Tel:0141 427 1315
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are starting to think about class compositions for next session. When allocating classes we have to take into account class limits which are set by the Scottish Government and are shown below.
- Straight ClassesP125 Pupils
P2-P330 Pupils
P4-P733 Pupils
- Composite ClassesP1-P725 Pupils
Our annual Sports Day will take place on Friday 3rd June. Please come along and support your child. Please note that children can come to school on the day wearing their sports clothes. Please ensure children have a sun hat, sun screen (weather dependent) and a bottle of water. A separate letter has been issued with a timetable for this day.NB Our reserve Sports Day is Friday 10th June.
Miss Cheryl McMillan will be leaving after being at Lorne Street for one year. Miss McMillan has
managed to secure a permanent teaching post at HillingtonPrimary School. We would like to thank Miss
McMillan for all her hard work as a probationer teacher and wish her well at her new school. We will
also be saying goodbye to Ms Anwar for one year. Ms Anwar is due to have a baby in July and will be on maternity leave until August 2017. We will miss Ms Anwar but wish her all the best as she becomes a mum once again. Ms Manpreet Dunn, who is currently employed at Cuthbertson Primary will be covering Ms Anwar’s maternity leave for one year. We have also been allocated a probationer teacher. The name of this teacher has still to be confirmed by Glasgow City Council.
We are delighted to announce that we won this tournament. Well done to the following boys who represented Lorne Street Primary in this tournament;
Eshan Baig, Amandu Bamba, Jae Broadley, Charlie McAlister, Kyle Smith, Adam Stewart, Awish Ul Haq, Dylan Wilson and Adam Young.
The boys did a sterling job, there were ten schools in this tournament! The Lorne Street Team won 3 – 0 against Ashpark Primary in the final. They displayed real skill and teamwork throughout both games. A big thank you to Derek Smith (Kyle’s dad) who has coached the boys for over a year. Mr Smith has been a great coach and the school really appreciate his support and dedication to the football team. Thanks to the parents/carers who maaged to come along and support the team too.
As part of the refurbishment the school office and Mr Nicolson’s office have swapped location. The janitor will now have a base in the open area on the ground floor. There will also be a designated First Aid room which will be located behind the school office. Can we remind parents/carers that they must report to the school office at all times as no parent/carer should be going past the school office unaccompanied. Thank you for your cooperation.
Each school session the school has to set a School Improvement Plan (SIP). The advice from Glasgow City Council is that the plan should have three priorities. A copy of the SIP is available from the school office. The first SIP priority from 2015/2016 was to promote positive relationships through nurture and inclusion approaches. Together we are working towards Rights Respecting Schools status and are currently developing the schools Vision, Values and Aims. As part of this work, Mrs Marigo has led developments and created a Rights Respecting School steering group, the school’s vision, values and aims are currently being developed.
We have continued to offer opportunities for parental partnership, the most recent being Unlocking Learning Parent Classes at Harper Church Hall to help P2 parents support their children with literacy. Due to limited space during our refurbishment we have not been able to offer as many opportunities as we would have liked. Now that the refurbishment is coming to an end, we hope to offer more opportunities next session, so any suggestions that you have, please get in touch with Mr Nicolson. When the refurbishment is complete the P1 class that was on the ground floor will become a nurture space. A new resource, Bounce Back has been brought in to help support teachers teach Health and Wellbeing. We now have a wide variety of pupil committees which has helped increase children’s voice,some of these committees include Eco, Pupil Council, Enterprise, Rights Respecting and Fairtrade.
The second priority was to review and refresh our curriculum in line with the values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence to meet the needs of all learners in the Sciences. Science Leaders of Learning visited Lorne Street and provided professional development to teaching staff and a progressive Science Programme provided by Glasgow City Council is now being used by teachers. We continue to build up the wider local and national links that can help support the teaching and learning of Science. Mrs Tarbert has also undertaken some joint Eco related topics with Festival Park Nursery.
The third priority was to raise attainment with the integration of a Writing Programme that showed progression throughout the school. A Writing Teaching Working Group was set up and has put together a plan that will start from next session. This working group will shortly be sharing their plans for approval with the rest of the teaching staff.
Our Improvement Plan for next session will be compiled over the coming weeks. The Scottish Government National Improvement Framework (NIF) with its clear focus on attainment particularly in literacy and numeracy will be one aspect of our plan. Please get in touch if you would like to comment or make any suggestions about future priorities.
Can I remind you that we stop for Summer on Friday 24th June at 1pm. Pupils will return at 9am
on Monday 15th August.
I hope everyone has a well earned rest over the summer break. Have fun and stay safe.
Wednesday 1st JuneP7 - Go Yellow Walk
Friday 3rd JuneSports Day/Parent Council Summer Fun Day.
Friday 10th June(Reserve Sports/Fun Day)
Tuesday 7th JuneWorld of Work Day
Wednesday 8thJuneP7 Visit to Bellahouston Academy
9.30am P5 Trip to Riverside Museum
1.30pm Pre Entrant Day
Friday 10th JuneReserve Sports Day/Parent Council Fun Day
Monday 13th JunePark Lives in Festival Park. All classes will take part in multisports with coaches.
Tuesday 14th June11.45am P4 to Water Safety Event at Pinkston Watersport
Friday 17th June10-12 Football Team to Rotary Club Final
P7 Leavers Service 1pm at Kinning Park Church all welcome.
Wednesday 22nd June11am – 11.30am – Meet the Teacher. All pupils will meet their teacher for next session.
6.30 – 8.30 P7 Leavers Disco at Harper Memorial Church.
Thursday 23rd JuneSchool closed for pupils as school is being used as a polling station.
Friday 24th JuneSchool closes for Summer break 1pm.
Please use this slip for requests for more information or your opinion on how we are
Child’s Name______