NPHC minutes: January 21, 2016
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 12:45pm
Reading, Motion & adoption of the Agenda:
Omega Psi Phi made a motion to adopt the agenda; Phi Beta Sigma seconds; the agenda was accepted by all organizations.
Report of officers:
1. Vice President of Administration
A. Reading, additions or corrections to the previous minutes. No corrections.
B. Allocated and agency budgetstill needs to adjusting to reflect NPHC teeshirts and Unity event.
2. Vice President of Programs
A. Dates for NPHC Study proposed to be on the 2ndThursday of every month. Omega Psi Phi moves, Phi Beta Sigma seconds; all are in favor. April 5th car bash. April 30th NPHC picnic. Feb. 18th NPHC talent show.
3. President
A. Appreciate you all coming back.
Chapter Reports:
*Alpha Phi Alpha:Remembrance ceremony for Ozell Sutton at Philander Smith. Volunteered at JA Fair 1/16/16, and MLK MegaFest 1/18/16. Brotherly study hall session every Sunday among chapter members.Held interest meeting 1/13/16. Hosting district conference in Feb and attending regional conference in April.
*Alpha Kappa Alpha:Founders’ day activity 1/15/16. Volunteered at MLK megafest. Invite to council for AKA week Bowman Skating rink event Sunday at 8pm $7. AKA week is from 1/24/16-1/29/16.
*Kappa Alpha Psi: Absent
*Omega Psi Phi:Voter registration drive in partnership with NAACP. Volunteered at MLK Megafest. Jan. 21st-24thInternational Undergraduate Summit.Requesting help with funding for district meeting in March to New Orleans.State meeting 2/20/16. Continuing Risk program.
*Delta Sigma Theta:Volunteered at Boys and Girls club 1/13/16 and Founders’ day activity at 7pm. Volunteered at MLK megafest. Hosting training for students to volunteer at Women’s and Children’s First on 1/30/16 at 10-1pm in Ledbetter. State meeting March 11-13th.
*Phi Beta Sigma:Joint founder’s day program with Zeta Phi Beta 1/16/16 at Second Baptist Church. Coding class at MLK megafest and volunteered. Participated in Greek night at UALR basketball game. Informational tba.Regional Oratorical and Debate competition. Won Model Chapter of the Year.
*Zeta Phi Beta: Absent
*Sigma Gamma Rho: Absent; report submitted; participating in AKA skate night and Greek nights 2 & 3 with UALR basketball. Service at Mabelvale middle 1/25/16 for operation bookbag.Working on Sigma week and planning collaboration with Phi Beta Sigma and Kappa Sigma. Still taking donation for operation bookbag until the end of the month.
Standing Committee Reports:
1.NPHC WEEK Committee
A. Nothing to report
2. UMOJA Chair
A. Nothing to report
Unfinished/Old Business
NPHC Spring Events--4/5/16 car bash; 2/18/16 talent show; 4/30/16 NPHC picnic; NPHC study night every 2nd Thursday. Greek week meetings are Tuesday’s at 12:30. Dance policy review being finalized.
New Business
New banners are in.
Advisor Comments
Nothing to report
For the good of the order
Spring semester=2nd chance
Motion to adjourn meeting/adjournment
Phi Beta Sigma moved to adjourn meeting; Delta Sigma Theta seconds; all are in favor. The meeting adjourned at 1:15pm.