Chapter 9 – Launching A New Republic (1789 – 1800)

Find the information for the questions/charts in Chapter 9 and Section 1 of Chapter 10.

Precedents of the President

Explain the significance of the 3 precedents (example established for those who

follow in the future) below that were established by George Washington during his

tenure as the first U.S. president.


Two-Term Presidency – Washington graciously stepped down after two

terms, politely declining a third term, which set

the standard for future presidents.

Cabinet –Group of advisors who head various government departments

State –Jefferson, War-Knox, Treasury- Hamilton

Mr. President – Rather than take a title of royalty like “His Excellency”

or “His Highness,” GW simply wanted to be called

“Mr. President.”

Thee Man Steps Down (A Well-Deserved Retirement)


Neutrality – U.S. should remain neutral in foreign affairs and avoid permanent alliances with foreign nations.

Political Parties – avoid political disagreements (or parties) because it will divide the nation.

Hamilton – Man With A Plan

Describe the actions taken by Alexander Hamilton to create a financially strong country.

Payment of Debts

-Federal government should pay off the war debts of states


- Taxes like the Whiskey Tax would create revenue for the govt.

Tariffs (define a tariff and provide two purposes of a tariff)

-Tariff – tax on imported goods

  1. brings in revenue to the government
  2. promotes growth of American economy by protecting U.S. industry

National Bank – 3 things its creation would accomplish

1. safe place to keep government money ($)

2. ability to make loans to businesses and the government (interest)

3. could issue paper currency (bank notes)

Here Comes The Judge(s)

How did the establishment of an independent federal court system take place?

Federal Judiciary Act - describe it and what it provided

-Passed by Congress in 1789 and provided lower federal courts,

including U.S. District Courts & U.S. Courts of Appeals

-Supreme Court would have 6 justices (now 9), including a Chief Justice

Describe how Marbury v. Madison helped define the Supreme Court’s role in the system of checks and balances and gave the Court its most significant power.

Marbury v. Madison – (1803)

-Established judicial review, which gave the Supreme Court the authority

to declarelaws unconstitutional. This gives the Supreme Court the

final say in interpreting the Constitution.

What did the U.S. government gain from the Battle of Fallen Timbers and the Treaty of Greenville?

At the Battle of Fallen Timbers, “Mad Anthony” Wayne defeated NA forces

And gained control of the Northwest Territory for the U.S. government.

Through the Treaty of Greenville, the NA’s ceded lands that are now most of Ohio and parts of Indiana.

What led to the Whiskey Rebellion and why did Thee Man believe it was important to crush it?

The Whiskey Rebellion was an armed uprising of farmers in Pennsylvania

who were protesting the whiskey tax in 1794. Washington felt it was important to show that the executive and central government were capable

of maintaining order by a showing of force, if necessary.

Party Time!

By the beginning of the 19th century, two major U.S. political parties emerge, the

Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, who had very different ideologies on how the government should be run. Find information for the charts to explain each party’s philosophy for the topics below.

Support for England or France

Federalists Democratic-Republicans

Hamilton-Adams Jefferson-Madison

- Favored British because they - Favored French because they

were most important trading were our allies in the RevWar,

partners of U.S. and French had same democratic ideals

began to seize U.S. ships so would be hypocritical to not do so

Strict or Loose Interpretation of the Constitution?

Federalists Democratic-Republicans

-Favored a loose, flexible -Favored a strict, narrow

interpretation interpretation

-The “elastic clause” of the -Powers of the federal govt.

Constitution grants powers should be clearly defined

to Congress that are not in the Constitution – otherwise

clearly defined, like the the federal government could

establishment of a National become too powerful


Payment of Debt

Federalists Democratic-Republicans

- Federal govt. needed to show - Many southern states, like Virginia,

it was responsible w/$, so it opposed this plan because they had

should pay off all states’ debts repaid their debts, so it was unfair

and debts under Articles of Conf. and favored northern states

govt. to establish credibility to U.S.

citizens and foreign nations - Also claimed it put too much power in

for future business with them the hands of the federal govt.

Establishment of a National Bank

Federalists Democratic-Republicans

- “Elastic Clause” grants power - Opposed it because nothing in the

to create National Bank Constitution states that the federal govt.

has the authority to create a Nat’l Bank

- Safe place for govt. $

- Can loan $ to businesses & govt. – Smaller, local banks should handle

the nation’s $

- Can issue bank notes (paper $)