Houston Hilbun

WAG - HOw much do you recommend selling? (little? / lot? / all? / some?)

Michael Kozemchak

WAG – You point out many factors that show Walgreens is doing a lot in terms of expansion and growth. You list many favorable factors for Walgreens and the industry as a whole. Maybe Walgreens is not overvalued, but instead these are all things the market realizes and sees as a positive in Walgreens’ future… Why sell? 12mo. Price target is $69.11 (currently selling at $66) as of Friday morning 11/7)

Andrew Hockey

WAG – Do you believe earnings growth to be flat for 2014 and 2015, both earning $2.89 per share for each year? What is your thought process behind that?

Jordan Fuentes

WAG: Did you only use MorningStar data to create your target price? What other data/information did you use to arrive at the target price of 51.15/share? As more CVS and other types of pharmacy service companies pop up, do you believe Walgreens will lose market share or will they retain their position (as they hold the top spot and may have a competitive advantage that allows them to stay there)?

Christian LANG

  • Walgreens (WAG)

It has been mentioned in your report that you would recommend a sell of Walgreens shares, because their stock price is already rather high. But what about the new Wallgreen’s shop system “Well at Wallgreens” - wouldn’t that be a fantastic chance to invest in?

Concerning the implementation of Walgreens in Europe – what if the European people do not like their concept and do not accept Walgreens?

James A. Dominguez

Walgreens (WAG):

With the US experiencing a high flux of elderly consumers, what steps is the company taking to market their services to such customers?

How is Walgreens going to sustain and increase its share prices, which you mentioned to me overvalued?

John Cordova

Walgreens (WAG)

You mentioned that CVS discontinued its tobacco sales, however, CVS has done this in order to promote the “health and wellness“ of its customer. Do you think this might also be a disadvantage for Walgreens as more and more American’s are living healthier lifestyles?

Armin Triendl




Antonio Trujillo


Couldn’t the aging populations of major foreign markets like in Japan, and Europe make Walgreen’s expansion into foreign markets very profitable?

Tyler Victor

  • Walgreens
  • You mention a lot of positive facts and trends about the company, how did you justify outweighing the positives with the mentioned negatives? Alternatively, do you think the Regents’ portfolio would benefit more from selling a portion of its holdings of Walgreens, receiving the profits you mentioned, and then waiting to see how these trends and acquisitions play out over another semester?

Katherine Hollingsworth

Walgreens (WAG)

What do you think purchasing the remainder of Alliance Boots will do to Walgreen’s valuation? Could it help? If so, should we hold instead of sell?

Based on your analysis of the company and industry, it seems that Walgreens is in transition but is a solid stock that pays consistent dividends. It’s positioning itself for the aging population as well as expanding into other parts of the world. If it’s overvalued, it may not be a buy, but if you sell, is there another pharmaceutical that would be better than this? CVS for example?



Does the company plan on stopping the sales of tobacco ? If no, do you think it is a good idea ?

Why do you expect the stock price to be the same in 2014 and 2015 ?

Gabriel Aragon

Walgreens: Do you plan to sell the entire holding in this stock? Or just some of it?

Jeffrey Alberti


  • Does Walgreens have an estimate of how long it will take for their purchase of Alliance Boots and their investments into global expansion, to reach a positive net investment? Why do you have such little confidence in these investments being beneficial to the company and its future prospects (you seem to only mention that you don’t think that it will “necessarily mean future success for the company”)?

John Kapuranis

12. Walgreens (WAG)

Is the cancellation of selling tobacco at CVS a good or bad thing for consumers that shop at Walgreens? Will the selling of tobacco products hurt or help Walgreens in the long run?

Justin Fouts

  1. Walgreens (WAG) – While Europe may not have the Affordable Care Act applied to it, wouldn’t the fact that the majority of Europe, and specifically all three of the UK, Norway, and Ireland, have universal healthcare mean that Walgreens can still offer cheap prescription drugs?

David Trimmer


With the strong growth in the economy, the acquisition of Alliance Boots in Europe, and also the introduction of nationwide healthcare through the Affordable Care Act, what makes you feel as though the growth of Walgreens is too high?

Dylan Gregory

XIII.Walgreens (WAG) Buy, to Juan Fabres:

What factors do you think are attributing to the overvaluation of Walgreens stock?

“It appears that the stock price for Walgreens is currently overvalued
… the companies price per earnings is more than two times higher than its expected growth.”

Jacob Mast

  • Walgreens (WAG): Should we wait to see how their new international presence turns out to be first before deciding to sell?