Fr James Smith Tel. 01875 610232
Parish Priest Email:
St Martin of Tours Catholic Church
High Street, Tranent, EH33 1HJ 18th June 2017
St Gabriel’s is a parish of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh,
a charity registered in Scotland – number SC008540
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Year A)
Church Services / Mass Times / Intentions
Monday 19th / 10.00am St Gabriel’s
9.00am St Martin’s
/ Eucharistic Service
Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 20th / 10.00am St Gabriel’s
7.00pm St Martin’s Mass
/ Eucharistic Service
Vera Kirkland
Wednesday 21st / Memorial of St Aloysius Gonzaga
10.00am St Martin’s
7.00pm St Gabriel’s Mass / Eucharistic Service
Mary Heron
Thursday 22nd / Sts John Fisher & Thomas More Martyrs
10.00am St Martin’s Mass
10.00am St Gabriel’s / Special Intention
Eucharistic Service
Friday 23rd / Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
10.00am St Gabriel’s Mass
10.00am St Martin’s / James Forster
Eucharistic Service
Saturday 24th / Solemnity of the Nativity of St John the Baptist
10.00am St Gabriel’s
6.00pm St Gabriel’s Vigil Mass / Eucharistic Service
Peter Quinn
Sunday 25th / Twelfth Sunday of the Year
9.30 am St Martin’s Mass
11.30 am St Gabriel’s Mass
/ People of the Parish
People of the Parish

There will be confessions in St Gabriel’s before the Saturday Vigil Mass from 5.15pm – 5.45pm

There will also be confessions before Sunday Mass in St Martin’s from 8.45 am - 9.15 am

Parish Announcements

Offertory Collection - £615.70. Last weekend’s Special Collection in aid of “Day for Life” came to £131.73. Thank you for your kind generosity

Happy Father’s Day to Dads of the Parish. We welcome another Father this weekend: Fr. Henry McLaughlin an Edinburgh Diocesan Priest who has worked extensively on the Missions in Central America particularly in El Salvador and now in Chiapas in Mexico. He will be filling in for Fr. Jim this weekend.


Whether you come for one visit or many, you are very welcome to worship with us at Mass on Sunday or any of our weekday services in this church.

SACRAMENTS - Please give plenty of notice for the

Celebration of Marriage------6 months usually.

Baptism ------3 months.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY – will take place today and next Sunday 25th June at 11.30 am mass.


Do you recognise any of these situations?

1. Husband and wife come to Mass. One of them is not Catholic, but would like to share in our Faith and become Catholic. Is this you?

2. Do you know of an adult or are you that adult who would like to take the first step to become a Christian Catholic, but you are not quite sure how to find out more?

3. Are you a baptised Christian and now want to share in the other Sacraments of our Faith?

4. You may be a baptised Catholic, but over the years, have drifted from the church. You may now have a desire (that little voice that speaks to us in our hearts) urging you to return and be refreshed.

5. Your friend may be a Catholic and you admire him/her for what their Faith means to them. You often think, I would like to be like him/her. If so, do something about it. It is never too late.

Whichever of these or a similar situation, you need to contact us soon. Call Father Jim on 01875 610232, speak to a member of the RCIA, or e-mail Father Jim at before 31st August 2017.

ST. GABRIEL’S - An ‘OPEN CHURCH’ ON SUNDAY 18th June - Today is the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (CORPUS CHRISTI). There will be Exposition/Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after morning Mass until 4pm. Please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the table at the back of the church, to ensure a continued presence in the church. Do try to spend even a short time in the presence of the Lord at some point of your afternoon. The time will be given to silent prayer/readings/acclamations/ hymns and chants.

ALTAR SERVERS - Boys and girls who have thought about becoming altar servers, including those children, who recently made their First Holy Communion; should come along with their parents, to a meeting in the Side Chapel after 11.30am Mass today.

CHARITY FILM NIGHT - A date for the diary for all you Pink ladies and T birds out there. Our next themed musical film night in St Martin’s Hall will be “Grease” on Friday 30th June at 7pm. BYOB and snacks. The proceeds from this evening will be donated to a local charity. More details to follow.

MEDICAL MISSIONARIES OF MARY- Please cut used stamps from the envelopes, leaving a small, paper border around the stamp and place them in the box on the table at the back of the church. When sold in bulk, the proceeds will go to the Medical Missionaries of Mary to provide aid for the work that they do.

