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WHAP Chapter 4 Quiz. Greece and Iran Multiple Choice: Circle the correct response (1 point each)

  1. Which of the following were NOT fundamental environmental factor(s) in Iran?
  2. scarcity of water for agriculture
  3. mountainous nature of the terrain
  4. large deserts, which cover much of the country
  5. Persian Gulf to the south and the Caspian Sea to the north
  6. the Tigris and EuphratesRivers
  1. Cyrus and his father ruled their empire by following a practical approach of
  2. threatening the people with gross injustices.
  3. first marrying into the local nobility.
  4. murdering local priests and nobles.
  5. respecting local priests and native traditions.
  6. outlawing local traditions and strictly enforcing Persian laws.
  1. Greek polis or city-states developed because of
  2. mistrust between competing groups.
  3. Greek geography, especially mountains to separate populations.
  4. aggressive outside cultures.
  5. previous patterns of political organization.
  6. the need for quickly deployable troops.
  1. The Greek Dark Age was a period of
  2. dark atmospheric conditions due to the eruptions of Mount Vesuvius.
  3. commercial growth due to the use of dark color dyes in fabric.
  4. intellectual and commercial vitality.
  5. frequent disruption due to invasions.
  6. poverty, isolation and depopulation.
  1. The Phoenician alphabetic writing system was a great gift to Greece because
  2. they would share in Phoenician literary accomplishments.
  3. it enable the Greeks to decipher the Phoenician military codes.
  4. it allowed for widespread literacy without years of study.
  5. power could be retained by the elite more easily.
  6. before that the Greeks were forced to rely on cuneiform.
  1. A Greek population explosion led to
  2. an expansive political system.
  3. the colonization of North Africa, Sickly , southern Italy, and the Black Sea region.
  4. development of new agricultural techniques.
  5. frequent warfare over scarce resources.
  6. the need for birth control methods sponsored by the state.
  1. The Archaic Greek development of humanism, a lasting feature of Western Civilization, was
  2. a valuing of the uniqueness, rights and talents of individuals.
  3. a short-lived attempt to treat humans as God.
  4. the political concept that the king was designated by God.
  5. the subjugation of individuals’ rights and will for the good of the state
  6. the idea that humans descended from primate ancestors.
  1. How does the Peloponnesian War reveal an inherent flaw in Greek society?
  2. The hoplites were unreliable because of their exclusion from politics.
  3. The independent polis fostered rivalry and mistrust among neighbors.
  4. The poor in Greece suffered more severe hardship than in other world societies.
  5. The Greeks refused to abandon their policy of nonviolence.
  6. The rivalry between helots and hoplites caused a breakdown of democracy.
  1. The Hellenistic Age refers to the
  2. influence of Asian culture on Greece.
  3. political and cultural influence of Greece over foreign subjects in North Africa and West Asia.
  4. Macedonian Empire During Alexander’s reign.
  5. peaceful period within Greece itself.
  6. successful rule of Helen of Troy.
  1. Which of the following were NOT “cosmopolitan” features of the Hellenistic societies?
  2. libraries and universities
  3. the cultivation of new scholarship
  4. the cultivation of art and literature
  5. including scientific discoveries
  6. homogeneous societies

Short Answer: Answer the following question on the rest of this paper. (5 points)

How did geography and the environment affect Greek development?