Teacher Observation &APPR Process

I. Introduction

The goal of this document is to present a complete APPR plan for the District which is consistent withEducation Law §3012-c and Subpart 30-2 of the Commissioner’s Regulations. This plan is set forth by the Cattaraugus Little Valley Central School District in order to comply with the mandates of the law and regulations.

This APPR procedure will result in teachers of the District, represented by the Cattaraugus Little Valley Teachers Association (CLVTA) receiving a single composite effectiveness score and a rating of highly effective,effective, developing, or ineffective. The composite score is determined as follows:

- 20% based on student growth on State assessments or other comparable measures of student growth, increased to 25% upon implementation of a value-added model (Grade 4 through ELA and math).

- 20% based on locally-selected measures of student achievement, decreased to 15% uponimplementation of a value-added model. The locally selected option includes use of Stateassessments.

- 60% based on other measures of teacher effectiveness consistent with the requirements of the lawand regulations and the selected scoring rubric.

The Education Law and regulations require negotiation of four (4) major areas of the APPR. Theseareas shall be negotiated as required by law and include:

- The procedures for selecting the 20% local measure of student achievement, but not the

substance of those measures or the assessment chosen;

- The 60% subjective or other measures of teacher effectiveness subcomponent;

- The Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP); and

- The Appeals process

II. Availability of the District’s APPR Plan

A. This Plan shall be available to the public in the District office and on the District’s web site bySeptember 10th of each year, or within 10 days after adoption of the Plan by the Board, whicheveroccurs later.

III. Data Management and Sharing

A. This Plan includes the process for ensuring that SED receives accurate teacher and studentdata, including enrollment and attendance data and any other student, teacher, school, courseand teacher/student linkage data necessary to comply with the State APPR requirements.SED will issue a timeline and format for data linkage and management. This process alsoprovides an opportunity for every classroom teacher to verify the subject and/or studentrosters assigned to him or her.

B. “Teacher of record” data elements shall be collected and verified by the teachers and theirprincipals. SED will be providing ongoing guidance for the student-teacher link verificationprocess. This Plan includes the obligation of the District to continue to monitor the latestguidance from SED’s Student Information Repository System (SIRS) at

C. The District will develop a process for teachers, principals and the superintendent to verifythe data submitted to the State is complete and accurate. The State will provide rosterverification reports to assist this process using a yet to-be-determined distribution process.

D. The District will empower the Chief Information Officer toprovide leadership on the collection of data, oversee needed changes in the local datamanagement systems, and work with the school’s BOCES and Regional Information Center (RIC) to ensure coordination with SED.

E. The district has set forth below the process it has developed for SED to receive accurateteacher and student data:

A. CLV utilizes the Power School student management system which will ensure that SED receivesaccurate teacher and student data, including enrollment and attendance data and any other student, teacher,school, course and teacher/student linkage data necessary to comply with the State APPR requirements

B. Teacher of Record is defined as an individual (or individuals, such as in a co-teaching situation) whohas been assigned responsibility for a student's learning in a subject/course with aligned performancemeasures. CLV requires all information on Teacher of Record to be included in our Power School Student Management System including multiple teachers who are assigned to a course/section, differentialweightings between teachers and individual students, as well as changes in teachers’ assignment, studentenrollment, and student attendance over the duration of the course.

IV. Measures of Student Growth - State Assessments (20 Points)

A. For school year 2012-2013, twenty (20) points of a teacher’s composite effectiveness scoreshall be based on the results of their students’ growth on state assessments compared tosimilarly achieving students.

B. For the 2011-2012 school year, the State will calculate a “student growth percentile” (SGP)for each student who takes the ELA and/or mathematics State assessment in grades 4-8. TheSGP score is a measure of a student’s progress compared to other students with similar pastacademic performance on the assessment. The District shall rely on the SGP provided to it bySED.

