15th December 2016

Dear Parents and Carers

I write at the end of what has been a very pleasing and productive Autumn term for staff and students at Saint Paul’s Catholic High School. Please see the school website for our termly “Caritas” Magazine and “The Good News” weekly newsletter which details many of the wonderful achievements of our students this term. I have highlighted below some important information which I hope you will find useful.

Christmas Holidays

On Friday 16th December we will celebrate Mass at Saint Anthony’s Church, Woodhouse Park. We will be leaving school by coach at 9am and returning at approximately 12:30pm.

The school will close for students on Friday 16th December at 1.20pm and reopen on Wednesday 4th January 2017 at 8.40am.

Important Dates

·  Wednesday 4th January 2017 - Spring Term begins and School reopens at 8.40am

·  Monday 9th January 2017 - GCSE Awards Evening

·  Thursday 25th January 2017- Consultation Day for Years 8 and 11

·  Monday 30th January -3rd February 2017 – Year 11 PPE Week

·  Thursday 9th February 2017 – Year 8 Pathways Evening (GCSE Options)

·  Friday 17th February 20147 – Staff INSET Day. School closed for all students

·  Monday 20th February – Friday 24th February 2017 – Spring Half Term

Behaviour and Uniform Policy

I would like to thank all of you who have ensured that the standard of your child’s uniform and appearance has been so good. At Saint Paul’s we are very proud of our uniform and we encourage all the students to wear it with a sense of pride. Full details of our school uniform are on the school website, as is the uniform policy which is clear and unequivocal on all matters of uniform. This can be found at the following link http://www.st-paulshigh.net/parents/policies/

Ø  Make-up and jewellery

Students are not permitted to wear make-up, nail varnish or false nails in school. Jewellery is restricted to one small stud in each ear-lobe of ears that are pierced. Facial piercings including nose, tongue and upper ear are strictly prohibited.

Ø  Shoes

Shoes must be black, must not be above the ankle and must not be trainers. Canvas shoes, plimsolls or pumps are not suitable school shoes.

Ø  Hooded Tops

Hooded tops are not to be worn in school.

Ø  Skirts

The uniform policy for female students is a black knee length skirt or tailored full length trousers (no stretchy or tight skirts, skinny /tight trousers or jeans, track suit bottom, culottes, ski pants, leggings or jeggings).

Ø  Hairstyles

Hair styles must be of a natural colour and style and “long top / short side” haircuts are not permitted.

By adhering to the above, students can avoid unnecessary absence which could ultimately lead to a Fixed Penalty Fine being issued.

Smart Watches

Smart watches enable students to access the Internet. As the watch is worn on the wrist, it is constantly accessible and therefore impossible to monitor and restrict the use of this technology in school. Please be advised that the Senior Leadership Team have taken the decision to prohibit the wearing of smart watches in school at all times.

A reminder that the use of mobile phones is prohibited during the school day.

Attendance and punctuality

Excellent attendance and punctuality is vital to the success of your child’s education. We believe that good time keeping is an important life skill that will prepare your child for success in future education and employment. In order to support our students in achieving this we will be implementing the following procedures:

·  Students who arrive late to school (after 8.45am) will be marked as late at the late gate (before 9:05am) and their name taken at reception if they arrive after this time. Students who arrive after the close of registration will receive a U code on the register. This is an unauthorised absence.

·  Parents will receive a text message to inform them that their child was late to school and will be issued with a detention at lunchtime.

·  Every student who arrives late for school will have a detention for 20 minutes during lunchtime of the same day.

·  Students will have the opportunity to get their lunch after the detention.

·  Students who do not attend the detention will then follow the school behaviour for learning policy and will be issued with additional behaviour points. They will also be expected to complete a 30 minute detention after school on the same day.

Finally, I would like to thank our parents, carers and families for your continued support. With every blessing and prayer for a peaceful, happy and Holy Christmas.

Yours sincerely

Tony Billings

Executive Head teacher