg/L), and TSS (mg/L). In all types of tempe wastewater (boiling, marinade, and mixture) with 100% concentration causes leaves, stems and roots of all plants to change color from green to yellow and mongering within 3 days of observation. This indicates the plant cannot grow and begin to die over a span of RFT (before 7 days). Within 3 days of the same observation, all types of tempe wastewater with concentrations of 75% and 50% also caused a change of color on leaves of the plant, which began yellowing.

After 7 days of observation, plants exposed to 25% marinade wastewater did not show any discoloration in their leaves and the plants remained fresh. Same thing was also shown by boiling and mixed wastes with 10% concentration, Cyperus rotundus L. did not show any discoloration on leaves and stems. Plant leaves remain fresh and bright green (Figure 1).




Figure 1. Comparison of Cyperus rotundus L. conditions on day 7 with control plants (a) 10% of boiling waste (b) 10% of mixed waste (c) 25% of marinade waste

Figure 2. Percentage of Total Cyperus rotundus L. Dead by Marinade Waste Exposure in 7 days Observations

Figure 3. Percentage of Total Cyperus rotundus L. Dead by Boiling Waste Exposure in 7 days Observations

Figure 4. Percentage of Total Cyperus rotundus L. Dead by Mixed Waste Exposure in 7 days Observations

The death of Cyperus rotundus L. can be seen in the color of leaves and stems of plants compared to control reactor. Dry impacts that occur in plants exposed to waste with excessive concentration causing plants to damage leaf tissue, stunted growth of stems and disturbed photosynthesis process. Based on Fig. 2, 3 and 4, the concentration of non-impacting wastes on plants is 10% for boiling waste, 10% for mixed waste and 25% for marinade waste. The death of Cyperus rotundus L. can be seen from the leaf color (yellow / brown) and the stem of plant that were damaged compared to plants without the exposure of wastewater (control).

3.2.  RFT for Scirpus grossus

Scirpus grossus that were exposed to boiling, marinade, and mixed waste with a concentration of 100% indicated a change in color of leaves, stems and roots. Within 2 days of exposure, the color of the plant turned yellow and dry that indicate the plant cannot grow properly and begin to die. Within 2 days of exposure to boiling, marinade, and mixed waste with concentrations of 75% and 50%, plant also showed physical changes in leaves. Leaves look withered and yellow.

Plants exposed to boiling and mixed waste with concentration of 25%, indicating the change of leaves color that begin to wither and yellowing after 4 days of observation. While plants that are exposed to marinade waste with the same concentration remained fresh and did not change.

After 7 days of exposure to 10% boiling waste and 10% mixed waste, plants showed no physical changes in leaves and stems. Plant leaves remained fresh and bright green. Likewise, in the concentration of 25% marinade waste, plant leaves remain fresh and bright green, same condition as plants in control reactor. Therefore, it can be said that the exposure of 10% of boiling waste, 10% of mixed waste, and 25% of marinade waste did not give any effect to plants. Scirpus grossus able to survive in those concentration and can be used at research stage onwards (phytotreatment). Scirpus grossus conditions after 7 days exposure of tempe wastewater can be seen in Figure 4.




Figure 5. Comparison of Scirpus grossus conditions on day 7 with control plants (a) 10% of boiling waste (b) 10% of mixed waste (c) 25% of marinade waste

Figure 6. Percentage of Total Scirpus grosus Dead by Marinade Waste Exposure in 7 days Observations

Figure 7. Percentage of Total Scirpus grosus Dead by Boiling Waste Exposure in 7 days Observations

Figure 8. Percentage of Total Scirpus grosus Dead by Mixed Waste Exposure in 7 days Observations

Based on Fig. 6, 7 and 8, the concentration of non-impacting wastes on plants is 10% for boiling waste, 10% for mixed waste and 25% for mixed waste. The death of Scirpus grossus can be seen from the leaf color (yellow / brown) and the stem compared to plants without the exposure of wastewater (control).

4.  Conclusion

Based on range finding test for 7 days exposure, Cyperus rotundus L. and Scirpus grosus survived in 10% concentration of tempe boiling wastewater, 10% concentration of mixed wastewater, and 25% concentration of marinade wastewater. Therefore, the future phytotreatment will be conducted on 10% concentration of tempe mixed wastewater.


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