C. The growth score provider will adjust the students’ SGP score before assigning the teacher ascore for this subcomponent so that a teacher’s SGP result takes into account one or more ofthe following characteristics: student poverty, students with disabilities, and Englishlanguage learners. This result will be the teacher student growth percentile score (TSGPS).

D. Where necessary, results from different tested grades and/or subjects will be combined

according to a formula to be determined by the Commissioner of Education.

E. SED will then assign a score of 0 - 20 for this subcomponent, which will contribute to theeducator’s composite effectiveness score using the standards and scoring ranges for thissubcomponent as prescribed in Commissioner’s Regulations Subpart 30-2.

F. In subsequent years, SED will be changing the SGP to a “value-added score” when (if) theBoard of Regents approves the use of a value added State assessment system. The currentState assessment system is a student growth system, not a value added indicator. If thisconversion takes place, educators will receive from 0 - 25 points on their evaluations basedon their teacher value added (VA) score.

V. Measures of Student Achievement - Locally Selected Assessment (20 Points)

A. Twenty (20) points of the teacher’s composite effectiveness score shall be based upon locallyselected measures of student achievement that are determined to be rigorous and comparableacross classrooms.

B. The procedures for the selection of this measure is a negotiable matter. The District shallnegotiate those procedures with the Association.

C. The substance of the measure selected is a local decision, not subject to negotiations.

D. The options for local assessment include the following:

1. Assessments from a list of SED approved 3rd party developed tests;

2. District, regional, or BOCES developed assessments whose rigor and comparability is

verified by the district or BOCES;

3. School-wide group, or team metrics using State assessments or a District, regional or

BOCES developed assessment;

4. Student achievement on State assessment, Regents examinations and/or Department

approved alternative examinations (AP,IB, SAT II, etc.); and

5. Structured district-wide goal setting process with any State or other school or teacher

created assessment agreed to by an evaluator and teacher.

Student Growth Scores and Student Learning Objectives SLOs

  • Growth measures will constitute 40 of 100 point score for teachers
  • 40 points is split into 2 sections of 20 (STATE and LOCAL)
  • State 20 SLOs should encompass "majority" of learning throughout the course of the year - most standards
  • The state 20 assessments are district decision
  • Local 20 SLOs are negotiated and can be a smaller area of focus (sub skill or sub population)
  • Each teacher will need to have an SLO for STATE and LOCAL measures
  • Each teacher will need to pre-test in mid-October for both STATE and LOCAL measures
  • EACH teacher will need to post-test in May-June for STATE and LOCAL Measures
  • The district will utilize state, district created and 3rd party assessments
  • The Superintendent will need to certify all district created assessments
  • Teachers of ELA - MATH in grades 4-8 will not need a STATE SLO as their scores will derive from NYSED
  • After each pre-test is corrected by the teacher the teacher must complete the following form: SLO Template
  • When filing out the template, teachers should refer to this document for guidanceSLO Guidance (CLV)
  • The teacher and evaluator will then meet to set targets for the students within that teacher's SLO
  • At that time, the teacher will be informed of the HEDI criteria for their SLO (i.e. - What percent of students need to obtain the SLO targets and what HEDI score that equates to)
  • The teacher will be awarded points in each SLO for the percent of students meeting their goals.
  • It needs to be possible to obtain every point value on the HEDI scale

VI. The Other Measures of Teacher Effectiveness - (60 Points)

A. Sixty (60) points of a teacher’s composite effectiveness score shall be based on multiplemeasures aligned with the New York State Teaching Standards.

