CSC 686-687


School of Engineering, Technology and Media

Assessment for Master of Science in Computer Science Program Capstone Project (CSC686-CSC687)

Project Title:


Directions: Please enter a numerical score (between 0 and 100) for each team for each learning outcome which you feel at least 80% of the student team members have demonstrated. Please use the blank areas for questions, comments etc., if needed.

Learning Outcomes / Assessment Criteria and Measurable Outcomes / Score
  1. Create software requirements specifications, and design and develop complex software systems using software engineering processes and tools..
  • Proficiency in problem analysis
  • Specified Functional & Non-Functional Requirements, Use Case Diagram
  • Proficiency in Software Design

  1. Evaluate computer security vulnerabilities and threats, and countermeasures that are both effective and ethical to address them.
  • Contextual evaluation of security aspects
  • Effective measures
  • Ethical aspects

  1. Analyze, design and develop database solutions by translating database modeling theory into sound database design and implementation.
  • Analysis of Database aspects
  • Proficiency in Database design
  • Proficiency in Database implementation

  1. Analyze and design complex front-end applications for cloud and client-server architectures and integrate them with backend databases.
  • Proficiency in analysis and design of frontend applications
  • Proficiency in integrating them with backend databases

  1. Compare & contrast alternative systems for process and memory management.
  • Understanding of alternatives in dealing with memory related issues.
  1. Demonstrate ability to conduct in-depth research, both individually as well as in teams, in a specific computer science
    area and ability to maintain currency in computer science through lifelong learning.
  • Proficiency in research in a computer science area
  • Lessons learned from the project
  • Motivation in lifelong learning

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking and ability to analyze and synthesize computer science concepts and skills with ethical standards through graduate-level evaluative and creative written assignments and oral reports.
  • Proficiency in critical thinking
  • Ability to analyze and synthesize computer related concepts
  • Skillful with ethical standards
  • Proficiency in expressing critical thinking , analysis and synthesis

  1. Evaluate design methodologies for software projects including hardware/software integration, networking and graphical user interfaces.
  • Evaluation of design methodologies
  • Are some methodologies better than others?
  • Comparative advantages or disadvantages of design methodologies

Project Evaluated by:



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