First American Polar Explorer Scavenger Hunt

Created by: Susan Magarie

Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Third Grade students at St. Thomas have investigated famous first American explorers of the Polar Regions.

The assignment: You and a partner will act as newspaper reporters and research facts about a famous ‘first’ American explorer of the Polar Regions. After you have gathered your facts, you and your partner will construct a newspaper containing all relevant information about your chosen explorer. You may add other materials to your newspaper to give it flare (for example: a crossword puzzle, comics section, weather report, etc.). Remember to focus on the theme of your paper when adding any additional items. This is both a home & in-class assignment. Each partner will be responsible for his/her share of the newspaper. A zero will be issued to any student who comes to class unprepared. Due date: Jan. 16th.


1.  It must be on a 12 x 18 white construction paper, folded in half.

2.  You will be graded on the following elements:

a)  Newspaper contains five facts about polar explorer & quality of articles is well written and contains no errors in spelling, grammar and/or mechanics.

b)  A timeline is outline on polar explorer.

c)  Additional ‘add-ons’ are provided such as crossword puzzle, word search, cartoons, etc.

d)  Newspaper contains five or more graphics pertaining to assigned polar explorer.

e)  Catchy title & beginning opening summary is evident.

f)  Appearance of Newspaper is well laid out.

g)  Group participation is evident

List of First American Polar Explorers

Below is a list of famous first American explorers who braved the coldest & harshest regions of both the Arctic & Antarctica. Each explorer became the first at discovering people, land, and/or passages. You and a partner will research one of these famous people and create a newspaper about them. Due date of this assignment: Jan. 16th.

Ann Bancroft

Louise A. Boyd

Richard Byrd

Richard H. Cruzen

Dr. James Eights

George W. Gibbs

Matthew Henson

Nathaniel Palmer

Robert Peary

Finn Ronne

Will Steger

Recommended Websites to Use

Various Polar Explorers

Various Polar Explorers

Exploration Timeline of Explorers

This site will help you with your timeline


George W. Gibbs, Jr.

Facts about Arctic Exploration

Robert E. Peary

Richard Evelyn Byrd

Richard E. Byrd

Matthew Henson

Matthew Henson

Louise A. Boyd

Louise Boyd

Admiral Richard H. Cruzen

Ann Bancroft

Ann Bancroft

Will Steger

Will Steger

Finn Ronn

Nathaniel Palmer

Dr. James Eights


Name: ______

Date: January 16, 2009

Appearance: Neatness of layout, organization & readability of material. / Newspaper is artistically laid out, colorful, and demonstrates complete understanding of project. / Newspaper is lovely, well laid out and demonstrates understanding of project. / Newspaper is acceptable in regards to layout, organization, and neatness. / Newspaper is messy, difficult to read, and/or demonstrate poor understanding of project.
Content: Facts, details, timeline, of exploration, accomplishments,
etc. / Newspaper contains many facts and details of exploration and contains additional features of explorer’s accomplishments. / Newspaper contains one or two additional facts & details of explorer & his/her accomplishments. / Newspaper contains required number of facts & details of explorer and his/her accomplishments. / Newspaper lacks the required number of facts & details of explorer and his/her accomplishments.
Spelling, grammar, and
mechanics / Newspaper is error free of all grammar, spelling & mechanics. / Newspaper contains 1 -2 errors in spelling, grammar or mechanics. / Newspaper contains 3 -4 errors in spelling, grammar or mechanics. / Newspaper contains many errors in spelling grammar or mechanics.
Writing: Quality of written
summarization. / Newspaper exemplifies a well written paper. / Newspaper is nicely written. / Newspaper’s quality of work is average. / Newspaper’s quality of work is poorly written.
Graphics: Pictures, drawings or designs / Newspaper contains many graphics. / Newspaper contains the required number of graphics. / Newspaper contains the required number of graphics. / Newspaper lacks graphics or is poorly laid out.
Group Grade &
Participation / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

Teacher’s comment: ______