JSA Determination of the Applicability of 10CFR830, Subpart B Requirements

Robert May

Executive Summary

JLab reviewed work areas to determine if any activities and operations exist that fall under the regulatory requirements of 10CFR830 Subpart B, Safety Basis Requirements. Based on an inventory of radioactive sources and their use, JLab possesses two radioactive sources (Cs-137 and Am-241/Be) that exceed the quantity for Category 3 Nuclear Facility designation in DOE-STD-1027. However, these sources used in direct support of accelerator operations as radiological instrument calibration sources. As mentioned in the DOE letter dated February 10, 2009, subject 10 CFR 830 SUBPART B, SAFETY BASIS REQUIREMENTS APPLICABILITY REVIEW, accelerators or accelerator operations are excluded. These two radioactive sources mentioned above are directly associated with the accelerator safety program and are required for accelerator operations by DOE Order 420.2B. They were manufactured and purchased as special form sources. Special form sources are exempt under DOE-STD-1027.

10CFR830 also specifically exempts calibration sources. The lowest risk category of facility categories in 10CFR830 is the “non-reactor nuclear facility”. A non-reactor nuclear facility is not based on, nor "does not include activities involving only incidental use and generation of radioactive materials or radiation such as check and calibration sources". According to 10CFR830.3, accelerators and their operations are not considered “non-reactor nuclear facilities.”

Other derivative research activities at JLab use radioactive sources. Although these research activities are not directly associated with accelerator operations, the radioactive sources in use are well below DOE-STD-1027 threshold values. In addition, radioactive source use is only incidental to these activities and 10CFR830.3 excludes these activities from consideration as nonreactor nuclear facilities.

All radioactive sources in use at JLab are managed with the same robust program developed by the Radiation Control Department (RCD) to comply with the requirements of 10CFR835. Excepting special form sources, it is interesting to note that the sum of all other radioactive sources at JLab does not exceed any threshold quantity in DOE-STD-1027. The sum of the ratios of all other radioactive sources with their respective Category 3 limit in Std-1027 is < 1. With this robust radioactive source management, including procurement controls and experiment review, it is virtually impossible to develop a situation where JLab inadvertently exceeds any threshold quantity in DOE-STD-1027.


On Feb. 10, 2009, Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO) Manager Jim Turi, requested that the Jefferson Lab (JLab) Director, Hugh Montgomery, conduct a review of lab spaces and operations to determine if facilities, activities, or operations exist that fall under 10CFR830 Subpart B, Safety Basis Requirements. The memo indicated that Jefferson Science Associates’ (JSA) response to this request should document how conclusions were reached regarding the applicability of 10CFR830 Subpart B.


According to 10CFR830.3 the applicability of 830 is based on, “…an inventory of all radioactive materials within a nuclear facility; …the safety basis requirements only apply to hazard category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities and do not apply to nuclear facilities below hazard category 3.” Inventory of all radioactive material at JLab proves that radioactive sources at JLab are either below DOE-STD-1027 thresholds or exempted from consideration; JLab has two radioactive sources that exceed Category 3 but they are exempted from 10CFR830 as calibrations sources and exempted from DOE-STD-1027 because they are special form. Excepting these two calibration sources, the sum of the all other radioactive sources at JLab combined does not exceed a fraction of DOE-STD-1027 Category 3 thresholds; it is impossible to assemble enough radioactive material from the current inventory to create a source that exceeds DOE-STD-1027 thresholds. The sum of all other radioactive sources at JLab divided by their respective DOE-STD-1027 Cat 3 threshold is approximately 0.088. By careful inventory of radioactive material, JLab cannot be considered a nuclear facility.

According to 10CFR830.3, accelerators and their operations are not considered “non-reactor nuclear facilities.” [Nonreactor nuclear facility… does not include accelerators and their operations and does not include activities involving only incidental use and generation of radioactive materials or radiation such as check and calibration sources, use of radioactive sources in research and experimental and analytical laboratory activities, electron microscopes, and X-ray machines.] The only activities where 10CFR830 may be of concern are those that are: a) not in direct support of accelerator operations and

b) that use radioactive material for more than just incidental use or in quantities that exceed those in DOE-STD-1027 and are not special form.

Derivative research activities associated with JLab are secondary education outreach, radiation detector and imaging development, superconducting radiofrequency accelerator technology development, and cryomodule fabrication. These activities are subject to work planning and control processes in wide use at JLab; it is known that none of these activities generate radioactive material. Only the Radiation Detector and Imaging Group, and Science Education, use radioactive sources incidental to the development of detectors and imaging devices. Consequently, JLab activities are not considered those of a nonreactor nuclear facility.

