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Chapter 1: One Republic - Two Americas?


1.The Boston Tea Party, Whisky Rebellion, and California’s Proposition 13 were all popular rebellions that were related to ______.

a. / freedom of press
b. / freedom of speech
c. / prohibition of alcohol
d. / property rights
e. / taxation



2.Eliminating tax increases may result in ______.

a. / cuts to state and local government budgets
b. / increases to state and local government budgets
c. / decreases in the national debt
d. / increases in foreign trade
e. / improvement to services that people have come to expect



3.Democracy in the United States derives its powers from ______.

a. / the constitution
b. / the Declaration of Independence
c. / the U.S. Supreme Court
d. / citizens
e. / natural law



4.Which statement is correct regarding health care and health insurance?

a. / Health insurance costs have decreased for the past decade.
b. / Health insurance costs have remained stable for the past decade.
c. / Health insurance costs are rising faster than wages or inflation.
d. / Health care costs are decreasing at the current growth rate.
e. / Resources spent on health care are improving the economy.



5.The Affordable Healthcare Act (AHA) includes provisions for ______.

a. / providing access to insurance for people with pre-existing conditions
b. / allowing children to stay on their parents’ insurance until age 30
c. / government funded healthcare that provides coverage for all citizens
d. / requiring free prescriptions for all citizens
e. / downsizing programs for Medicare and Medicaid



6.A current issue facing the government today is ______.

a. / a decrease in the national debt
b. / a decrease in global competition and foreign trade
c. / an increasing gap in income and wealth of individuals
d. / an increasing rate of home ownership
e. / an increasing high school graduation rate



7.Which statement is best supported by the information provided in the figure below?

a. / Overall, faith in most institutions in the U.S. is on the rise
b. / Confidence in the military and the criminal justice system showed little change.
c. / Increases in confidence were highest for banks, the presidency, and Congress.
d. / Confidence levels in newspapers and the television news increased significantly.
e. / Confidence in church and religion declined slightly over the decade.



8.The struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups that can grant or withhold benefits or privileges is known as ______.

a. / aristocracy
b. / authority
c. / government
d. / legitimacy
e. / politics



9.______was defined by political scientist Harold Lasswell as “who gets what, when, and how.”

a. / Politics
b. / Government
c. / Institution
d. / Social Contract
e. / Initiative



10.The institution in which decisions are made that resolve conflicts or allocates benefits and privileges is known as ______.

a. / social contract
b. / government
c. / democratic resolution
d. / politics
e. / separation of powers



11.______refers to the conflicts and decisions found at the federal, state, and local levels regarding the selection of decision-makers, the structure of institutions, and the creation of public policy.

a. / Politics
b. / Government
c. / Ideology
d. / Eminent domain
e. / Pluralism



12.The divine right of kings was the belief that ______.

a. / the people had the ultimate authority over the monarch
b. / the church had the ultimate authority over the monarch
c. / the monarch had ultimate authority and that authority had been conferred by God
d. / ultimate authority was in the hands of the church, an extension of God
e. / ultimate authority was held by the Catholic Church



13.The theory that individuals form government by mutual consent, giving up some of their individual liberty in order to gain the protection of government is known as ______.

a. / divine right of kings
b. / social contract
c. / political culture
d. / political socialization
e. / elitism



14.______theorized that without government and the rule of law, people would revert to a state of nature and people would be left to fight over basic necessities.

a. / Thomas Hobbes
b. / Thomas Jefferson
c. / John Locke
d. / Harold Lasswell
e. / Alexander Hamilton



15.______theorized that government is formed to protect life, liberty, and property, but if government violates the social contract with the people, the people have the duty to end the abusive government and establish a new government.

a. / Thomas Hobbes
b. / Thomas Jefferson
c. / John Locke
d. / Harold Lasswell
e. / Alexander Hamilton



16.The set of ideas, values, and ways of thinking about government and politics that are shared by all citizens is known as ______.

a. / politics
b. / political culture
c. / political socialization
d. / socialism
e. / a social contract



17.The process by which beliefs and values are transmitted to individuals is known as political ______.

a. / science
b. / transmission
c. / socialization
d. / dissemination
e. / passage



18.______is one of our most prized liberties, because democracy could not endure without it.

a. / Freedom of speech
b. / The free expression of religion
c. / The separation of church and state
d. / The right to bear arms
e. / The protection against cruel and unusual punishment



19.After 9/11, the government of the United States acted in a manner that ______.

a. / emphasized liberty over security
b. / emphasized security over liberty
c. / dismissed the significance of both security and liberty
d. / elevated the significance of both security and liberty
e. / did not change the balance between security and liberty established prior to 9/11



20.When Americans perceive serious threats to national security, they have supported the increased actions of government to limit ______.

a. / the right of confidentiality
b. / religious freedom
c. / civil liberties
d. / Article VI of the Constitution
e. / the nation's dedication to individualism



