Fairy-tale creatures

Who can you see in these pictures? Fill in the correct word. Choose from the words in the grid.

a dragon - a fairy - the big bad wolf - the seven dwarfs - puss-in-boots

- the three pigs - a knight - Pinocchio - a queen

……………………. …………………….. ………………………...

……………………….. …………………………... …………………….

………………………… ………..……………………. ……………………...

Choose 2 of the above fairy-tale creatures.

Use the internet to find information about them (e.g. their story).




Capture in the forest

Lord Farquaad is on a hunt. Try to fill in the correct word before he catches you. Choose from the words in the grid.

old (x2) - small - blue - wooden - flying - big - possessed - little (x2) - green - real - talking (x4) - magic

Lord Farquaad wants to ban all fairy-tale creatures. His soldiers come to the forest to capture them all. Gepetto wants to sell his ……………………… puppet to the soldiers. But Pinocchio doesn’t want to go and shouts: “I’m not a puppet, I’m a ……………………… boy!”

Soldier: “I will give you 5 shillings for this ……………………………… toy.”

In the meanwhile the 3 bears are captured and put in a …………………………… cage. Next in line is an ……………………………… lady who has a …………………………… donkey.

Lady: “This is my ……………………… donkey.”

Soldier: “Can you prove this?”

Lady (to the donkey): “ Talk ………………………… fellow!” But the donkey refuses. The ……………………… lady gets a ……………………………… nervous.

Suddenly a fairy tries to escape and all her …………………………… powder falls on the donkey. The donkey now flies through the …………………………… sky and shouts: “I’m a ……………………………… , …………………………………… donkey!”

But the powder loses his force and the ……………………………… donkey falls down. The soldiers now want to capture him. The donkey runs for his life, when he meets a ………………………… , ……………………… ogre.

A helping hand for Shrek

Shrek doesn’t know what all these words mean. Can you help him?

Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the following words.

to prove : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

to be possessed : ………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………

to seize : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

a resettlement : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

a witch : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

a cage : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

stubborn : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

a puppet : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

a donkey : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

a guard : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

There are different kinds of novels and films (e.g. thriller, comedy, …). Shrek knows the different kinds, but he isn’t telling. So, it’s up to you. Use the internet to find out what kind of films these are.

Shrek : ……………………………………………………………………………………………

28 Days Later : ………………………………………………..………………………………

Love Actually : …………………………………………………………………………………

The Matrix : ……………………………………………………………………………………

The Lord of the Rings : …………………………………………………………………

Minority Report : …………………………………………..………………………………

Ice Age : ………………………………………………………….………………………………

Money, money, money

Read the following texts and answer the questions.

1. Pound

2. Dollar

3. Euro

Pound / Dollar / Euro
1 pound / £1 / $1.9107 / € 1.4861
1 dollar / £0.5304 / $1 / € 0.7829
1 euro / £0.6776 / $1.2810 / € 1

New vocabulary

To add: optellen

An amount: bedrag, hoeveelheid

A labourer: arbeider

To earn <-> to spend

Questions on the text :

1.  How many shillings are there in a pound?


2.  What do you get when you add £1 3s 6d and £5 18s 11d together?


3.  How do you say £2 5s 7d ?


4.  In 1896 a farm labourer earned ...... a week.

5.  On which word is the word “dollar” based?


6.  Give to possible explanation for the use of the American dollar sign ($).

-  ......


-  ......


7.  What is the meaning of the “€” sign?


8.  Which monetary unit is the most valuable? The euro, the pound or the dollar?


Magic puzzle

A fairy has lost some magic powder. This way all the words are changed into descriptions. Try to find these words and solve the crossword puzzle.

1.  a small person with pointed ears who has magic powers in children's stories

2.  large strong building, built in the past by a ruler or important person to protect the people inside from attack

3.  describes something that is created by and exists only in the mind; that is not real f.i.: an………………………….. friend

4.  a person who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great

5.  a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events ( f.i. : a bedtime ...... )

6.  an imaginary creature like a man but extremely tall, strong and usually very cruel, appearing especially in children's stories

7.  to have a magical effect on someone or something: to .....

8.  to think that something is true, correct or real: to ...... in

9.  spoken words which are thought to have magical power: to cast a ......

10.  a traditional story written for children which usually involves imaginary creatures and magic



Do you believe in ...... ?

Answer the questions and afterwards we’ll have a class discussion about it.

Do you believe in fairy-tales? Why (not) ?



In what did you believe when you were little? ( Santa Claus, mermaids, elves, ... )





Why is it that children have more imagination than adults?




Do you think imagination is a good thing? Why (not)?






As good as Shrek?

Write down your own fairy-tale. Let your imagination work !


·  Write at least 15 lines.

·  Pay attention to your language.

·  Be creative.

Once upon a time














Formation objectives

Language: The pupils get an introduction on the adjectives

The pupils are able to talk about imagination.

The pupils are able to write a fairy-tale.

Learning Strategies: 14: The pupils are able to consult their knowledge of the English

language in order to do exercises, especially creative writing.

15: The pupils are able to question themselves about a certain


20: Pupils learn that visualization is a means to memorize new


Personality Formation: 3: The pupils dare to speak up for their opinion in front of their


6: The pupils are willing to listen to each other and respect each

other’s opinion.

7: The pupils are polite in conversations with others.

World Orientation: The pupils are able to find out the difference between monetary

units. They get to know something more about the different


Teaching activities

First the pupils watch a part of the movie. Then they try to solve exercise 1 and 2. They do the exercises individually. Afterwards they get corrected.

Then the pupils read the text ‘Money, money, money’. They try to solve the questions individually.

In pairs the pupils solve the magic puzzle.

‘Do you believe in … ?’ is a class discussion. First the pupils give an answer to the questions, so that later on, in the class discussion, they already have thought about the questions. This way it’s easier to speak in class.

Writing their own story gives the pupils the chance to be very creative and to use their imagination. Afterwards a few pupils can tell their story in front of the class.


Sociale vaardigheden:

De leerlingen kunnen zich als persoon present stellen: uitkomen voor de eigen mening en deze beargumenteren.

De leerlingen kunnen respect en waardering voor anderen opbrengen: de eigenheid van medeleerlingen accepteren en waarderen.

De leerlingen kunnen in een groepsdiscussie hun mening weergeven, handhaven en bijsturen.

These 3 are all linked with the class discussion about imagination.