2015 CAMC SKIN/ST – Skin & Soft Tissue Infection Worksheet
Name / DOB / Age / M F / Birthweight (gms)(Neonates only) / Test Period / Unit / Event Date
MR# / Account # / Medicare ID # / Pt expire
Yes No / Admit date / D/C date
Admitting Diagnosis / Attending / ID Consultant / ICU Admit date / ICU D/C date
Culture date / Pathogen(s) / Culture Site / Culture date / Pathogen(s) / Culture Site
SKIN-Skin infection (skin and /or subcutaneous)
Skin infections must meet at least oneof the following criteria:
- Patient has purulent drainage, pustules, vesicles, or boils (excluding acne).
- Patient has at least twoof the following localized signs or symptoms with no other recognized cause: pain or tenderness, swelling, erythema, or heat
- Organisms cultured from aspirate or drainage from affected site (not a common commensal); if only organism is a common commensal (i.e., diphtheroids [Corynebacteriumspp], Bacillus [not B anthracis] spp, Propionibacteriumspp, coagulase-negative staphylococci [including S epidermidis], viridans group streptococci, Aerococcusspp, Micrococcus spp), it must be a pure culture (single organism identified)
- Positive non-culture diagnostic lab test performed on infected tissue or blood (e.g., antigen test, PCR)
- Multinucleated giant cells seen on microscopic examination of affected tissue
- Diagnostic single antibody titer (IgM) or 4-fold increase in paired sera (IgG) for organism
Reporting instructions:
- Do not report acne as a skin/soft tissue HAI.
- Report omphalitis in infants as UMB.
- Report infections of the circumcision site in newborns as CIRC.
- Report pustules in infants as PUST.
- Report infected decubitus ulcers as DECU.
- Report infected burns as BURN.
- Report breast abscesses or mastitis as BRST.
- Report localized infection at a vascular access site as a VASC unless there is a positive blood culture meeting LCBI criteria, which should instead be reported as an LCBI (see VASC definition).
ST-Soft tissue infection (muscle and/or fascia [e.g., necrotizing fasciitis, infectious gangrene, necrotizing cellulitis, infectious myositis, lymphadenitis, or lymphangitis])
Soft tissue infections must meet at least oneof the following criteria:
- Patient has organisms cultured from tissue or drainage from affected site.
- Patient has purulent drainage at affected site.
- Patient has an abscess or other evidence of infection on gross anatomic or histopathologic exam.
Reporting instructions:
- Report infected decubitus ulcers as DECU.
- Report infection of deep pelvic tissues as OREP.
- Report localized infection at a vascular access site as a VASC unless there is a positive blood culture then it should be reported as an LCBI (see VASC definition).
Table of Events
Date / Hospital
Day / Date of Event / Infection Window Period / RIT / Unit
Infection Window Period (first + diagnostic test, 3 days before & 3 days after) Repeat Infection Timeframe-RIT (14 day timeframe where date of event = day 1)
Date of Event (date the first element occurs for the first time within the infection window period) Secondary BSI Attribution Period (Infection Window Period + RIT)