Mat-35-49301 Intermediate-algebra (5 units)

Fall 2015(8/31 – 12/17)

Instructor: Hong Choi

Date and Time: MTWTh 8:00am - 9:10am

Room: MTSC 105

Office hours: None, but please feel free to email me.

Email: (indicate which class you are in i.e. “8am Math 35”)

Class website:

Textbook: Intermediate Algebra, 5th edition, by Allan S. Tussy, R. David Gustafson

ISBN: 9781133766575

Course description: The concepts introduced in beginning algebra are presented again, but in greater depth. In addition to the basic considerations, logarithms, exponential equations, systems of linear and nonlinear equations, Cramer’s Rule, the Binomial Theorem, the complex number system, and sequences and series are included. 90 hours lecture.

Course Objective:

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

1.  Apply the basic operations of algebra on the set of real and complex numbers, polynomials, rational and radical expressions at an intermediate algebra level.

2.  Solve linear, rational, quadratic, exponential, radical, logarithmic, absolute value equations, and systems of equations.

3.  Solve inequalities in one or two variables.

4.  Graph equations of lines and linear inequalities; graph basic functions; identify conic sections.

5.  Recognize and determine the distinctions between functions and relations; apply basic operations on functions and find inverse functions.

6.  Calculate terms of sequences. Calculate sums of series.

Homework: After each section is covered in the lecture, students are expected to do homework problems from the covered section before the next class. List of problems will be provided at the end of this syllabus. Generally, I will randomly decide the section and time to collect homework. Homework has to be submitted within the first 5 minutes of the announcement – no exceptions. Failure to do so will result in zero credit. The highest score you can get per homework is 10. Show your work for credit. No work means no credit regardless of answer. No late submission for any reason. Even if you did not finish a section completely, submit whatever you have done so far.

Format: Write neatly. Circle your answers. If I can’t understand what the work is I will not give credit. Staple your homework. Staple before you leave for school. Staple each section on its own. If a page gets lost, it is not my fault.

Calculators: Calculators are not allowed, as well as other devices capable of such function. Use of calculating device or any other device capable of storing texts during exam will be considered cheating, including using cell phone for any reason.

Exams: There will be four exams, and a final exam. You must show your work to receive full credit. The lowest exam grade from Exam 1-4 will be dropped. Do not come in late. You must be on time. If anyone enters the room after at least one student turns in their exam and leaves, or 10 minutes after the exam started, that late student will not be allowed to take the exam.

Pop/surprise quizzes:

Depending on circumstances there will be surprise quizzes given out. Each may replace one of homework grades. This is NOT an extra credit.

Make-up policy: No make-ups are allowed for exams or homeworks. There is no make-up for final exam regardless of any reason.


Exam 1-4 / 200 points each, lowest one will be dropped, First exam is mandatory
Final Exam / 300 points(cumulative) 12/17(Thur.) 8am
Homework / 100 points
Course grade / A: 900 – 1000 points
B: 800 – 899 points
C: 700 – 799 points
D: 550 – 699 points
F: 549 point or lower

Cheating/plagiarism: No cheating or plagiarizing. Such action will cost you your grade, (will be given F for the whole course) and other disciplinary actions will follow. I expect every student to do their own homework. All tests will be completed without the aid of the book, notes, or calculator. Using such materials during a test will be considered cheating.

Attendance: It is extremely important that you attend every class session. Leaving early or arriving late is disrespectful and disruptive. Any student with three consecutive absences or total of five absences may be dropped from the course. You have to be in class for a reasonable amount of the time to be acknowledged as attending. But do not rely on me to drop you if you wish to drop the course. It is better to do it yourself than to receive a F. Your registration status is your responsibility.

Cell phones: TURN OFF or SILENCE cell phones. If you receive a call and wish to answer, quietly remove yourself from the classroom and take care of it. This applies to other devices such as pagers as well. No texting. If I see or suspect you using phone or texting, you will be asked to leave or may even be dropped from the class. Do not take your cellphone out for any unnecessary reason. Don’t try to hide it behind a bag, binders or any objects, or under the desk. Do NOT use cell phones in class(no internet browsing or any other kind of use).