21.Freedom of speech and other guarantees of liberty in the Bill of Rights are found in ______.

a. / Article I of the U.S. Constitution
b. / the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution
c. / Article VI of the U.S. Constitution
d. / the Declaration of Independence
e. / the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights



22.The oldest purpose of government is to ______.

a. / maintain order by protecting members of society from violence and criminal activity
b. / print money and control the economy
c. / guarantee freedom and liberty for all people
d. / act to protect the rights of the minority
e. / establish benefits for the most wealthy and influential in society



23.As a political value, equality is defined as the idea that all people ______.

a. / should make the same amount of money
b. / should be in a position to succeed economically
c. / should have equal access to their elected representatives
d. / have access to the courts to enforce their rights
e. / are of equal worth



24.When the U.S. was founded, political leaders extended equal treatment to ______.

a. / men that owned property
b. / African Americans
c. / women
d. / Native Americans
e. / all citizens



25.The concept of private ownership of property and a relatively open market for goods, services, and investments is known as ______.

a. / capitalism
b. / eminent domain
c. / fiscal responsibility
d. / totalitarianism
e. / political socialization



26.A system in which government is controlled by a small group of individuals, but social and economic institutions are not under control of the government is called ______.

a. / totalitarianism
b. / absolutism
c. / socialism
d. / democratic socialism
e. / authoritarianism



27.Totalitarianism means ______.

a. / a unified government
b. / a condition of having no government and no laws
c. / people elect officials to make decisions for them for a specific period of time
d. / that government controls all facets of the religious, business, educational and political lives of the people
e. / the ultimate authority is vested in the people



28.Which of these countries is the best example of a totalitarian regime?

a. / Japan
b. / North Korea
c. / Afghanistan
d. / Canada
e. / United States



29.Which of the following is an example of direct democracy?

a. / Louisiana's use of the parish
b. / New England town meetings
c. / Somalia during the 1990s
d. / The Soviet Union in the twentieth century
e. / California's system of allocating money for baseball stadiums



30.Initiative, referendum, and recall are examples of ______.

a. / oligarchy
b. / representative democracy
c. / ascendancy voting
d. / direct democracy
e. / direct egalitarianism



31.The Framers of the Constitution did not create a direct democracy because ______.

a. / it wasn't the best way to resist manipulative politicians
b. / direct democracy had never been used before
c. / it did not protect minority rights and allow for full participation of all citizens
d. / Americans were incapable of making rational decisions about government
e. / they believed the masses were too uneducated and likely to be influenced by demagogues



32.The Framers of the Constitution chose to create a(n) ______.

a. / republic
b. / limited constitutional monarchy
c. / totalitarian regime
d. / authoritarian regime
e. / oligarchic regime



33.In a republic there is no ______.

a. / senate
b. / supreme court
c. / concept of separation of powers
d. / bureaucracy
e. / king



34.A Democratic Republic refers to a form of government in which ______.

a. / a single ruler controls all aspects of the government but not economic and social institutions
b. / a single ruler controls all aspects of the government as well as economic and social institutions
c. / representatives are elected by the people to make and enforce laws and policies
d. / representatives are appointed by a ruler to create laws and policies for the population
e. / representatives elected by the people control only the economic matters essential to the well-being of the nation



35.Representative democracy almost always has the same definition as ______.

a. / republican democracy
b. / popular democracy
c. / popular sovereignty
d. / democratic republic
e. / sovereign immunity



36.Modern democracies rely on majority rule and also protect the rights of minorities ______.

a. / because of a belief in the writings of John Stuart Mill
b. / to ensure that majorities do not violate fundamental rights of political minorities
c. / to maintain the appearance of inclusion in governing of different and diverse groups
d. / because of the concept of unalienable rights listed in the Declaration of Independence
e. / because the Preamble to the Constitution states that the purpose of the document is to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity"



37.Free and competitive elections are necessary for ______.

a. / the continued existence of a representative democracy
b. / a totalitarian regime to succeed and demonstrate its legitimacy
c. / direct democracy to occur
d. / the citizens to have justifiable pride in their country
e. / all people, regardless of citizenship status, to have a voice in their government



38.The concept in which the Constitution provides the fundamental structure of government and describes what the national government can and cannot do is called ______.

a. / limited government
b. / popular sovereignty
c. / representative democracy
d. / collective confines
e. / sanctions on the republic



39.The concept that in a democracy the government should listen to what most people want is known as ______.

a. / limited government
b. / majoritarianism
c. / elitism
d. / pluralism
e. / ideology



40.The flaw with majoritarianism that can be harmful is that ______.

a. / the majority can make decisions that are restrictive to the minority group
b. / the decisions are difficult to enforce
c. / a group of elites can become the decision makers
d. / interest groups can become the decision makers
e. / the majority can make decisions that are unchecked



41.When theorizing who really controls the government, the belief that a small cohesive group makes almost all the important decisions for a nation is called ______.

