Урок з теми
«Спорт. Спортивне обладнання.»
7 клас
Андріяш Наталя Михайлівна,
учитель англійської мови
Новоукраїнської ЗШ №6
"Sports: Sporting Equipment"
Objectives: - to introduce new vocabulary on the topic;
- to develop communicative skills using the active vocabulary;
- to improve the pupils' skills for listening and comprehension;
- to develop a creative way of thinking.
Equipment: pictures of sports equipment, cards with lexical material and exercises, text for listening, textbook "English" by A. Nesvit for 7-th form.
Procedure of the lesson:
1. Introductory talk. Warming up.
- Listen to the definitions and say what kind of sport they are about:
1) The most popular sport in Great Britain, (football)
2) In this game there are 5 players in a team, (basketball)
3) Two Ukrainian brothers are representatives of this kind of sport, (boxing)
4) The most popular international indoor game, (chess)
5) Physical exercise which we do in the open air in the mornings, (jogging)
6) A water kind of sport, (swimming)
7) A kind of competition with use of some animals, (horse-racing)
8) An individual winter sport (skiing, skating)
9) It is a racket sport, (tennis)
2. Introducing the Topic.
- So, we are talking about sports and everything what concerns sports. But can you tell me what is important in sport? What is necessary for sportsmen to be successful? What do they need?.. Yes, you are quite right, sportsmen need special equipment, and the theme of our lesson today is ".Sporting Equipment
Working on the new words on Card 1.
- Take Card 1. Read and repeat after me the new words.
- Using Card 1 say what is the English for «mpeHaMep» («eo/iaH»,...)?
- Have a look at the pictures and name the equipment in them. You can use the list of words in Card 1.
- Let's play a guessing game. One pupil thinks of some sports equipment, the class must guess what it is asking questions like these:
1) Is it a piece of clothes?
2) Is it used in football (swimming,...)?
3) Is it large (small, round, long,...)?
4) Is it made of wood (metal, plastic,...)?
- Match the words to make word-combinations (Card 2):
1) Hockey / a) mask / Card 22) A training / b) backboard
3) A batting / c) skates
4) Football / d) helmet
5) Snorkelling / e) simulator
6) A basketball / f) boots
3. Group Work.
- Make a list of equipment which you need for playing these sports (games):
Football / Basketball / Card 3Tennis / Swimming
Hockey / Boxing
Volleyball / Baseball
4. Listening and Comprehension.
Text "From the History of Badminton"
a) Pre-Listeninq. Vocabulary to the text: - aim - Mema, u,i/ib
- to reach speeds - 36inbuuumu Lueudnicmb
- a play set - izpoeuu Ha6ip
- Duke Bofourt - zepu,oz Botpopm
Text: Badminton is a traditional game for picnics and one of the favourite children's games. The aim of it is to keep the shuttlecock in the air as long as possible. It is the fastest of racket sports: a shuttlecock can reach speeds of 372 kilometers per second!
Badminton is one of the oldest games in the world. The Greeks played it 3000 years ago. The Japanese also used shuttlecocks and wooden rackets for games. In 1873 Duke Bofourt returned home from India and brought an unusual play set as a souvenir. In that year the game got the name badminton, as Badminton was the name of the house of Duke Bofourt. Now badminton is one of the Olympic sports.
b) After-Listening. - Mark the sentences True/False (Card 4):
1) Nowadays badminton is a popular activity among children and grown-ups.-
2) The aim of the game is not to allow the shuttlecock to fall down.
3) Badminton is the fastest ball sport.
4) The game with a shuttlecock was played in ancient Greece.
5) A set for playing badminton was brought to India in 1873.
6) The game got its name after Duke bofourt. Card 4
5. Speaking. (In the textbook-Page 169, Ex. 6.) - Look at the pictures and say:
1) What sport children go(-es) in for.
2) How long they have(has) been doing it.
3) What equipment they need for it.
6. Hometask: - Learn the new vocabulary;
- do in writing Ex. 3 on Page 168.
Card 1A batting helmet / - шолом, каска
hockey skates / - ковзани
A tracksuit / - спорт, костюм
Sneakers/trainers / - кросівки
A training simulator / -тренажер
Football boots / - бутси
A snorkelling mask / -маска для підводного плавання
Swimsuit / - плавальний костюм
Goggles / - окуляри для плавання
Aquashoes / - водонепроникні черевики (ласти)
A basketball backboard / -баскетбольний щит
A rim / - кільце
Rings / - гімнастичні кільця
A net / - сітка
A goal / - ворота
A puck / - шайба
A hockey stick / - хокейна ключка
A racket / - ракетка
A shuttlecock / - волан
A T-shirt / - футболка
A baseball cap / - бейсбольна кепка
Boxing gloves / - боксерські рукавиці