Notes from Purfleet Community Forum Meeting 25 March 2014.
Issue / Initial Action / Comment / Update action / comment1 / BOC site – complaint concerning night working and noise from gases and cleaning vehicles / Inform Environment Protection & Planning / Issue raised with Environment Protection
3 / Scrap Metal opposite to BOC also working hours / Inform Environment Protection & Planning / Issue raised with Environment
3 / Parking from Botany Quarry to Riverview Flats (from end of restriction to the flats.) causes problems regarding visibility and passing vehicles / Investigate existing parking and review whether a extension of the parking is beneficial. / The details of the Integrated Transport Programme are currently being formed. We should be able to advise in June which parking schemes were successful in reaching the Programme.
4 / Purfleet Bypass junction with North Road –a pothole is reported in the new surfacing / Pothole caused by a diesel patch spillage and is to be repaired. / Remedial action completed,
5 / Tank Lane Parking area for residents the provision was questioned and the creation of precedent. / Response given at meeting – the access and parking is being provided because Tank Lane is no longer safe due to cliff erosion. This has been progressed with the necessary approvals. / As previous response
6 / White Lining – the Mardyke estate was reported as needing white line renewal and was compared with the recent Uplands estate work. / This will be investigated and appropriate action taken. / There are a considerable number of road markings across the borough which have become degraded and we are recording these locations and assessing them for recovery. As the quantity is likely to far exceed the budget provision for this maintenance aspect, all locations will be prioritised on the basis of risk assessment and benefit to the community overall.
7 / Potholes were reported on the A1306 to Aveley / This area will be inspected. / The carriageway has been inspected and repairs instructed.
8 / Botany cottages – the retaining wall holding up the footway is moving and this has accelerated since the wet weather. / Investigate stability and ownership of the retaining wall and take appropriate action. / According to our records the limit of highway ownership is the back of footway. Building Control are responsible for structural inspections and this has been referred for their attention..
9 / Path leading to North Road junction with Purfleet Bypass The road junction has been improved but the footway from North Road to the bypass needs attention. / Investigate the current state of the footpath and take appropriate action. / The footway has been inspected and although the overall condition is poor, currently there are no reportable defects. This footway has been recommended for a reconstruction scheme.
10 / A1306 from Havering border to the roundabouts over the A13 is 40mph, the section over the A13 is unrestricted and then the A1306 becomes 40mph. / The section of road is a part of a dumbbell roundabout. Roundabouts are usually unrestricted. The next section is 30mph as it has street lighting. / The Arterial Road is currently de-restricted. The section over the A13 falls within the remit of Havering. The speed limit on Arterial Road will be reviewed.
11 / The A1306 junction with Armour Road (east to west) has a layout of 2 lanes which go into 1 lane across the junction. Should the nearside lane be marked as a left turn? Also see letter to Basil below. / The junction marking will be reviewed. / See comment below to 19.
12 / Southend Bound lay-by encourages parked lorries, rubbish/remove lay-by? / Response re need for lay-bys / Road/location needed.
13 / Surface Dressing
It was suggested that it would be beneficial to carry out surface dressing maintenance throughout Thurrock. / The response was that funds for that would reduce the amount of resurfacing we could do but consideration will be given to doing some as a part of the recently announced Department for Transport funding / Surface dressing is possible on roads that are in reasonable condition, but the roads that are currently being dealt with are in critical condition and require a much stronger solution. What is needed is additional funding be provided to deal with roads that are in a condition that would benefit from dressing
14 / Purfleet Station – comments were made that low cost (£1 per day) parking provision be made for commuters which would ease the parking problems. The Wimpey development site was cited as a possible location. / This solution will be considered. / A funding source would have to be identified to enable land to be acquired for a pay and display car park at Purfleet station. Even then, a car park alone may not ease the parking problems experienced by residents, as commuters could still choose to park on-street. Consequently, to be effective, a station car park would have to form part of a holistic parking strategy for the area, the cost of which may be difficult to justify in the current economic climate.
15 / Purfleet Station – The current plans look different to those previously supplied. Can the Forum be sent current plans? / Ask Planning or Regeneration to supply plans / Planning asked to keep the Forum informed of developments.
16 / If the parking is removed from London Road by a new car park then speed reduction measures will be required / This will be considered as a part of the new car park if taken forward. / A funding source would have to be identified to enable land to be acquired for a pay and display car park at Purfleet station. Even then, a car park alone may not ease the parking problems experienced by residents, as commuters could still choose to park on-street. Consequently, to be effective, a station car park would have to form part of a holistic parking strategy for the area, the cost of which may be difficult to justify in the current economic climate.
17 / Yellow box junctions – vehicles are stopping on roundabouts blocking traffic entering and leaving. Yellow box junctions enforced would reduce this. Example is Stonehouse Roundabout. / This will be considered. / As and when main road junctions are treated with remedial measures, yellow box markings will be considered.
18 / Planning Gain It was noted that there have been a lot of developments in Purfleet but very little planning gain delivered. / Comment / Thurrock Council actively negotiates with developers to achieve the best balance of outcome.
19 / Letter to Basil Jackson. Have been asked by Purfleet Forum members that live on the Upland estate to write to you regarding the Speed limit on the A 1306 between the Meads roundabout and the A1306/ M25 intersection. They have serious concerns in the light of the recent fatal and near fatal accidents that have occurred in the last few months.
They have asked if the speed limit along this sectioncould be reduced to a maximum of 30/40 mph. They have also requested that the slip lane for Amour Rd West bound is removed so that on the East side of the traffic lights there are only two lanes instead of the existing three. This would eliminate potential collisions where drivers find themselves in the wrong lane and cut across vehicles that are going straight ahead. / Response required. / A speed survey has been ordered on this road. The contractor will be chased up to deliver the results. A speed limit reduction will be proposed following receipt of the survey results.
The junction is on the priority list of roads requiring accident remedial treatment. All roads on the list will be prioritised according to the number of injury accidents that have occurred. We will be able to advise in June which roads were successful in reaching the Programme for treatment this year. The comments regarding the left lane will be borne in mind should this junction be ranked highly on the list for treatment this year.
20 / When is the Purfleet Bypass Toucan going to be constructed?
(E-mail from M Ford 19/6/2013)
As discussed, please find attached two general arrangement plans for the proposed Toucan Crossing on the Purfleet By-Pass. Please print out in A3 for clarity.
This new crossing is designed to enable residents in the area to cross the by-pass safely, with wider aspirations to link the Aveley and Purfleet areas with a safe and convenient pedestrian/cycle route. As part of the scheme, the footway on the southwest side of Purfleet By-Pass will be widened into the opera House access, to accommodate a shared cycle/pedestrian route that will link up with pedestrian routes that pass the Opera House development.
It is anticipated that further schemes will be progressed with the eventual plan to provide a pedestrian/cycle route between the by-pass and London Road (Purfleet) adjacent to the Opera House development, with further links to Purfleet Station and West Thurrock; negating the need to provide an extension to the by-pass shared cycleway towards the Stonehouse Corner Roundabout; which as you know has a very high traffic capacity and safety issues. / Response/update required / The Purfleet bypass Toucan is currently under construction.
The timing of developer funded developments is often set by the progress of the development.