B. Under the 60% Other Measures subcomponent of the evaluation, the Districts shall assess itsteachers using one of the practice rubrics approved by the Department

C. The District shall review the SED list, contact the appropriate vendors/providers from thatlist, and negotiate which rubric it will use for its APPR Plan (SED link to the approvedrubrics:

  • 60 Points of the 100 will be based from evidence based observation of practice
  • Lesson Observations
  • Lesson Plans
  • Portfolio
  • Walk through observation
  • 40 Points based on student growth and performance measures

Teacher Observations

  • Each tenured teacher will have two formal classroom observations
  • One of the two observations will be un-announced
  • Non - tenured teachers will be observed three times (1 un-announced)
  • The observations will be evidence based on the NYSUT RUBRIC
  • The NYSUT rubric assesses the NYS Teaching Standards
  • The teaching standards are:
  • I. Knowledge of Students and Student Learning
    II.Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning
    III. Instructional Practice
    IV.Learning Environment
    V. Assessment for Student Learning
    VI. Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration
    VII. Professional Growth
  • The following ratings will be awarded per INDICATORS on the NYSUT Rubric
  • Highly Effective - 4 points
  • Effective - 3 points
  • Developing - 2 points
  • Ineffective - 1 point
  • 50% of the INDICATORS within each teaching standard should be assessed during a lesson observation
  • Indicator scores will be averaged to obtain a score for each teaching standard
  • At the conclusion of each observation cycle scores for each standards will be averaged to obtain a 1-4 score for the lesson
  • The final lesson score falls on the following scale for rating
  • Highly Effective 3.7-4.0
  • Effective 2.9 - 3.6
  • Developing 1.9-2.8
  • Ineffective 0 - 1.8
  • The overall composite score the teacher will receive will be an average of his or her standard score from each observation
  • An observation cycle consists of a pre-observation meeting, observation, and post observation conference.
  • Teachers should bring a typed copy of his or lesson plan to the pre-observation meeting as well as submit it to the evaluator via email.
  • Teachers will be assessed on teaching standards 1 and 2 during the pre-observation meeting
  • Evidence from the teacher's lesson plan and evaluator notes will be aligned to indicators in standards 1 and 2 and scored as outlined above
  • During a formal lesson observation, teachers will be assessed on teaching standards 3,4,5
  • Evaluator notes on teacher and student behavior and student work will be used as evidence to align to teaching standards 3,4,5 and scored on a 1-4 scale as outlined above. Furthermore, notes from the post observation conference may be aligned to standards 3,4,5,6, or 7.

Walk Through Observations

  • In the event that an evaluator feels more evidence is needed to obtain a score of any of the teaching standards, a walk-through observation can be used to collect evidence
  • Teachers will be notified of any walk-through observations that will occur and the intended target indicator for evidence collection, but not limited to the intended target
  • Principals will make every attempt to accomplish a notified walk through within two weeks of notice
  • A walk-through observation is defined as a 10-15 minute observation
  • No more than 4 walk throughs per year will be conducted per teacher

Teacher Portfolios

  • In order to assess teaching standards 6,7 teachers are asked to compile of portfolio that documents ways in which he or she meets the ELEMENTS within teaching standard 6 and 7.
  • The district has created binder dividers for teachers to use
  • Evidence collected in the binders will be assessed by the evaluator with the NYSUT rubric and indicators will receive a 1-4 score within each standard
  • Approximately 50% of indicators should be assessed within each standard
  • Portfolio binders should be submitted to each evaluator by the Monday after spring recess.
  • Teacher may choose to do a digital portfolio
  • Teachers should refer to the NYSUT rubric's "highly effective" ratings for guidance as to what type of evidence to submit
  • Evidence in a teacher portfolio should be clearly marked and a table of contents should be included that lists evidence aligned to indicator
  • Indicator scores will be averaged to obtain a score for each teaching standard
  • Scored for standards 6 and 7 will then be averaged to obtain a final portfolio rating of 1-4
  • The final portfolio score falls on the following scale for rating
  • Highly Effective 3.7-4.0
  • Effective 2.9 - 3.6
  • Developing 1.9 - 2.8
  • Ineffective 0 - 1.8

Arriving a 60 Point Score

  • Each standard 1-7 will be scored on 1-4 scale with teachers as outlined above
  • A teacher's average score per standard will count toward the 60 points
  • Scores for standards 1-7 will be averaged to obtain an overall 1-4 rating
  • The following scale will used to convert the 1-4 rating to a 0-60 rating

VII. Scoring and Rating of Evaluations

A. Each classroom teacher shall be rated Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective(HEDI) based on a single composite effectiveness score that is calculated based on the scoresreceived by the teacher in each of the subcomponents set forth herein.

