Expansion/Rehabilitation/Revamping of OSP Network under the Jurisdiction of Regional General Manager HYTR, Hyderabad
- Sealed bids, in Pak Rupees on D.D.P basis, are invited from reputed vendors registered with PTCL for the Expansion/rehabilitation/revamping of OSP network under the jurisdiction of Regional General Manager, Hyderabad.Item wise bids must be completedin all respects, of all labor, materials, temporary works and all other requisites whether of a temporary or permanent nature required for the successful completion of assigned work.
- Tender documents can be purchased w.e.f.28-08-2017to11-09-2017from PTCL Regional Office,Hyderabadonpayment ofRs.1,000/- (non-refundable) through Demand Draft/Pay Order in favor of Senior Manager(Finance)PTCLHyderabad.For details, Mr. Abdul Rauf Odho, Senior Manager (Finance) PTCL Hyderabad can be contacted on 022-2780028 or 022-2787096.
- No document shall be issued on the opening date of tender.
- Bids shall be submitted in the office of Regional General ManagerHYTR Hyderabad on or before 11th September 2017by 3:00 p.m.
- Bids should be marked as Bids for Expansion/rehabilitation/revamping of OSP network under the jurisdiction of Regional General ManagerHYTR Hyderabadfor the year 2017-2018and should be accompanied by a Bid Security of Rs.100,000(Rupees One Hundred Thousand Only) in the form of Bank Guarantee, in the format given in the Tender Document on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper.
- Bids received after the above deadline shall not be accepted and will be returned unopened.
- PTCL reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids and to annual the bidding process at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder (s) or any obligations to inform the affected bidder (s) of the grounds for PTCL’s action.
- All correspondence on the subject may be addressed to the undersigned.
Regional General Manager
CTO Compund,PTCL,Hyderabad
Phone: 022-2783063