The following information supports JSA’s conclusions as presented above:

Assessment Methodology

Review of Planned Maintenance and Installation Work at the Lab

ESH&Q Staff conducts reviews of planned work. These reviews are documented in Accelerator Division and Physics Division related “task lists.” This activity is ongoing.

Review of Experimental Activities

The RCG develops a Radiation Safety Assessment Document (RSAD) for each Experimental Equipment Review (E2R). In the RSAD, the RCG reviews the experimental target setup for each physics experiment and specifies handling restrictions on target materials irradiated by the beam and any radioactive sources associated with an experiment. Documents are available for review through RCD. The E2R process applies to experimental activities at both the CEBAF and FEL accelerators. The ESH&Q Deputy routinely reviews information used to generate RSADs.

Review of Planned Work with other Entities

In addition, the ESH&Q AD or Deputy conducts ongoing reviews of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with JSA prior to their enactment.

To validate reviews of planned work and experimental activities, the ESH&Q Deputy conducted interviews with the Division Safety Officer (DSO) or designee for Accelerator and Physics Divisions, the Radiation Detector and Imaging Group Leader in Physics Division, and Science Education Department staff.

Radioactive Source Inventory

The ESH&Q Deputy also reviewed of Radioactive Source Inventory and Logs and discussed source usage and locations with w/ Radiation Control Group (RCG) Deputy. [A recent Peer Review with a focus on radioactive source control provided valuable feedback to the RCD. Once the results of this peer review are incorporated into RCG practice and procedure, it will strengthen an already robust source control program.]

Tables 1 and 2 provide summary data on activities, their locations, and the type of radioactive materials in those locations. Table 3 is an inventory of all radioactive sources at JLab, their quantities, and their locations. Table 2 denotes the two sources, Cs-137 and Am-241/Be mentioned in the Executive Summary.

Table 1, Activities and Work Locations Directly Associated With Accelerator Operations

Activity / Location(s) / Sealed Sources / Radioactive Materials
Experimental Physics Program Support
Bldgs. 1, 2, / Sealed source use radiation protection detector testing
Accelerator Enclosure plus Bldgs. 101, 94, 96, 96D / Sealed source use radiation protection detector and experimental physics detector testing / Radioactive materials from incidental generation due to accelerator ops
Bldgs. 90 , 91, 92, 95 / Sealed source use for radiation protection detector testing / Radioactive materials from incidental generation due to accelerator ops
Bldg. 52, Trailers 52 (A, B, C) / Sealed source use for radiation protection detector testing / Radioactive materials from incidental generation due to accelerator ops
Bldg. 54 / Sealed source use for radiation protection detector testing
Bldgs. 38, 67 / Sealed source use for radiation protection detector testing / Radioactive materials from incidental generation due to accelerator ops
Bldg. 85 / Sealed source use for radiation protection detector testing
Bldgs. 58, 72, 87, 90, and Trailers 34. / Radioactive materials from incidental generation due to accelerator ops

Table 2, Activities and Work Locations Not Directly Associated With Accelerator Operations

Activity / Location / Sealed Source Use / Radioactive Materials
FEL Program and Support Activities / Bldg. 18, Trailers 41 (A, B, C) / Sealed source use radiation protection detector and experimental physics detector testing / Radioactive materials from incidental generation due to accelerator ops
SRF R&D / Bldg. 90 / Sealed source use for radiation protection detector testing
Medical Detector Development / Bldg. 12, Bldg. 58, Bldg. 90, ARC / Sealed source use for medical radiation detector development/testing
Science Education / Bldg. 28 / Sealed source use for Science Education detectors

