ICWL 2013Non-Author Registration Form Page 1
The 12thInternational Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL) 2013
October6 - 9, 2013, Kenting, Taiwan
To register, please fill in the forms for Registrant Information and Registration Fee on Page 2 and pick up your preferred option on Page 3 for the transfer of your registration fee from the following two alternatives:
- Pay by credit card in NT$
Thenscan the completed Registration Form (Page 2 and Page 3) into PDF file, and email it to .
- Pay by bank transfer in US$
Then scan the completed Registration Form (Page 2) and the receipt for the transfer from your bank into PDF file, and email it to .
For paper authors, please set the subject of the email to be “[Paper ID]: [Conference/Workshop] Registration”. For non-paper authors, please set the subject of the email to be “Participant’s Registration”.
If you have any questions regarding to payment or registration, you may contact Mr. Chung-ChunLin ()
DISCLAIMER: Web Intelligence Consortium(WIC) is only helping handle the participants’ registrations for ICWL 2013. It is not responsible for lost or stolen credit card information. Registration is not guaranteeduntil payment is received.
Full Registration includes admission to all conference and workshop sessions, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, a local tour, a banquet and a round-trip transportation between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
Note that:
- For non-paper authors, you need tomake the full registration by July29, 2013.
- Once we have processed your signed registration form, we will send you an email to confirm your registration status and the total amount that we have charged you, provided that the email address you put down in the registration form is functioning.
- You can pick up the official receipt for the registration during the conference.
The 12thInternational Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL) 2013
October6 - 9, 2013, Kenting, Taiwan
Registrant Information
Paper ID: Non-Paper Paper Type: ▓Conference ▓Workshop
Paper Title: Non .
Title: □Prof. □Dr. □Mr. □Ms. □Miss
First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Cell phone:______Fax: ______Email: ______
Affiliation: ______Country: ______
Receiver of receipt: ______
□vegetarian. □special dietary requirements: ______
Attendance of the free Local Tour, Oct.8(from 13:00 to 21:30): □Yes, I will □No, Thanks
Transportation options for Free Shuttle Bus:
From Kaohsiung Zuoying THSR Station to H Resort (Arrival):
Date: □Oct.5 □Oct.6 □Oct.7 □Oct.8
Time: □12:15 □16:00
□No, Thanks
From H Resort to Kaohsiung Zuoying THSR Station (Departure):
Date: □Oct.6 □Oct.7 □Oct.8 □Oct.9
Time: □10:30 □14:15 □ 18:30(Oct. 9 only)
□No, Thanks
Registration Fees
PaymentFull registration / □US$350 or □NT$10,500
Additional Items:
Welcome reception ticket(s) / Unit Price
□US$50 or □NT$1,500 / Quantity Sub-total
× ______= ______
Banquet ticket(s) / □US$50 or □NT$1,500 / × ______= ______
Extra copy of conference / workshop proceeding / □US$65 or □NT$1,950 / × ______= ______
Sub-total □US$ or □NT$:
Total Registration Payment / □US$ or □NT$:
The 12thInternational Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL) 2013
October6 - 9, 2013, Kenting, Taiwan
□Option 1: Pay by Credit Card in NT$
Please PRINT CLEARLY the credit card information.
Paper ID: Non-Paper .
Card Holder’s Name: ______Card Type: □ Visa □MasterCard
Card No. : ______/______/______/______
CVV/CVC (the 3 or 4 digit code on the back panel of your Visa/MasterCard) : ______
Card Expiry Date: (month) ______/ (year) ______
The country and bank which provides Credit card: ______
Total Payment ((NT$): ______
Card Holder’s Signature: ______
□Option 2: Pay by Bank Transfer in US$
Please refer to the following account information for Bank Transfer in US$:
Beneficiary Account Name: Ubiquitous International LLC.
Beneficiary Account No.: 534-851233-838
Beneficiary Bank name: MONG KOK Branch, HSBC HONG KONG
Beneficiary Bank address: 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Bank Code: 004 (optional)
Please have “ICWL-2013” and your paper ID included in the annotation for your transfer. Please also notice that the processing fee for bank transfer must be paid by the sender.