On the first Sunday of the month and at all of our Celtic Services, Deacon Jones will be at the side Altar during Communion for healing. There will be healing at the next Celtic Service on Sunday, April 24th at 5:30 pm.
For the sick: Ginny Weick, Maureen Moore, Nicole Cagna, RJ Summer, Karla Smith, Sue, Bruce, Danny, Katharine, Debbie, Barbara Aasheim, Bill Hinton, Irena, Phillip Wulfken, Bonnie Russ, Allison Ruddick, Kathy, Tom, Bobby, Jean Giacomini, Roger Giacomini, Lisamarie, Erich, Valentina, Patti, Bill, Amy, Kate, Cheryl, Marie Cagna, Karin, Bill Wesp, Taylor Rose Clarke, Carlton Weildman, Don Hutchison, Linda Allen, Karen Brown, Arlene Goldsmith, Richard, Milton Dove, Abby Holmes, Lynn Hansen, the Fairfax family, Chancey Fairfax, Johnnie Henley, Bob Carson, Dean Morris, Mike LaVertu, Bonny, Nancy Schuman, Thomas Czizik, Delois Gordon, Linda, Tori, Mark Bellissimo, Melody, Deke, Nelly, Eleanor Danielski, Columbia, Cara Cambria, Meg Aswell, Marie Enz, Briggs Spach.
We pray for all our men and women serving in the armed services and all first responders. May God keep them safe and return them home to their loved ones.
To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for 4 weeks, please e-mail the church office with the person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: .
Last Sunday’s attendance: 168
Sunday 10 am Service
April 17 April 24
MC- Al Szigethy MC - Earl Matchett
LEM - Rob Wheeler LEM - Linda Ehrenshaft
Acolytes - Kennena Onyebeke Acolytes - Pete Minichello
Pete Minichello Thalia Tosetti
Timmy Kusterbeck Kayla Andrews
Anna Wickey Cahill’s
Stephanie Wickey Tracy’s
Jennifer Low Timmy Kusterbeck
Chloe Findlay Jacob Goldbaum
Lector 1- Janice Burnett Lector 1- Chip Spach
Lector 2 - MaryKate Brennan Lector 2 - Thalia Tosetti
The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church
April 17, 2016
We welcome Rev. Richard Witt today. He will speak to us about the Rural Migrant Farmworkers
and the March to be held starting May 15th from Long Island and all the way up to Albany. We
at St. John`s will host the first day of the March and Rally. I ask you to volunteer for the following: to participate in the March, help with handing out water and snacks along the route, help with food preparation, and serving, help with setting up at St. John`s for the Rally, help with transportation from Christ Church Brentwood to St. John`s, to host a Participant for one night on May 15th. Bishop Provenzano will be with us and I ask for your support and prayers.
Please visit: ruralmigrantministry.org/farmworker-march.
Thank you. God bless. Dave Lasek
I wanted to share with you a little information on the Rural and Migrant Ministry organization.
Since 1981 Rural & Migrant Ministry, a statewide, non-profit organization, has been standing proudly with the rural and migrant communities throughout New York.They act to overcome the prejudices and poverty that degrade and debilitate people within rural New York by building communities that celebrate diversity, achieve true mutuality and fight for dignity and opportunity to all. They work with rural leaders, both young and older, who are committed to equality and cooperative opportunity, especially within agricultural systems. They also support people in faith, labor and university communities who seek to stand with rural leaders as allies.
I ask you to please consider supporting our Farmworkers Rally and March on May 15th. Bishop Provenzano will one of our guest speakers for the event. There will be wonderful music, great food, and terrific speakers right here at St. John's in the Garden of Blessings on May 15th at 7:00 P.M.
As most of you know, I am very adverse to political issues that divide our congregation. Part of this event is to thank Republican Senator Marcellino for his support in the past. Senator Marcellino voted to update the Farmworkers Bill the last time it was presented, but unfortunately the bill failed by just a few votes. We hope to have both Democratic and Republican support the next time the Farmworkers Bill is presented.