B. For the 2011-2012 school year, the Commissioner of Education has set the scoring ranges forthe overall rating categories and the rating categories for the State assessment and the locallyselected measures subcomponents.

C. The District is required and shall negotiate the point ranges for each level for the 60 pointsmeasuring the subjective (or “Other”) areas of Teacher Effectiveness.

D. The District is required and shall negotiate and set specific scoring ranges for each performancelevel within the Subjective Measure of the Teacher Effectiveness subcomponent. The District iscommitted to making the process by which these points are assigned and the scoring rangestransparent.

Composite Scoring

  • Scores from STATE (20), LOCAL (20) and Observation of Practice (60) will be added together to determine a teacher effectiveness score
  • The following ratings will apply according to NYS APPR regulations
  • 91-100 Highly Effective
  • 75-90 Effective
  • 65 - 75 Developing
  • 0-64 Ineffective

III. Training of Evaluators and Lead Evaluators

A. The District must ensure evaluators have appropriate training before conducting evaluations as partof the Other Measures of Teacher Effectiveness. All evaluators should be appropriately trained onthe new APPR requirements, but only lead evaluators need to be certified. The District shallprovide appropriate training and certify lead evaluators.

B. The lead evaluator is the primary person responsible for a teacher’s evaluation. Typically, the leadevaluator is the person who completes and signs the summative APPR. To the extent possible, theprincipal or his/her designee shall be the lead evaluator of a classroom teacher.

C. An evaluator is any individual who conducts an evaluation of a teacher, including any person whoconducts an observation or assessment as part of a teacher evaluation. For teachers, an evaluatormay be a principal or other trained administrator, or an independent trained evaluator or in-schoolpeer teachers.

D. Districts shall either choose to use the SED training program issued through the network teams fortheir certification process or develop or contract for their own training and evaluator certificationprogram.

E. Training shall be linked to the selected rubric. The District shall coordinate with the selected rubricprovider in regards to the training and certification of evaluators and lead evaluators. Such trainingand recertification, shall, as required by the Commissioner’s regulations, include a process forensuring maintenance of certification, a process for ensuring inter-rater reliability and a process forrecertifying lead evaluators.

F. In order to address the issue that there may not be a sufficient number of certified evaluators for the2011-2012 school year, the APPR regulations were adjusted to allow for certified schooladministrators and superintendents of schools to conduct classroom observations as part of anAPPR. The certified school administrator, however, must be enrolled in the training andsuccessfully complete the program prior to the completion of the teacher’s evaluation.

G. As part of the APPR Plan, the district sets forth below its agreed upon training strategy anddesignated evaluators and lead evaluators accordingly:

IX. Teacher Improvement Plans (TIPs)

A. Upon a teacher rating of “Developing” or “Ineffective” through the APPR, the District shalldevelop and commence implementation of a Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) for theindividual teacher.

B. The TIP shall be developed locally. Negotiations are required of the format for such teacherimprovement plans. TIPs must be implemented no later than 10 days after the date on whichteachers are required to report prior to the opening of classes for the school year.

C. In accordance with Commissioners regulations, each individual TIP must include at least:

1. Identification of needed areas of improvement;

2. A timeline for achieving improvement;

3. The manner in which improvement will be assessed; and

4. Where appropriate, differentiated activities to support the individual’s improvement in thoseareas.

D. The TIP shall describe the professional learning activities the educator is expected to complete andthese shall be connected to the areas needing improvement.

E. The supervisor shall state in the TIP the additional support and assistance that the educator willreceive.

F. In the final stages of the TIP, the teacher shall meet with his/her supervisor to review the planalongside any artifacts and evidence from evaluations in order to provide a final, summative ratingfor the teacher.