CHOIR- We are always looking for more singers to join us. Practice is on a Sunday before Mass.

REPOSITORY- Newspapers, books, cards and sacramental gifts are available from the repository. CTS booklets, which help to develop your personal prayer and give more insight to your Faith, are available from the CTS stand inside the repository itself. The Archdiocesan Directory can be purchased from the back of the church.

THE BOOK FOR YOUR PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION - remains at the back of church. Please feel welcome to use it. Your prayers will be included at Mass on Wednesday evenings.

FAITH DEVELOPMENT FOR ADULTS - The next meeting of the group will be in the side chapel room on Thursday 22nd June at 7pm.

FILM SUNDAY – tonight in St Martin’s Hall at 7pm, doors open at 6.30pm 30pm “Freedom” In 1856, a runaway slave (Cuba Gooding Jr.) and his family find help from the underground railroad, while in 1748, the man's grandfather is captive aboard the ship of Capt. John Newton (Bernhard Forcher). Freedom is a tale depicting the story of a nation on its journey for liberation. 12.

ST GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 50TH ANNIVERSARY – Thank you to everyone who donated to the School’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. The sum of £316.35 was raised and will shortly be presented to the School Parent Council.


1. The Parish Newsletter: available at Mass on Saturday evening/Sunday.

2. The Parish Facebook Page:-

3. The Parish Website:-

4. Noticeboards: at the back of the church and the porch.


Please provide the contact details of any family member or friend, who is sick or housebound and

who has requested a visit from a Eucharistic Minister, to bring them Holy Communion at home.

We pray for the sick and those who care for them:
Peter Aitken; Fred Carson; Aileen Lothian; Emily McNichol; Nicholas Morrison; Rose Paxton.

We remember…and we pray for all who have recently died and for those who mourn.

Also those, whose anniversaries occurred last week :Christopher Czech 11th (1988); Anthony Rogers 11th (2003); John Mulgrew 12th (1944); Annie Gunn 12th (1948); Jack Maguire 12th (1985); Nancy Breslin 12th (2000); Janet McCran 12th (2011); Derek Miller 14th (1981); Laura Webb 15th (1937); Elizabeth Smith 15th (2007); Annie Connor 16th (1982); James Wheelan 16th (2000); Archibald J Wason 16th (2008) ; Jean Mackie 17th (2002)

+ Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord +

WORLD REFUGEE DAY - TUESDAY 20TH JUNE to mark the United Nations WORLD REFUGEE DAY, there will be a screening of the award-winning documentary, Fire at Sea (2016). Directed by Francesco Rosa, the film won the Golden Bear award at the Berlin Film Festival in 2016. Unlike a number of films about refugees it does not preach or sensationalise but in a low-key, subtle manner juxtaposes the everyday life of people, one young boy in particular, on the island of Lampedusa, Sicily with the devastating experience of the thousands of refugees from Africa and the Middle East for whom the island has become the first port of call as they seek a new life away from war, repression, civil conflict, poverty and environmental disaster.

The film will be introduced by Prof. Roger Bromley. There are English sub-titles.

Venue: St Martin’s Hall Tranent at 7.30pm. Admission is free. (Please note slightly later start time.)

Reflection Blessed are the hungry

“Blessed are the hungry; they shall get their fill.”
It is in our emptiness that we are filled.

It is in our confusions that we are guided.

It is in our weakness that we are strengthened.

It is in our sins that we are forgiven.

It is in our hunger that we are fed.

We believe that God has a homeland prepared for us where all our hungers will be satisfied and all our hopes will be fulfilled.

This conviction makes it possible for us to travel onwards with an ache in our hearts and an unquenchable longing in our souls.

Joke of the week

An Augustinian, a Franciscan and a Jesuit die and end up at the Pearly Gates together. Jesus asks each, “If you could go back, what would you change?”

The Augustinian ponders for a minute and says, “There’s so much sin in the world. If I went back, I’d try and make people behave better.”

The Franciscan also thinks a bit and says, “There’s so much poverty in the world. If I went back, I’d try and get people to share more of their wealth with the poor.”

The Jesuit looks at Jesus and quickly replies, “If I went back, I’d change doctors.”