Marriages and Families

Fall 2017


Professor Grace Young

Preparation for Second Exam

Your second exam will be held on Tuesday, November 7th, 2017. It will consist of 50 multiple choice questions. The exam will draw on the material covered in class since the first exam through material covered on Thursday, November 2nd, 2017. That includes all assigned pages in the textbook, class lectures, presentations, readings and discussions. A good way to review for the exam is to make sure you are familiar with the concepts we have covered in class thus far. Below is a list of any of those concepts.


Chapter 6 Sexuality and Intimate Relationships

Human sexuality

Puritan sexuality

Victorian sexuality

Sexual revolution

Institutions that teach us about sexuality

Sexual double standard

Sexual scripts

Significant others

Generalized others

Sexual orientation



Compulsory heterosexuality

Age at first sexual intercourse






Types of contraception

Chapter 7 Nonmarital Lifestyles

Historical views of singles

Reasons people stay single today

Push/pull factors to live together

Types of singles

Who cohabits?

Cohabitation’s relationship to marital stability

Common-law marriage

Domestic partnership

Chapter 8 The Marriage Experience

Reasons people marry

Principle of legitimacy


Legal marriage

Social marriage




Conjugal rights

Legal aspects of the marriage contract

4 destructive behaviors to marital happiness

Personal marriage agreement

Pre-nuptial agreement

Marital adjustment

Heterogamous marriage

Chapter 9 Reproduction and Parenting

Total fertility rate by

racial/ethnic group

Costs of parenthood

Benefits of parenthood

Social pressure to procreate

Abortion – historical perspective

Effects of restricting abortion

Causes of infertility

Artificial insemination

In vitro fertilization

Embryo transplant


Sex preference and selection

Cultural double bind of expectant fathers


Postnatal depression

Motherhood mystique

Gender differences in experiencing parenthood

Styles of parenting

Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive parenting

Lesbian and gay parents

Film: The Timeless Way

Debate #4: Are Children Raised by a Lesbian or Gay Couple Worse Off than Those Raised by Different-Sex Parents?

Film: A Timeless Way

See page 2

Chapter 10 Evolving Work and Family Structures

Advantages/Disadvantages of Traditional Nuclear family model

Commuter marriage

Dual earner vs. dual career families

Division of Household labor

Role overload

Role conflict

Occupational distribution

Pay equity

Sexual harassment

Feminization of poverty

Working poor


Job sharing


Family and Medical Leave Act

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

How we compare to European Union countries

Debate readings: Are Children Raised by a Lesbian or Gay Couple Worse Off than Those Raised by Different Sex Parents?