Table 3, Current Radioactive Sources Inventory

Source S/N / Isotope / Type / Amount, uCi / Custodian
001 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 0.3 / RCG
002 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 0.3 / RCG
003 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 0.3 / RCG
015 / Am-Be / Gamma / 30000.0 / RCG
016-E / Cs-137 / Gamma / 1.0 / RCG
023 / Ni-63 / Electron / 8000.0 / RCG
027 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 135600.0 / RCG
034 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
046 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
051 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
052 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
053 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
054 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
055 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
056 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
058 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 170100000.0 / RCG
066 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
070 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
073 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
075 / U-238 / Alpha / 224.0 / RCG
076 / Pu-239 / Alpha / 0.3 / RCG
078 / Tc-99 / Beta / 0.0 / RCG
079 / Th-230 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
086 / Am-Be / Gamma / 5000000.0 / RCG
090 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
091 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
092 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
095 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
099 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
106 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
107 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
110 / Am-241 / Gamma / 1.5 / RCG
113 / C-14 / Beta / 1.4 / RCG
115 / Fe-55 / X-Ray / 2260.0 / RCG
118 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
120 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 1600000.0 / RCG
123-1 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
123-2 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
123-3 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
123-4 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
123-5 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
123-6 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
123-7 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
123-8 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
132 / Tc-99 / Beta / 0.2 / RCG
135 / Sr-90 / Beta / 25.0 / RCG
139-A / U-235 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
139-B / U-235 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
139-C / U-235 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
139-D / U-235 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
139-E / U-235 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
139-F / U-235 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
139-G / U-235 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
139-H / U-235 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
150 / Ba-133 / Gamma / 10.0 / RCG
153 / Cd-109 / Gamma / 9.5 / RCG
155 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
158 / Na-22 / Gamma / 10.0 / RCG
171 / Na-22 / Gamma / 0.1 / RCG
173 / Th-232 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
176 / Np-237 / Alpha / 50.8 / RCG
177 / Np-237 / Alpha / 50.8 / RCG
178 / Np-237 / Alpha / 50.8 / RCG
179 / U-233 / Alpha / 484.0 / RCG
180 / U-233 / Alpha / 484.0 / RCG
181 / U-233 / Alpha / 484.0 / RCG
182 / U-233 / Alpha / 484.0 / RCG
183 / U-238 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
184 / U-238 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
185 / U-238 / Alpha / 0.0 / RCG
186 / U-235 / Alpha / 0.2 / RCG
187 / U-235 / Alpha / 0.2 / RCG
188 / U-235 / Alpha / 0.2 / RCG
190 / C-f252 / Alpha / 2.0 / RCG
191-1 / U-238 / Alpha / 0.1 / RCG
191-2 / U-238 / Alpha / 0.1 / RCG
191-3 / U-238 / Alpha / 0.1 / RCG
193 / Na-22 / Gamma / 1.0 / RCG
195-H / Zn-65 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 0.7 / RCG
196 / Co-60 / Gamma / 1.0 / RCG
199 / Bi-207 / Gamma / 10.0 / RCG
206 / N-a22 / Gamma / 1.0 / RCG
207 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.3 / RCG
217 / Th-228 / Alpha / 10.0 / RCG
219 / Na-22 / Gamma / 10.8 / RCG
220 / Co-60 / Gamma / 9.5 / RCG
221 / Co-57 / Gamma / 9.9 / RCG
226 / Am-241 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
236 / Eu-152 / Gamma / 1.1 / RCG
237 / Bi-207 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
238 / Na-22 / Gamma / 0.2 / RCG
240 / Ru-106 / Beta / 5.0 / RCG
241 / Fe-55 / X-Ray / 500.0 / RCG
242 / Fe-55 / X-Ray / 300.0 / RCG
249 / Co-60 / Gamma / 1.0 / RCG
250 / Th-228 / Alpha / 8.6 / RCG
251-A / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-B / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-C / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-D / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-E / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-F / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-G / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-H / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-I / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-J / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-K / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
251-L / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / E. Pasyuk
257 / Sr-90 / Beta / 0.1 / RCG
258 / Po-210 / Alpha / 0.1 / RCG
259 / Na-22 / Gamma / 1.0 / RCG
265 / Sr-90 / Beta / 100.0 / RCG
266 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 3.0 / RCG
267 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 1.5 / RCG
268 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 1.5 / RCG
269 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 3.0 / RCG
270 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 3.0 / RCG
271 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 1.5 / RCG
272 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 1.5 / RCG
273 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 3.0 / RCG
274 / Mixed Gamma / Gamma / 3.0 / RCG
275 / Co-60 / Gamma / 5.0 / RCG
277 / Cd-109 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
278 / Na-22 / Gamma / 0.0 / RCG
279 / Ba-133 / Gamma / 1.0 / Steve Gagnon
280 / Cd-109 / Gamma / 1.0 / Steve Gagnon
281 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 1.0 / Steve Gagnon
282 / Co-57 / Gamma / 1.0 / Steve Gagnon
283 / Co-60 / Gamma / 1.0 / Steve Gagnon
284 / Mn-54 / Gamma / 1.0 / Steve Gagnon
285 / Na-22 / Gamma / 1.0 / Steve Gagnon
286 / Cs-137 / Zn-65 / Gamma / 0.5 / 1.0 / Steve Gagnon
287 / Cs-137 / Gamma / 10.0 / Steve Gagnon
288 / Am-241 / Gamma / 61.0 / Alexandre Comsonne

Radioactive Sources As Compared to STD-1027