Sgoil Ghlaidhlig Ghlaschu Comhairle nam Parant
(Sgoil Ghlaidhlig Glaschu, Parent Council)

Coinneamh Fhosgailte
(Open Meeting)

24th January 2012 7.00pm

Minutes of Meeting


Donalda McComb D-I Brown Bruce Whyte

Lynn Mouaghan Alina M Simpson Heather Kennedy

Fiona Kinnaird Lorn MacFadyen David Sutherland

Jacquline Hug Nicolas O’Connell Seretta Bryden

Robert Bryden David Robb Rona MacGillivray

Kathleen Mackay Marianne Rodgers Mary Ann Campbell

Elaine Michie Selina Boyle Maureen O’Hanlon


In Attendance Alisdair Henderson GCC

Chair Welcome (D-I Brown)

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Alisdair Henderson (H.R Manager GCC) .

The chair invited Alistair to the floor and asked Alistair to recap on the changes to transport. After which the floor would be open to questions.

Alasdair Henderson

Alasdair Henderson gave a brief history on transport within Glasgow for Primary Schools.

He outlined that SGG has a bespoke service since the inception of the school, but that this was unsustainable, both financially and in relation to the number of busses that now had to park up at the school, morning & afternoon. The school roll was also growing and as such, alternative arrangements had to be found.

Kent Road has a bus stance so that busses can stop for a period of time and the children will have no need to cross any roads. Pavements have been widened and heightened to allow children ease of access and egress. Safety for the children is paramount.

It was getting difficult to pick up children at every stop, so to reduce this pick up points were put in place within designated routes. Children may have to walk up to 2 miles which is within the council guidelines.

No one is planned to be on a bus for more than an hour – this is a Care Commission guideline, which the council follow, however this is not always possible when unforeseen circumstances occur.

Bus routes may change from year to year.

A number of concerns were brought to Alistair’s attention during the meeting, they were as follows:

-Lack of parking facilities for families who don’t require the use of transport

-Time Children are on the bus

-Behaviour on the bus

-Communication between families and bus company

-Safety of children

-Who is responsible for the children when on bus?

-In case of an emergency, what is the procedure.

-Children missing breakfast club due to late buses.

-No feedback to complaints

Alistair explained he understood families concerns regarding the time children are on the bus, however, the care commission guidelines are followed and if any parents have concerns regarding this they should contact Alistair himself. The aim is for all children to be in school and in class within the hour,however, problems may happen en route, from bad weather, traffic build up or breakdown, which could cause delay.

Alistair highlighted he was aware of concerns regarding the South Side bus route and is looking into it.

Alistair stressed it is Parental responsibility to ensure your child is at the bus on time in the mornings and picked up on time after school.

It was advised that parents should not contact drivers directly to discuss pick up/drop off. All transport communication must be done through SPT.

In the case of an emergency all drivers would pull the bus over and contact Emergency Services.

Alistair also advised the bus service does not work around breakfast club.

DMcC added the breakfast club runs between 8.15am and 9am, and if any transport is late children can still have the opportunity to get something from the canteen, and she is happy for the children to take it to class with them.

Alistair informed the floor any child who is continually misbehaving on the bus, may be removed from the service.

DMcC added behaviour is a huge issue on the bus, which needs to be resolved. DMcC along with staff is working on a 3 stage process which will be put in place, if there is no improvement within the 3 stages, the privilege of the bus will be removed.

Alistair stressed drivers should not let children off the bus without an adult picking them up. If there is no adult present council procedures will be followed.

D-IB concluded that in terms of a way forward, an information sheet should be sent to all families in the school to reiterate council and parental responsibility. Also clear points should be included regarding who to call regarding transport concerns.

Alistair’s e-mail address will be added to the school web site.

Head Teacher’s Report

Staffing Update

DMcC reported on the long term absences within permanent staff within the Bunsgoil. SGG relies on a small bank of supply teachers. Senior Management have increased time in classes to cover.

Within the Árdsgoil a supply teacher is in place for PE. General cover is in place for Computing. Support will be organised from Hillhead Secondary.

Both the PE and Computing post will be advertised 27/02/12

Biology- Supply cover in place for maternity leave.

PT-Support for Learning 3-18 is in place.


It is early stages, to date there has been 35 s1 requests and 30 p1.


Letters are now being sent to secondary parents. Primary parents will continue to get information home via school bag.


It was agreed to contact various companies to find out what they could provide the school. There is a company who can provide admin support, two opportunities to order in a school year and also an online service. They provide good quality garments at prices comparable to the current costs. This would reduce the workload for parent group and office staff.

Dates for Diaries

8/2/12 – SHRE parent meeting, all families should have received booklets and letter.

9/2/12 – Burns Supper 7-11pm

18/2/12 – Facilitation Day

8.3.12 – C.N.P meeting 7pm

Facilitation Day

This will give parents an opportunity to discuss burning issues. It will be facilitated by staff and any other volunteers.

It is hoped as many parents as possible will attend the meeting. Information regarding dates have already been sent home.

Ideas for agenda:

Sport within the School

Legacy Money


School facilities – capacity

Pupil Voice


Gaelic Language Policy – Secondary

Need for Parental Support

Gaelic in the home

D-IB added it should be a fun day for people to engage with. Refreshments will be available.

Sports Glaschu

BW informed the meeting of coaching courses that are available for parents/staff/ adults and older high school students. Information regarding this opportunity will be sent out, and anyone interested should contact Bruce Whyte.

BW also informed the floor of the new strips which have been purchased for across the school. The strip is red and gold.


Date of Next Meeting