OM Protocol 31. 01.2018


At the beginning: Le coeur de l'Ange

Myriades de lumiere

Welcome, dear friends, to our first OM in the new year 2018.

We hope you have got a good start into the New Year and with all good intentions we also want to start a new cycle with our OMs.

(Slide) Please remember the posture that Bruno Gröning recommended to us. Don’t cross Arms and legs, but open up with a straight spine, sit ready to listen, or lie down, if you could not sit. Please free yourself from all filth, from everything that has burdened you. Give everything free. Pay attention to everything you feel. And we ask for the healing energy that divine streaming flows through our bodies. Yes, the light that you have just seen in the video, this divine light our soul need to heal and to find back, to our Lordour Father and Mother, to Jesus Christ. Bruno Groening has built the bridge again for us, so that we all can follow this path, who are of good will.

(Slide) This year is a Venus year, and Venus, the planet of love may bring you all the tender vibration, the high divine love that our heart and soul needs so much. Get out of the dark stress and the painful winter of the heart. Our earth is so beautiful and our lives can be so rich in good experiences, if only we could see these beautiful things .... but the negative news were kept in our mouths day in, day out, and yes, it is true , our earth needs people who want the good, who still feel love in their hearts, and who put the good into action. Yes, and just as we humans need the earth, the nature, the sun and the vitality with which everything is interwoven. If we all want the good, why was it so hard to implement or use good on a daily basis? I ask you, when did you once again set yourself right, so with all heart depth? Who has let go of the hustle and bustle? Yes, I know, most of you want the good and above all you want to get well from all the problems and strains of daily life. What do we need first? SILENCE!!!

Bruno Groening wanted us to ALWAYS be in peace. He said:

(Slide) "That's the way man must be: Do not lose your peace, my dear friends, do not take up anyturmoil. If you take in the disturbances, then the disorder will come about, and it will immediately lay down on any organ or even on the whole body! "(05.10.1957)

(Slide) And Alfred Hosp writes in his book "Forces of the Spirit" on p. 232:

BG: "Through haste and impatience you are just wasting the good energies, and besides you are wasting a lot of time by being nervous and in agitation. Nervousness is nothing but shiftlessness. Keep calm in all circumstances, and if you think you are in a hurry, keep especially slowly and thoughtful.

(Slide) For remember one thing: peace is sacred to man, because only the fools are in a hurry! Peace is the good, the divine! The haste and agitation is already the evil and leads to disorder; not only in your environment; no, also in your body.

(Slide) Through agitation and imbalance your body creates spasms and every more frequently appearing cramp leads to a disorder or disease sooner or later! Often a single cramp is enough to create a permanent disorder in the body. Some people become ill as a result of terror or agitation. It also happens years later. But the cause of every illness is always the evil that man has eventually absorbed. And if you want to eliminate this disorder, you have to create order in yourself. You have to free yourselves from evil, and thus renounce every evil thought. Only then you are able to receive the good and order comes about again. It is not easy to get rid of something that has put a strain on the body for years. But if you want to, and if you are convinced of it in your deepest hearts, then it can happen immediately. "

Youtube: Let's see a video, Dans la presence divin, please reopen now for the love swing ....

Yes, dear friends, this was a video about life, life is Divine, life is God, and love is God too. May all people in this world come again into the divine childhood.

(Slide) Now let's turn to our beloved friend and helper, Bruno Groening. Last week on Friday, on the 26th of January, the Memorial of Bruno Gröning have been celebrated for the 59th time and I believe, all Bruno Gröning friends thought in awe at his deeds and being or thanked him for a healing or a helping hand.

(Slide) Bruno Gröning himself said this day would be the most beautiful day of his life - to go home back into the glory of God. That's why we do not want to mourn or grieve about, dear friends, because as we know from Bruno Gröning's wife Josette, that he was so happy, and he was already happy 2-3 days before he passed away, and he spent hours running around the streets of Paris in the cold January rain, as if he was looking forward in joy to this moment when he was allowed to leave his body and enter the new world beyond ....

Josette wrote in her report: "The truth about Bruno Groening's illness and death" from 1959: (I read an excerpt)

(Slide) On the 6th day after the operation we went for a walk in the pouring rain through the streets of Paris. Pleased with his hands in his pockets, standing at the edge of a large intersection at the Place de l'Opera, he watched the city traffic as the rain lashed his face. That he was soaking wet did not bother him at all. Since it was getting dark and it was cold, I asked him to go back to the hospital. Reluctantly, he followed me and said, "For hours, I could go for a walk like this."