The mission of the church is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ” (BCP p.855). To pursue our mission “we pray, worship, proclaim the Gospel, and promote justice, peace and love” (BCP p. 855).
In Christ's love,
Fr. Duncan
We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. Visit the Greeters’ Kiosk in the rear of church, where Greeters are available to answer questions and provide you with a packet of additional information about church services and activities.
The next Celtic Service is on Sunday, April 24 at 5:30 pm. There will be healing at this service. Come experience this very special service.
St. John’s Nursery School is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser on Wednesday, April 20 and Thursday, April 21 from 10am to 1pm in the Great Hall. There will be lots and lots of books to choose from. Books for the toddler up to elementary age. You are invited to come shop for books for the young children who you know!
Save the date! On Thursday, May 12, 6-8 pm, the St. John’s Nursery School will host a
“Mac and Cheese Cook-off”. Families of the Nursery School, local businesses and parishioners of St. John’s are invited to enter your own dish or help pick the BEST Mac and Cheese entry. Tickets are $15 per adult, $5 for children 12 and under, or $25 for a family of four.
Spring is here in the Thrift Shop, offering a new look. Beautiful new outdoor signs were donated by Maryann and Peter Hurd. The shop is now open on Tuesdays from noon to 3:00 pm, being run by new members. We are looking for new donations of costume jewellery, small household nic nack pieces, and kitchen items. On Wednesday, April 20th, the volunteers will be meeting at 6:00 pm for dinner and hold a short meeting. If you would like to become involved in the Thrift Shop and join us on the 20th, please contact Nancy Feustel at 631-721-6073 or .
Thank you for your support.
This is the last Sunday with the current prayer list. Please begin submitting your new prayer requests on Monday, April 18th. Send them into the office by e-mail to . Next Sunday we week we will begin with a new prayer listing.
All are invited to participate in Christ Church, Babylon’s Fourth Annual Episcopalian Ride for Fellowship and Fun on Saturday, April 30, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. The ride is 17 miles from Oakdale to Babylon with stops at churches along the way. Ride sponsorship will raise money for Habitat for Humanity. Immediately following the ride there will be a BBQ Lunch back at Christ Church at 12:30 pm. Even if you don’t ride, you can join in the fellowship of the BBQ. Ride Sponsorship forms can be found on the back table of church. Please RSVP to Diane Gaidon at: .
The ECW will host a Paint and Sip Nite on Friday, May 20, from 7 to 9 pm in the Great Hall. Join us for a night of fun painting a Spring inspired canvas. All painting supplies and an apron will be provided during this session - Tickets are $40 per person. To register for this event, please visit:
www.lartisteinme.com . For further info please contact Patti at: 631-385-1410, or Adriana at: 631-943-2253.
On May 7, at 11 am, at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, the following students will be making their Confirmation: Kayla Andrews, Thomas Cheshire, Ty Ellenbogen, Christopher Grillo,
Luke Maffei, and Kalea Wetsell. Please keep these young people in your prayers as they prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation.
On Sunday, May 1, at 4 pm, Spring Blessings ~ Concert featuring the musical talents of
St. John’s. There will be a freewill offering that will go towards the music program. Immediately following the concert please join us for a potluck supper. RSVPs are requested. Please call Leslie Valentine at 516-815-1169, or email her at , so we know how many guests to expect and what dish you will bring to the supper!
Today at the 10 am service we will welcome the Rev. Richard Witt, Director of Rural Migrant Ministries as he speaks to us about the Rural Migrant Farmworkers and a march that is being planned for May 15 across Long Island and all the way up to Albany. For more information, please visit: ruralmigrantministry.org/farmworker-march
On Sunday, May 15, St. John’s will host a Rally for this march at 7 pm in our Garden of Blessings. There will be special guest speakers including Bishop Provenzano. At this event there will also be free food and music. Your help is needed for this Rally. Please join us.