Birch Bay Steering Committee Minutes

For Wednesday, March 28, 2007
at Birch Bay Bible Community Church
7039 Jackson Road

Chairman Kathy Berg called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

Steering Committee members present were: Kathy Berg, Jeri Smith, Doralee Booth, Earl Listabarger, Dr. Frank Oldrich, Vic Cantelmo, Pauline Nefcy, Patrick Alesse, Kelvin Barton, Doug Robertson, Cynthia Colinares, Ted Morris, Natalie Pacheco, Karen Vaden, Blair Murray and Mike Abendhoff. Nine guests were present as well as Hal Hart and Dennis Rhodes, Director and Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services respectively.

New neighborhood representative for Birch Bay Village is Katy Hicks.

Ø  The January 24, 2007 Minutes were accepted as written.

Public Comments:

Lisa Guthrie of Homestead announced that a public hearing would be held on April 11, 2007 at 1:50pm regarding adding carport covers over 60 existing paved parking spaces and construction of 2 storage locker buildings, totaling 1,952 square feet for an existing condo project at 7714 Birch Bay Drive. The remodel of Stephanies continues with hope that the restaurant will be open this summer. The public restrooms, which will be in the public plaza in front of the golf course, are about 1-½ years out.

Mauri Ingram spoke regarding Leadership Whatcom. It is a program to help cultivate leaders in our community. There are 25 participants each year and the cost is $1,200. Scholarships are available based on need.

Patrick Alessee asked those who were interested in an off-leash dog park in the Blaine area to sign a petition.

Implementation Subcommittee Reports:

Emergency Preparedness Task Force

·  Members from the Pt. Robert’s emergency preparedness task force visited to discuss their planning process.

·  In the next months there will be a series of guest speakers including Tom Fields, Chief of Fire District #21; BP’s Director of Crisis Management and Emergency Response; Don Boyd, Director of Whatcom County Emergency Management; and Mike Haslit from Blaine. The committee is in the process of information gathering.


·  12 Birch Bay residents participated in the selection of Berk and Associates to do the feasibility study for incorporation. Thanks to Planning and Development Services for facilitating this process. No meeting of the committee in April.

Birch Bay Shoreline Enhancement/Restoration

·  Process in phase 2 which includes geologic/engineering and design work.

·  140 property owners have given easements for the shoreline enhancement.

·  Hal Hart reminded the committee to continue to bring the under-grounding of utilities to the forefront.

Land Use/Economic Development/Infrastructure:

·  Discussed spine roads in commercial areas/ no strip malls.

·  Look at zoning for a recreational area.

·  Develop a master plan for the Alderson/Blaine Road area.

·  Look at economic development priorities.

·  How do we go about zoning and securing the land for a town center when plan is completed?

Task Force for Stormwater Management/Shellfish Protection:

·  The Whatcom County Council passed the ordinance to create the Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Resource Management District (BBWARM) last evening, March 27,2007. The district includes all lands and residences in the Birch Bay watershed.

·  An informational/educational paper about the status of the Birch Bay watershed pertaining to the water quality in Terrell Creek and the Bay and the story regarding the development and process of creating the district is being prepared.

Parks, Recreation, and Open Space:

·  Looking for new Chairman for subcommittee.

·  Liz Daley on behalf of BP donated $1,000 for mutt-mitt bags.

·  Northwest Parks and Recreation will have 4 community meetings to look at trails and playground needs in the district. One meeting is on April 10th at the Birch Bay Bible Church at 7:00 pm.

Transportation/Public Safety and Schools:

·  Supt. Ron Spanjer gave a power point presentation on the Blaine Schools program and enrollment statistics.

·  A new elementary is planned for Birch Bay but as of yet they do not have a site. The new K-6 elementary is projected to be up and running in 5 years and will cost $22 million. The school board hopes to raise the funds with a capital projects bond that would go before the voters in the spring of 2008. Among other needs listed is a $30 million renovation/expansion of the high school in Blaine.

·  The new Birch Bay neighborhood deputy has been appointed. Deputy Clifford Langley will be present at the next Transportation/Public Safety and Schools meeting on April 19th.

·  The first 10 new paid firefighters for Fire District #21 have finished their training and are now on duty. The next 11 will begin their training at the Birch Bay Fire station and should graduate in mid-May at which time the Birch Bay Fire station will be fully manned 24/7.

Design Guidelines:

·  The next meeting is Tuesday, April 3 with Davidya Kasperzyk and other consultants from Northwest Collaborative to review design guidelines.

PDS Report – Hal Hart, Director of Planning and Development Services updated information on the many on-going projects in Birch Bay. Roland Middleton has an appointment to meet with the Blaine postmaster to get information on what the community of Birch Bay needs to do to get our own post office.

The next Birch Bay Steering Committee meeting will be Wednesday, April 25th. Vice-chairman Jeri Smith will facilitate. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Doralee Booth, Secretary

With some detail by Kathy Berg