Name ______

AP Language & Composition

Date: ______
100 Total Points

Memoir Writing Assignment

Directions: You will craft a memoir which serves as a brush stroke into your life. Objective: Utilize revision techniques to convey an authentic voice.

Chapter Options

Elementary School Piece / Personal Portrait Piece / Funny Piece / Hidden Places and Hidden Treasures Piece / Boundaries or Map Pieces / Influential Person
Middle School Piece / Family Secrets Piece / Difficult Times Piece / Mysteries Piece / Home Piece / Family Lore Piece
Old Friends Piece / Holidays and Celebrations / Ethnicity or Culture Piece / Eating, Cooking, Or Favorite Food / Parent Piece / Epiphany or Turning Point Piece
High School / Dialect, Dialogue, or Favorite Sayings / Favorite Transportations / Conscious Artist Piece / Family Trip: Car Behavior, Airport, Packing Routines / Inherited Behaviors Piece
Senior Year / On the Day I was Born / Sibling Piece / Teachers or School Worries and Woes / Grandparent Piece / Place or Spiritual Home Piece

Grading Rubric

100 / 84 / 69
Clear organization / Organization exists / Missing Organization
Smooth sentence fluency / Most sentences are fluent / Sentences are missing fluency
Voice contains personality
Delineated rhetorical devices in each chapter! / Voice is apparent
Some rhetorical devices haphazardly placed in each chapter. / Voice is missing
Weak rhetorical devices
Strong mechanics / Mechanics exist / Weak Mechanics
All components / One component missing / Several components missing

Each ChapterDue Date: ______ 25 Points

Assignment: Select a prompt from the suggested list. Be sure to give your memoir chapter a six-word memoir title! Be prepared to audit your writing group contributions.

You must include the following:

Bring six copies of the writing assignment to class. Avoid printing in class!

Checklist for Writing your Memoir
Subjective or Objective: Give your purpose and audience; is your description appropriately subjective (emphasize feelings) or objective (unemotional)?
Dominant Impression: What is the dominant impression of your subject? If you haven’t stated it, will your readers be able to express it accurately to themselves?
Point of View and Organization: Do your point of view and organization work together to make your subject clear in the readers’ minds? Are they consistent?
Details: Have you provided all the details-and just those-needed to convey your dominant impression? What needs expanding? What needs condensing or cutting?
Specific and Concrete Language: Have you used words that pin down your meaning exactly and appeal to the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell?

25 / 21 / 19 / 16
Strong Dominant Impression / GeneralDominant Impression / Vague Dominant Impression / Weak Dominant Impression
Three detailed examples
(Rhetorical Devices) / Two detailed examples
(Rhetorical Devices) / One detailed examples / Minimal example
Concrete Vocabulary / Colorful Vocabulary / Abstract Vocabulary / Weak Vocabulary
Six copies: ready upon arrival to class! You lose points if you must print in class! / One copy: requires printing out copies at the start of class / One copy: requires printing out copies at the start of class / One copy: requires printing out copies at the start of class
Focused on Group:
2 Praises
2 Suggestions / Focused on Group / Lacking Focus / Missing Valuable Components

“What Lies Behind Us And Lies Before Us Are Tiny Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Buckley ______

AP Language

___ May 2012

Carpe Diem Letter

Directions: Write a letter explaining what your life will be like in 2022. This assignment will be in an envelope; it is submitted with the memoir.

Suggested Format:

Rubric (This is included in your portfolio.) 

A / C / D / F
Central Idea / Vague Main Idea / General Main Idea / Missing Main Idea
Three detailed examples / Two detailed examples / One detailed example / Minimal example
Three transitions / Two transition / One transition / No transitions

Name: ______Writer’s Studio Reflection

Chapter 1 Topic: ______

1.Six-Word Memoir Title:
2.My Writer’s Studio Reflection:
(Prepared, Focused, Interactive)
3.My writing group praised my memoir for the following:
4.My writing group suggested my memoir include the following: /

Chapter 2 Topic: ______

1.Six-Word Memoir Title:
2.My Writer’s Studio Reflection:
(Prepared, Focused, Interactive)
3.My writing group praised my memoir for the following:
4.My writing group suggested my memoir include the following: /

Chapter 3 Topic: ______

1.Six-Word Memoir Title:
2.My Writer’s Studio Reflection:
(Prepared, Focused, Interactive)
3.My writing group praised my memoir for the following:
4.My writing group suggested my memoir include the following:

Chapter 4 Topic: ______

1.Six-Word Memoir Title:
2.My Writer’s Studio Reflection:
(Prepared, Focused, Interactive)
3.My writing group praised my memoir for the following:
4.My writing group suggested my memoir include the following: /

Chapter 5 Topic: ______

1.Six-Word Memoir Title:
2.My Writer’s Studio Reflection:
(Prepared, Focused, Interactive)
3.My writing group praised my memoir for the following:
4.My writing group suggested my memoir include the following: