SCME 203Physical Metallurgy (3 credit)

Academic Year 2017

Class Schedule: Wendesday (9:30-12:20 pm)

Room: TBC (to be confirmed)

Coordinator: Dr.KittitatSubannajui (email: )

Office SC1-201, Salaya Phone: 0890888204


Dr KittitatSubannajui (email: )

Office: B400,Phayathai campus (by appointment), Phone: 0890888204

Course Description: Metallic structure, defects, crystalization, diffusion, ferrous alloy, non-ferrous Alloy, phase transformation, microstructure and mechanical properties Basic metal forming.

Grading Policy:Course assessment will be based on the following:

Attendance: 10%

Students must attend all classes for full marks, and 80% of classes overall to pass. Late (> 10 min) will be recorded as absence.

Examination 90% (Midterm and Final)

The final grade given will be based on letter scale (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F).

Reference Material


1)Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 9th Edition, William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch, Wiley; 9 edition (November 20, 2013)

2)Physical Metallurgy, 3rd Edition, Peter Haasen, Cambridge University Press; 3 edition (April 26, 1996)

Class Schedule

Week / Topic/Description / No. of Hrs. / Teaching Activity / Instructor
17 Jan / Introduction / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
24 Jan / Atomic Bonding of Metal, Crystal Structure and Symmetry in Metals / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
31 Jan / Electrical conduction and heat conduction in metals / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
7 Feb / Magnetic property in metals / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
14 Feb / Defects in Metal / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
21 Feb / Basic Mechanical Properties of Metalsand Strengthening Mechanism / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
28 Feb / Phase Diagram of Metals / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
Midterm Exam Week
Week / Topic/Description / No. of Hrs. / Teaching Activity / Instructor
14 Mar / Ferrous Alloy and TTT Diagram / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
21 Mar / Non-Ferrous Alloy / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
28 Mar / Solidification of Metals, / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
4 Apr / Heat Treatment, Segregation, and Diffusion / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
11 Apr / Introduction to Metal Processing / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
18 Apr / Example of Metals in the applications and Industries / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
25 Apr / Failure in metals / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
2 May / Advanced Meatallugy and Discussion on metallurgy / 3 / Lecture with
PowerPoint/Quiz / KittitatSubannajui
16 / Final Exam week