Disposition Rubric for KH 3700

Disposition / Unsatisfactory – 0 / Basic - 1 / Proficient – 2 / Distinguished - 3
Attendance / Exhibits a pattern of tardiness or absence when group meetings and/or class meetings are scheduled. Fails to contact course instructor prior to absence to make arrangements for missed work. Takes breaks at a frequency greater than the rest of the group. / Occasionally misses a group/class meeting or arrives late but usually notifies course instructor in advance with a reason. Makes provisions for turning in missed work at an acceptable time. Provides a reason to course instructor at an appropriate time for missing if has not called ahead / Consistently attends group/class meetings. When absent, course instructor is notified in advance. Assignments are turned in on time, despite the absence. Rarely arrives late, but when forced to do so, quietly assumes a seat with group or position in class and begins working with minimal disruptions. / Arrives for group/class meetings early. When forced to miss or be late, makes prior arrangements with course instructor. Assignments are always in prior to an absence. Only unusual circumstances will cause tardiness for group/class meeting.
In-group performance / Is inattentive in class. Does not take notes when appropriate. May work on assignments for other classes, complete work which should have been completed prior to class, falls asleep during class, reads a newspaper, talks on the phone, sends text messages, checks messages, rarely participates in class sessions. / Pays attention to what is happening in class, taking notes when appropriate. Stays on task and accomplishes tasks, can respond appropriately when asked questions by the teacher. / Is actively engaged in class meeting. Volunteers to respond to questions. Participates in class and group discussions saying on task and focused. Attempts to understand important concepts. / Shows initiative in class work. Always knows what is happening with the class. Has read assignments and understands important concepts. Is prepared to ask questions about material which is difficult to understand.
Preparation / Gets work done quickly with little emphasis on quality. Is more interested in completing the assignment than learning what the assignment has to teach. Procrastinates when given an assignment, completing it at the last minute. Assignments may be late or not completed at all. / Meets assignment deadlines with acceptable levels of work. Uses some outside resources to complete assignment but mostly relies on information presented in class. Begins projects with enough time to allow satisfactory completion. / Assignments are turned in on time. They are usually completed ahead of time to allow for unanticipated problems. Student seeks new resources or additional information which enhances the quality of the work. / Quality of work suggests personal revision and reflections. Work is of exceptional quality with many additional resources used to add to the score and depth of the project. Student goes the “extra mile” when completing assignments
Disposition / Unsatisfactory – 0 / Basic - 1 / Proficient – 2 / Distinguished - 3
Group work / When working with others fails to do a fair share of the work. Puts forth minimal effort. Does not relate well to others. / Works with other members of the class and does a fair share of the load. Shows up on time for meetings. / Shows up on time and may come early or stay late if asked. Does what is needed to ensure the quality of the class and projects and success of the group. / Shows up early and leaves late if necessary. Willingly contributes necessary time and effort to the class. Does everything possible to ensure the quality of the class and projects and success of the group.
Respect for class rules / Follows rules only after reminder from peers or teacher. Wants exceptions to be made for his/her behaviors. Tries to find a way to avoid the system and get around established rules. / Follows rules and meets expectations without being reminded by peers or teachers. Respects and understands the need for class and department policies and tries to abide by them. Acts responsibly for breaches of rules/policies. / Obeys all course and department rules and encourages others to do the same. Understands the purpose of the rules and respects their intent. Consistently follows all rules and policies without question or complaints. Willingly accepts responsibility for breaches of rules/policies. / Reminds others about following class and department rules altering them to any infractions or inappropriate conduct. Always displays appropriate behavior relative to rules and policies. Is an exemplar to others for following class and department rules.
Emotional control/responsibility / May have outbursts of anger or display other types of inappropriate behavior. Is disrespectful to peers and others. Loses temper and is unable to maintain composure. Unwilling to listen to the perspectives of others when they differ from his/her own. / Maintains control of emotions even when in situations which may trigger negative feelings. Avoids unpleasant confrontations. Will walk away from a confrontation to regain self-control. Will listen to the perspectives of others that may differ from his/her own. / Displays appropriate emotions. Listens to perspectives of others and takes this viewpoint into consideration. Is receptive to those offering suggestions for improvement. Demonstrates empathy for others. Displays a sense of humor and a willingness to get along with others. / Always maintains composure. Expresses frustration in appropriate manner. Respectful to those differing points of vies as an opportunity to gain deeper perspectives and understandings. Overall disposition is pleasant and enjoyable to be around.
Communication / Uses incorrect grammar while speaking. Frequent lack of use of person first terminology. Limited communications kills (written & oral). Presents a negative impression with body language. / Uses correct grammar most of the time while talking with others. May use some incorrect terminology. Can convey ideas accurately to others in either written or oral form. Body language portrays an individual interested in what he/she is doing and concern for personal best / Uses correct grammar while speaking with others and during written communication. Avoids the use of politically incorrect language. Can convey ideas to others in an accurate and efficient manner both in writing and oral form. / Speaks eloquently in front of others. Language is free of politically incorrect terminology. Encourages others to use person first terminology. Can articulate ideas and make convincing arguments for a cause in both oral and written form.