Grades 5 Art, Language, and Technology Integration Lessons
As Fifth Grade students begin the year, they will continue building on the skills from fourth grade:identifying main ideas in oral information, music, depicted in illustrations, and text including supporting details, writing and drawing summaries of fictional and nonfictional information. Students will return to the visual literacy writing process as they begin producing their own multimedia stories (oral or written) and illustrations digitally documented or created.
Enduring Understandings - important ideas that students should carry with them years beyond the instruction received this year.
•Different strategies and skills are required to understand a variety of oral, written, and visual materials.
•People apply critical thinking skills when reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing.
•People access, read, evaluate, and use a variety of resources to get information from technology, visual, written, and oral sources.
Essential Questions - most important “big picture” questions students should be able to answer after completing learning activities.
•What does it mean to "understand"?Why do we need to understand what we see, read, or hear?
•How do we use strategies and skills to understand a variety of materials?
•What is critical thinking? Why is critical thinking important? How do we apply critical thinking skills?
•Why do I need a variety of resources? How do I access information and use it responsibly? How do I evaluate resources?
Derived and modified from to include art and technology. Additional sources of information are on slide 26 of PowerPoint project.
Grade Five Nevada Standards
VISUAL ARTS Nevada Grades K-12 Content Standards
It is expected that students will:
Art Criticism
(5)1.1 describe works of art, using appropriate vocabulary, e.g., identify subject matter, symbols and/or ideas; distinguish media, techniques or processes [NS 1.5.1, NS 2.5.1]
Art History
(5)2.5 discuss social impact of art on culture, e.g., learn how art can influence people’s ideas, feelings, or actions [NS 4.5.2]
(5) 3.2 discuss aesthetic positions/stances c. functionalism (art with a practical purpose) [NS 2.5.2]
Art Production
(5)4.1 demonstrate elements of art: line, shape, color, texture, value, form, space [NS 2.5.4]
(5)4.2 demonstrate design concepts and principles: repetition, pattern, symmetry, geometric shape, color theory (mix complementary colors and tones/hues), scale, contrast, overlapping, contours, emphasis, composition, organic shape, unity/harmony, negative shape/space, balance, movement, rhythm [NS 2.5.4]
(5)4.3 create works of art that communicate ideas through subject matter and symbols; visual characteristics; or media, techniques, and processes [NS 3.5.2]
(5)4.4 draw; using varied media, techniques, and processes [NS 1.5.3]
(5)4.12 create a work of art that shows the influence of a particular historical period or culture [NS 4.5.3]
(5)4.13 use technology to create works of art, e.g., computer art [NS 1.5.3]
It is expected that students will:
TECHNOLOGY Nevada Grades K-12 Content Standards
1.0 Problem Solving — Students utilize problem-solving processes through the use of resources to reach a desired outcome.
2.0 Productivity Tools — Students use appropriate productivity tools including, but not limited to, word processing spreadsheet, database, multimedia, and telecommunications.
Grade Five Nevada Standards
It is expected that students will:
(5) 2.2 A. select during-reading strategies appropriate to text and purpose
1. Use self-correcting strategies (e.g., self-question, reread, use context clues) [PS/NS 2.5.2]
2. Make, confirm, and revise predictions [NS 2.5.2]
3. Understand and use key vocabulary [NS 2.5.2]
4. Identify main idea and supporting details [NS 2.5.2]
5. Make inferences [NS 2.5.2]
8. Apply knowledge of text type [NS 2.5.2]
9. Clarify understanding of text (e.g., take notes, generate questions, discuss, check other sources)
11. visualize/create mental images
12. Use appropriate graphic organizer Non-Fiction Retelling Hand See below.
(5) 2.3 A. select after-reading strategies appropriate to text and purpose
1. Recall details/facts [PS/NS 2.5.3]
2. Restate main ideas [PS/NS 2.5.3]
3. Organize information (e.g., graphic organizer, outline) [PS/NS 2.5.3] See Fiction Retelling Hand below.
4. Record information [PS/NS 2.5.3]
5. Synthesize text [PS/NS 2.5.3]
6. Evaluate text (e.g., draw conclusions, make inferences) [PS/NS 2.5.3] See Rubric and Critique below.
Canvastic Online Drawing and Message(for art, language, and technology integration)
Procedure: 1. Display and discuss assignment objectives and procedures on the board emphasizing the video and handouts (Canvastic, Retelling Hand, Rubric and Critique). Discuss shapes, lines, and movement. Check for understanding. Respond to student questions.
Student Friendly Objectives: 1. I will make a drawing using shapes and lines (some overlapping each other with more than one color) to create adigital frogdrawing using Canvastic an online drawing tool. 2. I will take turns with my team using the computer as available or in the computer labwith permission. 3. I will complete and save my digital frog drawing correctly (digital drawing with first name and class code). 4. I will write or tell about my work using the Retelling hand or Critique handouts (handouts must be labeled with first name and last name initial, date, class code, and table color)and fill out my rubric if I have time.
Evaluation:1. Did studentsparticipate during discussion of assignment? 2. Did Student complete and save drawing and message according to the video and handout directions? 3. Did students complete rubric, critique and/or retelling hand appropriately and up to ability? Vocabulary: line, shape, overlap, pattern, and movement. Materials: Teacher Example video, LCD projector, (Canvastic, rubric, critique, and retelling hand) handouts, computers with internet access, and pencils. *
Name______Date______Class Code______Table Color______
Name______Date______Class Code______Table Color______
Each lesson is weighted out of 12 points possible. Grades are as follows: E/Excellent=12-9, S/Satisfactory=8-5, N/Needs Improvement=4-0, M/missing=0, and X/Excused (absent)=No point value/not included in grade average.
Assignment:Canvastic Online Drawing for illustrating text, presentation, or video project / Interesting original creative idea, composition/space includes movement, very neat used time very well, excellent ability & technique, saved work correctly (name, class code, and in appropriate folder) / Some creativity/idea modified from example, good composition effort and use of space, neat used time well, followed directions for technique, saved work / Little effort to work creatively or follow example, little attention to use of space with limited details-unfinished with little visible effort to complete, messy did not use time well, technique inconsistent with directions, and/or did not save work
(Did you draw and write clearly in your own style/way?) / 3 / 2 / 1
Use of space
(Did you draw and use text with balance and limit empty places?) / 3 / 2 / 1
Neatness Use of Time(Did you draw and write carefully helping your team if you were done early?) / 3 / 2 / 1
(Did you use Canvastic to draw, write a message, and save your work following the video directions?) / 3 / 2 / 1
Total points / Points from this column / Points from this column / Points from this column
Write or tell Mrs. R.-T. about your answers to the following critique questions:
Evaluation-What is your opinion of your work? Why? ______
Synthesis-What ways would you change your work? ______
Analysis-Explain what you were thinking about when you created your work (what was your purpose or idea)? ______
Application-If you could help someone understand what we studied and why, what would you say? ______
Understanding-What is the subject or fictional character in your work (from life, a story, poem, advertisement)? ______
Knowledge-Describe your work (Tell about the tools and the way you made your work)? ______
Name______Date______Class Code______Table Color______
Are you critiquing your own work? Circle one. Yes No If you circled No, whose work are you critiquing? ______