Demon Duck of Doom

Bullockornis planei

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Also Known As

Mihirung, Thunder Bird


Though these creatures are not actually demonic in any way, it is easy to see why the Helletican colonists named them “Demon Ducks of Doom”. They are 2.5 metre tall, 250kg flightless birds that despite a superficial resemblance to emus are more closely related to ducks and geese. Demon Ducks of Doom have thick powerful legs, heavy bodies, strong necks and large heads equipped with a huge beak capable of shearing off great chunks of flesh. They have vestigial wings which only seem to used for courtship rituals. Their plumage is predominately brown, with their featherless legs a yellow-brown and their beaks a pale orange. Though much deeper and louder, their calls do bear a resemblance to those of ducks.


Demon Ducks of Doom dominate the grasslands of Eshmarn where they chase down large animals biting off chunks of flesh until the prey collapses. They generally hunt alone or as a mated pair, though sometimes a pair with a juvenile is also encountered. Never very common, their numbers have diminished as they are a threat to both the lives and livestock of the Helletican colonists.


Characteristics Average Attributes

STR 1D6+20 23-24 Move: 10

CON 2D6+6 13 HP: 19

SIZ 1D6+20 23-24 Fat: 37

INT 4 4 MP: 10-11

POW 3D6 10-11 Dex SR: 2

DEX 2D6+9 16 Dodge: 0

Location Melee Missile Points

r leg 01-03 01-03 3/7 (.33)

l leg 04-06 04-06 3/7 (.33)

abdomen 07-09 07-10 6/9 (.40)

chest 10-13 11-15 6/9 (.40)

r wing 14 16 6/4 (.16)

l wing 15 17 6/4 (.16)

head 16-20 18-20 3/7 (.33)

Weapon SR A% Damage

Bite 5 50+15 1D8+2D6

Kick 5 30+15 1D6+2D6


When attacking, a Demon Duck of Doom uses its bite. The kick is only used if another creature approaches from behind.


Perception (+2) Scan 50


6 Point feathers on body and wings, 3 point feathers on head and 3 point skin on legs.