a. / limited government
b. / personality politics
c. / elitism
d. / pluralism
e. / political enlightenment



42.According to studies mentioned in the text, which of the following is likely to be more tolerant of diversity and defend civil liberties?

a. / mass public
b. / elites
c. / coalitions of the willing
d. / primary voters
e. / pluralistic elites



43.Pluralist theory proposes that people’s interests are protected by ______.

a. / interest groups
b. / political parties
c. / the majority
d. / elected representatives
e. / designated electors



44.Political scientist E.E. Schattschneider criticized pluralist theory by saying, "The flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings ______."

a. / only to deities
b. / for the chorus itself
c. / for the populous
d. / with a strong upper-crust accent
e. / only to members of interest groups



45.The comprehensive set of beliefs about the nature of people and the role of government is known as ______.

a. / ideology
b. / majoritarianism
c. / political science
d. / political socialization
e. / political culture



46.______would strongly support property rights and oppose attempts to regulate personal behavior and regulate moral values.

a. / Liberals
b. / Conservatives
c. / Traditionalists
d. / Activists
e. / Libertarians



47.The belief in individuals being responsible for their well-being, a limited role of government, and a support for policies favoring traditional values are characteristics of ______.

a. / liberalism
b. / conservatism
c. / libertarianism
d. / totalitarianism
e. / socialism



48.______is the belief that government should take an active role in reducing poverty and regulating the economy, support civil rights, and have a tolerance for social change.

a. / Democratic socialism
b. / Conservatism
c. / Liberalism
d. / Totalitarianism
e. / Socialism



49.Libertarians are sometimes referred to as ______.

a. / neo-liberals
b. / orthodox liberals
c. / classical liberals
d. / classical conservatives
e. / orthodox conservatives



50.______believe in less government, support for capitalism and private property, and allowing individuals to pursue their own route to achievement with little government interference.

a. / Fundamental conservatives
b. / Essential conservatives
c. / Economic conservatives
d. / Primary conservatives
e. / Original conservatives



51.______oppose abortion, support the death penalty, support the right to own firearms, and oppose gay marriage.

a. / Economic conservatives
b. / Social conservatives
c. / Kindred conservatives
d. / Affinity conservatives
e. / Amalgamated conservatives



52.Approximately ______million illegal immigrants live in the United States.

a. / 11
b. / 17
c. / 20
d. / 25
e. / 30



53.One of the major changes the United States will face in the coming years is ______.

a. / the possibility of revolts against state governments
b. / the increase in the number of nation-states in the world
c. / the growing independence of countries in Latin America
d. / a slowing of population growth
e. / a decline in economic dominance



54.The demographics in the United States reflect an ______.

a. / increasing birth rate
b. / increasing death rate
c. / increasing number of older citizens
d. / increasing number of births among non-Hispanic white Americans
e. / increasing median age



55.An increased demand on Social Security and Medicare can be linked to the ______.

a. / declining birth rate
b. / increasing number of apathetic voters
c. / decreasing number of senior citizens
d. / increasing number of immigrants
e. / increasing number of senior citizens



56.The fastest growing racial/ethnic group within the United States is ______.

a. / African American
b. / Hispanic
c. / French
d. / Hispanic
e. / Dutch



57.A Hispanic is someone who claims heritage ______.

a. / in a French speaking country
b. / from nations of the North American continent
c. / from Spanish conquistadors
d. / by crossing the Rio Grande
e. / from a Spanish speaking country other than Spain



58.The three largest Hispanic groups come from ______.

a. / Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and from the Virgin Islands
b. / Costa Rico, Cuba, and Mexico
c. / Argentina, Mexico, and Dominica
d. / Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Cuba
e. / Chile, Brazil, and Honduras



59.Almost 60 percent of all Hispanics come from ______.

a. / Brazil
b. / Puerto Rico
c. / Cuba
d. / Mexico
e. / Spain



60.Why is the growing Hispanic population politically important?

a. / Hispanics give overwhelming support to Republican Party candidates.
b. / Hispanics give overwhelming support to Democratic Party candidates.
c. / Hispanics divide their votes evenly between the two major parties.
d. / Hispanics have the highest rate of voter participation of any ethnic group.
e. / Hispanics have the highest rate of per capita giving of any ethnic group.



61.One of the major problems with globalization is ______.

a. / dual citizenship of many of those employed by multinational corporations
b. / lack of an easy way to pay for goods and services in a global economy
c. / multinational corporations are accountable only to the country where the business began
d. / most multinational corporations are anti-democratic
e. / that no single government can regulate multinational corporations



62.The changes in globalization and technology must be recognized because ______.

a. / most citizens need to have access to a computer
b. / individuals will be able to compete, collaborate, and communicate more easily
c. / textbooks will become obsolete as electronic books become more common
d. / individuals must be familiar with terms like 3G, applications, and cloud
e. / barriers to trade must be established to protect the U.S. economy



63.Which statement is best supported by the information provided in the figure below?