Fuel Marketing Grant Announcement

PURPOSE OF FUNDING: To provide one time cost-share incentives to stimulate the timber harvesting and production capabilities within the NJ Pinelands Region thereby reducing the costs of hazardous wildland fuel reduction projects. With a limited number of logging contractors and production facilities currently in state, these incentives could be used for new or specialized equipment purchases, to locate permanent production facilities, to advertise and/or market new products, or to improve utilization of forest products through development of new technologies.

SOURCE OF FUNDING: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area State & Private Forestry- State & Private Forestry Redesign; Fuels Reduction Biomass Utilization and Marketing Grant.


WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Forest harvesting contractors, loggers or tree removal businesses; sawmills, mulch processors or other primary wood using industry; and those interested inbiomass to energy production.

QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION: The one time incentive must be directly related to increasing the use of the relatively low value wood or wood fiber within the NJ Pinelands Region. Those receiving the grant must show that they will conduct business or work exclusively within the region.Additional consideration will be given to those that have attended a Firewise in the NJ Pinelands workshop that outlines Firewise concepts and the unique fire ecology of the region.

GRANT/LOAN LIMITATIONS: Grant is a 50/50 match. Maximum sub-grant amount awarded is $10,000 when equally matched by sub-grant receiver. These sub-grants will be limited to a total of $45,000 for all awarded.

APPLICATION PROCEEDURES: Applications available upon request. Interested agencies must submit a complete application to the NJ Forest Fire Service. Applications will be ranked based on the potential impact to long term use of the wood or wood fiber harvested.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications will be received until October29, 2010.

NOTIFICATION DATE: November 15, 2010


Michael Drake, Division Firewarden

NJDEP – Division of Parks & Forestry

NJ Forest Fire Service

PO Box 404

Trenton, NJ 08625 – 0404

(609) 292-2977

Fuels Reduction Biomass Utilization and Marketing Grant


Applications will be accepted until October 29, 2010 for projects directly related to increasing the use of the relatively low value wood or wood fiber within the NJ Pinelands Region.Applications will be ranked based on the potential impact to long term use of the wood or wood fiberharvested.

Applicant Information:

Name:(Business or individual name)


City/State: Zip Code


Tax ID #:

Date Submitted:


Is your business physically located within the State of NJ?YES NO

Does it have a NJ Business Registration Certificate? YES NO

Do you conduct business or work exclusively within the Pinelands

region? YES NO

Which of the following types off business is this?

Forest harvesting Contractor, Land clearer, or Logger Tree removal business

SawmillMulch processorOther primary wood using industry

Forest product marketingBiomass to energy industryOther (describe;)

Have you participated in a Firewise in the NJ Pinelands workshop? YES NO

How will the incentive be used?

Amount Requested

The grant is a 50/50 match. Maximum sub-grant amount awarded is $10,000 when equally matched by sub-grant receiver. Up to a 25% in-kind match allowed.

How much is being requested?

What amount is being used as the in-kind match?

Amount of receipts for matching funds submitted:

For Official Use

Date Received: Score: