A Vision for the Formation Office(“formation project”)

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Practical details of the projects to be determined:

the process for engaging the members of the Project Teams (job descriptions, invitations, discernment)

processes for communications among members of the Project Teams

budgets for the work of the Project Teams and the Management Team

Action Items for the Project Teams from the September 2013 NCC Meeting

- From #4 of the NCC meeting report with the action steps organized by project area

  1. The NCC decided that it is important to have consistent national guidelines and processes for Membership, Community Formation, and Group Guides. To this aim, the NCC unanimously chose to provide resources, direction and support for developing and implementing these guidelines and processes. The NCC has discerned that the following specific action steps need to be taken:

Guides Project:

  • Promoting an understanding among CLC members about the importance of the Group Guide.
  • Based on the work of the Guides Task Force, adopting a profile of the qualities expected in someone who may be called to serve as a Group Guide, and developing resources for the DSSE process by which a person would be called to serve as a Group Guide.
  • Developing a national system to increase the capacity in CLC-USA to provide a skill-oriented training process for Group Guides through a network of trainers of Group Guides.
  • Developing resources for Sending, Supporting, and the ongoing training of Group Guides in CLC-USA, by maintaining a directory of Group Guides who are trained or in training programs, by providing mentoring and by forming mutual support groups of Group Guides.

Materials Project:

  • Gathering, revising and creating community formation materials, developing a catalogued library of these resources, and making them available to trainers, group guides, and community coordinators.

Processes Project:

  • Gathering existing resources on Membership from within CLC-USA and from national communities around the world, and developing clearer consistent guidelines of what is expected of CLC members and the processes for growing in CLC membership.
  • Creating processes for engaging members, communities, and regions in an understanding of the formation of CLC members and the meaning of “commitment” in the life of a CLC member. The NCC has directed that these processes be undertaken in a spirit of flexibility and caring on the part of all who are involved.

The NCC has directed the ExCo to follow up on these action steps with the members of the three Task Forces who provided recommendations regarding these formation issues, and to provide the NCC with regular reports and with specific program actions for the NCC to consider. The ExCo will consider membership, community, and guides as a seamless fabric in the context of an ongoing formation process and form “coordinated project teams” to gather and prepare resource materials and processes for the NCC to review before their implementation begins.

The task force reports for membership, community, and guides provide further input.