(Slide) Meanwhile, there was a great rumour in the clinic because everyone was worried about the strange patient. Dr. Bellanger had come to visit and stood in the empty room. And for the hundredth time perhaps he said: "It is terrible!"

(Slide) We lived on the third floor. My husband often did not use the lift, but he walked up the stairs. The evening before we left, I took several photos of my husband with Dr. Bellanger and Dr. Grobon.

(Slide) On the twelfth day before our departure there was a small dispute between Bruno and dr. Grobon. He, Bruno, wanted to drive our car himself. When the doctor strictly interdicted, he replied with a smile, "If people could only shake off their constant fear, they would have more success in life!

(Slide) At the beginning of January we went for strolls in the snow-covered woods in Plochingen, and my husband was happy about life. It was even planned to hire a new secretary on February 1st.

On January 6, my husband surprised me with his explanation that he would not hire the secretary. "Last night," he said, "I got a stop. We will go back to Paris very soon, but the exact time will be decided. "

He knew well that he would soon have to leave this earth, and by no means would he have stayed in Germany, where he was persecuted in the last ten years. Even the most doctors had been his bitterest enemies.

But I did not understand why he wanted to wait so long, especially as his condition worsened day by day.

(Slide) On 10.1. We had to drive to Rhöndorf for an important meeting. Since a very heavy snow driving made the use of the car impossible, we travelled by train. Although we had to wait several hours for the trains that had been delayed due to the snow drifts, Bruno survived this winter journey, which any other person so seriously ill could not have endured, with an incomprehensible complacency, which he mastered only with masterly control over his physical condition. The return trip to Plochingen the following day survived my husband, despite the same difficult circumstances, again surprisingly well.

(Slide) If you want to understand my husband's behaviour in the last few weeks before his demise, you must try to get at least a fairly approximate picture of his mentality. Bruno was not concerned with vital decisions, as he was otherwise self-evident, with lengthy, sober deliberations on the appropriateness of the steps to be taken. He relied on the superconscious or unconscious intuition as higher powers bestowed his favour on him, especially when he helped sufferers to heal, whohad sought in vain for healing for years. Often he said: "The happiest hour of my life will be the one in which I may leave my body!"

(Slide) He knew that he was not allowed to stay in Germany. But he waited for instructions from him about the time of his departure.

In the course of these last two weeks before our departure, he received a visit from his brother Kurt, with whom he undertook long walks. Two days before our departure, two employees visited him, with whom he had long and intensive conversations, without being disturbed by his health.

(Slide) On Monday, 19.1. He ordered his secretary to book a flight to Paris for Wednesday. Despite my urge to start on Monday, he insisted on his decision.

On Wednesday, 21.1.59, we flew to Paris.My husband was in a good mood, but you could see he was not feeling well.Because of the occlusion of the bow of the colon, surgery was necessary. On 22.1. it was done. Dr. Bellanger, who performed the operation, told me, "The destruction in Bruno's body is terrible; It is a mystery to me - it is a total internal burn –that he has been able to live for such a long time without terrible pain. But the end is near. "

(Slide) In a letter of 26.2.59 Bellanger u. a .: "It took a very rare willpower to endure the development of his suffering. I have always admired his courage, his serene calm, which can be explained to me by a strong Christian faith. "

(Slide) Dr. Grobon writes on 28.2.59 :

"My efforts to Bruno were too natural, and I can say that they have found a tremendous support in the courage, willpower and significant personality of Bruno Groening. So much so that you can say: Despite his terrible illness, he did not suffer !! That's exactly what his friends need to know, and this is a great comforting circumstance. He was on the path of Christ. "

(Slide) Strange is also the following natural event. On 22.1.59, while my husband was under anesthesia, a thunderstorm suddenly bursting over Paris darkened the cheerful and bright mood of the day with thunder and lightning. It got so dark, that one on thebright day had to switch on the light. The sister expressed her astonishment at such a violent storm.

In the days following the operation, Bruno's temperature, his blood pressure, his pulse, were completely normal. He even got up twice and sat in a chair. In the night from Sunday, the 25.1. to Monday, the signs of the approaching death became visible.

On Monday, January 26, 1959, at 1:45 pm, he passed peacefully and quietly into eternity.

This happened at the very moment when man evidently succeeded in preventing him from fulfilling his divine mission.

On January 22, the day of the operation, the vital process for Bruno Gröning was completed in Munich. The prosecutor demanded again the prison sentence.

