RIASQ Education Committee Meeting Notes
Of July 27, 2000
Attendees:Bob Soares, Gay Vilagie, Lori LaPlume, Rich Macko, Paula Lusignan
Next Meeting:8/31/00 @ 5:30 pm @ Hearth and Kettle Restaurant
Distribution: , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Meeting Minutes and Action Items
Notes and Action Items: / Responsibility- The information on the web site is not current for the course descriptions and site directions. Joe can you please make sure you have the latest information and post on the site?
- Discussed discount plans for multiple classes by one student and multiple students by one company. One discount would be to offer a $50 coupon (for a course or seminar) if a student takes 2 classes during a rolling 12 month time frame. Is it possible on the Web Site to do a monthly purge, using a rolling 12 month period, to find students that have taken multiple classes? Joe is this possible? If not we can develop a separate data base.
- We discussed other discounts that Paula presented and all were accepted. Lori will add a note to the next flyer stating that additional discounts are available and to contact Paula for details.
- Paula to develop a letter to send to students that qualify for the multiple class discount offer. Bob to send Paula a copy of the current congratulations letter used for certification members to use as a template.
- Coto Technologies is interested in an on-site training course for internal auditing. Bob contacted Gary Christenson, but he is currently pursuing job opportunities outside of the area, and his availability is up in the air at the moment. Bob will contact Gary to determine his availability and if he is not available, whether or not he could provide course material, and we could offer another instructor with his material.
- The fall seminars on Internal Auditing and ISO 9000:2000 may be in jeopardy based on Gary’s availability. We discussed some back up strategies so that we will be able to offer the seminars if Gary is unavailable. Bob to follow up on several ideas.
- Precision Turned Components is interested in an on-site blue print reading course. Bob had Ken Wunschel contact them but they prefer an instructor to hold the classes before 3:30 pm. Ken offered that he could hold them at 4:00 pm or Saturdays. They will poll their employees and get back to Ken if this would be acceptable. Bob to investigate another possibility if they do not accept Ken’s offer.
- Bob has contacted Bill Mach to discuss finishing the DOE class. Bill mentioned he would like to do it in September but was not able to give a firm date yet. Bob to contact Bill for a firm date. Paula will contact the students once a date is set and determine how many will be taking it (12 originally signed up, 5 were definite to finish).
- Acushnet Company was inquiring if the instructor was covered under any insurance for an on-site CQT class that they were holding. We discussed this in some detail and we thought that maybe an insurance was available through National. John are you aware of any type of insurance that may be available that can cover our instructors?? This may be more of a concern in the future with the current increases in on-site classes.
- Bob to follow up with Les Costa to determine a site for the FMEA class starting in October. One possibility would be at Larson Tool & Stamping (Attleboro).
- Rich to update the spreadsheet for the paying of instructors. Bob will e-mail him the spreadsheet so Rich can update monthly before the meetings. Rich wanted to know if Patricia was now the person to send the invoices to?
General Comments:
The Fall 2000 semester is off to a good start with 70 students already registered for various courses! We anticipate a very good semester!
I would like to thank the Education Committee members, who have obviously shown tremendous dedication over the years making education in the section very successful. They have also made my transition into the Chair position very smooth.