Regular Session December 15, 2016

Members Present Members Absent

Travis Burnett - President

Brian Emde – Vice-President

Tasha Knapheide - Treasurer

Amy Heilman – Secretary

Anna Kahle – Member

Ray Wells – Member

Randy Petsel - Member

John Thompson – Superintendent

Jessica Huth - Principal

I.  The Cooper County R-IV Board of Education was called to order by Board President, Travis Burnett at 6:31 p.m.

II.  Motion made by Brian Emde to approve the agenda for the December 15, 2016 Regular and Executive Sessions with the change of moving Technology Program Evaluation to Old Business before Audit Approval.

Motion seconded by Tasha Knapheide.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

III.  Motion made by Ray Wells to approve the Regular and Executive Session minutes from the November 21 BOE meeting with correction to Executive Minutes.

Motion seconded by Amy Heilman.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

IV.  Public Comment - NONE

V.  Monthly Bills – November 2016

Motion made by Anna Kahle to approve the bills for the month of November 2016.

Motion seconded by Tasha Knapheide.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

VI.  Monthly Financial Report –October 2016

Superintendent Mr. Thompson reported:

Beginning Balance: $ 1,804024.85

Total Receipts: $ 603,321.50

Total Expenditures: $ 639,899.42

Total Cash on Hand: $ 1,503,882.91

Total Investments: $ 300,141.94

VII.  Old Business

Mr. Schick presented the Technology Program Evaluation.

Motion made by Amy Heilman to approve the Technology Program Evaluation.

Motion Seconded by Ray Wells

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

Motion made by RandyPetsel to set grades 6-12 passwords to 4 characters.

Motion seconded by Brian Emde.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

Motion made by Anna Kahle to set the teachers passwords at 10 characters and intricate the passwords as well as set expiration of passwords to 8 weeks.

Motion seconded by Amy Heilman.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

Motion made by Randy Petsel to set password expiration to 3 months.

Motion seconded by Amy Heilman.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

Motion made by Amy Heilman to approve the audit.

Motion seconded by Randy Petsel.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

VIII.  New Business

Motion made by Tasha Knapheide to approve the HACCP Plan.

Motion seconded by Anna Kahle.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

Motion made by Ray Wells to approve the Washington DC trip through Close-UP as the only overnight trip allowed.

Motion seconded by Randy Petsel.

Yeas: 4 (Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 3 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Tasha Knapheide)

Motion Carried: Yes

IX.  Administrative Report

Mr. Knight presented information regarding the Baseball District site, this will be held at Pilot Grove for 2017 and Prairie Home for 2018.

Discussion was held on possibly hosting Softball districts and nominating Bunceton as a site selection for either year, 2017 or 2018.

Mr. Knight presented updated information on the MU Turf Project. He had a conference call with 2 professors @ MU and suggestion was made to make it a Sports Turf Program, possibly a dual credit course. Mr. Knight will get more information.

Mrs. Huth presented updates on finals week, classroom updates, observations, tardies, and going forward ideas to correct the tardies. Items she updated were:

-ice cream social

-Grant from MFA for K-5

-County Nutrition representative will visit the school soon

-Study Island Program for 2-12 grades, will help in preparing for MAP/EOC testing

Mrs. Huth presented information on schedule changes brought to her.

Motion made by Ray Wells to change Drama to Music Theory and Personal Finance to Textile for 2nd semester only.

Motion seconded by Anna Kahle.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

Mr. Thompson presented information on the PBIS Program. Overall is set up for positive behavior encouragement within the school.

X.  Motion made by Randy Petsel to set the January BOE meeting for January 26, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.

Motion seconded by Amy Heilman.

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

XI.  Board President, Travis Burnett, entertained a motion to adjourn the Regular Session Meeting.

Motion made by Amy Heilman to adjourn Regular Session meeting.

Motion seconded by Tasha Knapheide.

Roll Call Vote:

Yeas: 7 (Travis Burnett, Brian Emde, Amy Heilman, Anna Kahle, Ray Wells, Tasha Knapheide, Randy Petsel)

Nays: 0

Motion Carried: Yes

Meeting adjourned 8:27 p.m.


Board President Board Secretary

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