(Slide) His death can be seen from this perspective under the words:

"Humans thought it evil to do with him, but God intended to do well with him."

Bruno Groening, who was the last hope of thousands of sufferers, was no more. ...

(Slide) I, as the deceased's wife, feel the need to briefly report on the human sympathy of his doctors.

When, shortly after Bruno's death, I met Dr. Bellanger spoke, wiping the suffering doctor wipe away the tears that rolled down his cheeks. He said:

"These godly people have a hard way on earth. Their tragedy is not being able to help themselves after helping thousands. "

Bruno Groening was a superman!


Gertrud Elisabeth Weidner (ed.): Lichthort, magazine for universal experience of God, dualistic mental knowledge and esoteric-holistic wisdom good (publishing house for esoteric sciences, Marschalkenzimmern, Black Forest, 1959) No. 33/34, S. 1385-1390

Youtube: Out of love

Yes, Bruno Gröning can work now much more free after his transition to the spiritual world and was able to escape all persecution on the part of the authorities, medicine and the judiciary. He had taken enough !!

(Slide) Bruno Groening did not have an easy life for God knows. He never made it easy either. He witnessed two major world wars - all the horrors and hardships, hunger and misery that such a war brings. The expulsion from his homeland he experienced and he went voluntarily with his comrades into the Russian captivity to help his comrades there as well. He suffered the pain of a shattered family and the death of his two sons. Who would not have been broken by such a fate?

(Slide) But Bruno Groening did not break. On the contrary: after all these events, his great work began in public. He did not plan or long for this either, but it was probably destined for him that way. Thousands and thousands of people learned about him - the Saviour - they were healed, returned to joy and courage, and had the good fortune to recover from ailments and injuries. Bruno never said that he could accomplish all this, no, he always referred to God and the power of God flowing through him, as it is seldom the case with a human being.

(Slide) And not least the many processes that had been attached to him, the friends who became enemies, because he always stood by the truth, because he saw through the ego of the people and did not mince matters, and because the greed especially the greed of some employees and managers knows no bounds. Especially this last point is very difficult for us to understand.

(Slide)Bruno Gröning was extremely clairvoyant and looked at the people to the bottom of their soul. He also knew what was bad in people and how they would act. But he gave everyone the chance to turn around and voluntarily let go of evil. He let the biggest rogues get close to him - gangsters - as he called them. And the friends at that time did not understand why he allowed them to harm him so immensely.

(Slide) I think BG has suffered more than we can imagine and despite this suffering - or more precisely, because he saw this suffering of the people, had taken it in, he could redeem us as he still does today.But we can not DEMAND - but how can it be achieved. We want to thank him today!

Bruno said: I have been persecuted for my goodness, they have left no stone unturned, they wanted to lock me up, even though I only helped people, only did good.

Bruno Groening.

Youtube: The Processes

Now I would like to read a report from an eyewitness, Hanna Stamp:

Report on the day of death of Bruno Groening on 26.1.1959

Hanna Stamp, 1975

(Slide) On the 26th of January the sixteenth anniversary of the Memorial Day of our great friend Bruno Gröning has marked, who was misunderstood, derided and denied by the world and probably not recognized by many of his followers and friends. Many wanted only the health, but they didn’t want to make a change, a spiritual reversal in their minds, thoughts and actions.

(Slide) Again and again it is significant for the people of today that the negative is immediately believed, accepted and done, but the good is fought and laughed at. Thus, the evil gains more and more influence, and the natural is perceived as bad, the unnatural as a matter of course and right.

(Slide) I remember an example of our dear Bruno: He painted us a pyramid that was upside down and his words were: "Just as this pyramid is upside down, so it is in the world. What's down is up."

(Slide) Many people continue to live in distress and misery, suffering and despair because they just can not believe in the good. Our dear Bruno, who only wanted to bring salvation to men and yet was persecuted and punished by mankind in his divine activity, made this experience.

(Slide) Bruno said, "I'm not sorry for myself, only for themselves. They only grieve me, but they prolong the way to salvation, if they do not lose it completely. "

(Slide) For who was Bruno Groening? He was one of the greatest beings ever to be on earth. When I recall the time I was allowed to be with him, the infinite healings, teachings, and spiritual experiences, I am still very grateful today and wonder why I was so lucky to get to know him and was allowed to cooperate in his work.

(Slide) At the time, I still did not understand many of his remarks, but over the years I've become more and more aware that his words were for the future. I often remember his words: "I bring you nothing new, I bring you only what people have forgotten."