Andrea Thurman

Project WOW, Lesson 3

Taught 10-22-09

1.  Why are resources and climate important to people/land?

2.  Third grade; approximately 45 minutes.

3.  Cognitive goal: Students will talk about the resources used in the state of Hawaii and how the climate affects those resources.

Affective goal: Students will appreciate and take pride in the information gained from what they have learned about the climate and resources of Hawaii as well as the climate and resources of Illinois.

4.  Illinois Standard: 15.C.1.a Describe how human, natural and capital resources are used to produce goods and services.

NCSS Standard: IV h. Work independently and cooperatively to accomplish goals.

5.  Objective: Third grade social studies students will demonstrate their knowledge of Hawaii’s resources and climate by correctly completing an online quiz and a premade worksheet.

6.  Resources:

Capstone Press Geography Department (1998). Illinois. Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press.

Feeley, K (2002). World almanac library of the states illinois the prairie state. Milwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library.

Fergusson, E (1950). Let’s read about hawaiian islands. Grand rapids, Michigan: The Fideler Compnay.

McFall, C (1959). Hawaii. New York: Maxton Publishers, Inc.

7.  Focusing activity:

“We are going to start our lesson today like we have been over the last few weeks. {A}Who can remind the group what we learned about last week? Thank you for reminding us about all the plants and animals that we learned about from Ms. Seamann last week. Today team, we are going to look at all the resources that Hawaii natives used when they first established the state as well as the resources they currently use. {B}Who can tell the team what I mean by resources? Very good! Resources are sources of supply.”

Possible student answers for:

A.  Plants and animals native to Hawaii.

B.  Grass for skirts, fish for eating.

8.  Purpose:

“It is very important to learn about resources that individuals used and still use today. It is important to be able to compare resources available in a state such as Hawaii to a state such as our own, which is? {Illinois} We will also compare climate in Hawaii to that of the climate in Illinois. Why would it be important for us to compare climate? Why is it important that Hawaii has a certain climate? It is important because the climate determines which plants and animals can live there. These are all questions that you should ask yourself during the lesson today. We will be able to answer these questions by the end of the lesson today.”

9.  Instruction:

a.  “Long ago, Hawaiians depended on the land and the ocean to provide them with shelter and food. Hawaii is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. It has many mountains and valleys as well as beaches. The resources that Hawaiians used came from mountains, valley, and the shore.” {I will be using a PowerPoint with pictures for students to associate names with pictures}

b.  “The mountains were home to:

i.  Rainforests (Slide 1)

ii.  Trees for building canoes.

iii.  Trees for house posts

iv.  Wild banana trees (Slide 2)

v.  Wild pigs (Slide 3)

c.  The valley’s were home to:

i.  Lush farmland.

ii.  Fresh water streams for drinking and watering crops

iii.  Taro to make poi (Slide 4)

iv.  Sweet potatoes

v.  Bananas

vi.  Ti leaves for wrapping food and making clothing (Slide 5)

d.  The shore was home to:

i.  Beaches

ii.  Fishponds

iii.  Shellfish, lobster, and crab (Slides 6,7,8)

iv.  Gathering seaweed (Slide 9) --What did the native Hawaiians possibly use the seaweed for?

v.  Shore fishing

vi.  Deep ocean fishing

e.  It was important for all three regions to be utilized in order for resources to be used. How did the Hawaiians share these resources? Did they go to the mall or to a restaurant and trade resources? {No, there were no malls or restaurants when Hawaii was first formed}. Because of this it was extremely important for people to be able to grow vegetables, build houses, and to catch fish on their own. The regions {mountains, valley, and shore} were very important to the native Hawaiians. In old Hawaii, the chiefs (who were responsible for ruling the people, much like a king) were in charge of creating a system so that Hawaiian’s could utilize the regions fairly. This system that they used divided the islands into land districts known locally as Ahupua’a’s.

f.  Imagine an island like a pie. {Draw a picture of a pie, showing the smallest point of each piece as the mountains and the largest point of each piece as the shore. The sides were cliffs or ridges. Hawaiian’s could fish, farm, or gather in the Ahupua’a’s {say it as: Ah-who-poo-ah-ah}. It was very important to the native Hawaiians to share everything equally.

g.  Hawaiians had to stay within their Ahupua’a’s to gather resources.

h.  Have team work together to complete the online game. –Questions are asked about Ahupua’a’s. Team will work together to give the best possible answer.

i.  What resources do we use in Illinois? {We use our farm lands to produce corn, beans, vegetables in general}

j.  Climate plays a large role in developing resources. What type of climate do we have in Illinois? {Cold winter, warm/hot summer} What type of climate does Hawaii have? {Perfect weather}

k.  Hawaii only has two seasons compared to Illinois’ how many seasons? {Four}

l.  The average temperature in Hawaii is 80 degrees in the summer and 75 degrees in the winter.

m.  The weather in Illinois is perfect for the production of crops and the weather in Hawaii is perfect for the use of fishing and using land resources such as collecting bananas and sugar.

10.  Response Activity:

a.  Students will cut and paste pictures that correctly correspond with a resource. For example: a student will cut out a picture of a tree and place it on a chart with the title of Mountain. Teacher model will be shown.

b.  Students will answer a pre-made worksheet.

11.  Conclude:

a.  Students will work on worksheet as a group.

Name: ______Date: ______

Work with the team to correctly answer each question.

1.  What are the three main regions of land that the native Hawaiians used? ______

2.  What were Ti leaves used for? ______

3.  How many seasons does Hawaii have? ______

4.  What is the importance having a certain climate in Hawaii? ______

5.  Hawaiian land districts were known locally as? ______

6.  Draw the example of how the land districts were divided. {Hint: pie shape}