Student responsibilities:

Do not slack off.

Do not distract others, no disruptive behaviors such as talking.

Do not use electronic devices such as iPods or tablets.

Drinks must be in a container with lockable lid or twist cap. No food in class.

Do not cheat, plagiarize, or commit misconducts. Such action will result in getting F for the course grade, and any other action deemed necessary will be enforced. Follow RCC Student Code of Conduct.

Do not bring anyone who is not enrolled in this class.

If you cannot take exam for a valid reason, notify me in advance (at least a week preferred). You’d need to arrange the exam before the actual exam date for the rest of the class.


If you need assistance with disability, please contact Disabled Student Services Office at (951) 222 – 8060 and have arrangements with them and notify me.

Academic help:

RCC campus has Math lab in Martin Luther King building (3rd floor).

Continued enrollment in the class would imply consent to terms set forth above.

Class schedule(tentative)

Week 1-3: / Real Numbers (Ch. 1)
Graphs, equations of lines, and functions (Ch. 2)
Systems of equations (Ch. 3)
Exam 1
Week 4-7: / Linear equations and inequalities(Ch. 4)
Exponents, polynomials, and polynomial functions (Ch. 5)
Exam 2
Week 8-10: / Exponents, polynomials, and polynomial functions (Ch. 5)
Rational expressions and equations (Ch. 6)
Exam 3
Week 11-14: / Radical expressions and equations (Ch. 7)
Quadratic equations / functions and their graphs (Ch. 8)
Exponential and logarithmic functions (Ch. 9)
Exam 4
Week 14-15: / Exponential and logarithmic functions (Ch. 9)
Conic sections (Ch. 10)
Week 15-16: / Sequences and series (Ch. 11)
Final exam

Math 35 homework list

1.3: 35, 37, 41, 45, 53, 59, 61, 67, 69, 75, 81, 85, 91,

1.5: 23 – 71 EOO(Every Other Odd – 23, 27, 31, ….)

1.6: 43, 47, 51, 55

1.7: 15, 17, 41

1.8: 27, 35, 43, 49

2.1: 41, 45, 49, 51

2.2: 25 – 41 EOO – use graph paper

2.3: 25 – 49 EOO

2.4: 17, 23, 25, 31, 33, 59, 61, 63, 65, 93, 97, 99

2.5: 19 – 79 EOO, 81, 99, 101, 105

2.6: 17 – 69 EOO

3.2: 37 – 61 EOO

3.3: 15 – 35 EOO

3.4: 17 – 37 EOO, 49

3.5: 15 – 43 EOO, 51, 53

3.2: 37 – 61 EOO

3.3: 15 – 35 EOO

3.4: 17 – 37 EOO, 49

3.5: 15 – 43 EOO, 51, 53

3.6: 15, 19, 23, 45

3.7: 11, 27

4.1: 29 – 77 EOO

4.2: 17 – 69 EOO

4.3: 19 – 71 EOO

4.4: 11, 15, 27

4.5: 21 – 37 EOO

5.1: 19 – 79 EOO

5.2: 13, 17, 27, 31, 39, 47, 55, 67

5.3: 23, 25, 33 – 53 EOO

5.4: 11 – 67 EOO

5.5: 23 – 71 EOO

5.6: 17 – 77 EOO

5.7: 17 – 69 EOO

6.1: 19 – 63 EOO

6.2: 15 – 67 EOO

6.3: 19 – 67 EOO

6.4: 11 – 35 EOO

6.5: 15 – 51 EOO

6.6: 13 – 33 EOO, 41 – 65 EOO

6.7: 9 – 49 EOO

7.1: 23 – 33 ODD, 39 – 47 EOO55 – 61 ODD, 63, 65, 71 – 79 EOO, 85, 87 – 99 EOO, 101

7.2: 17 – 101 EOO

7.3: 13 – 69 EOO

7.4: 15 – 95 EOO

7.5: 15 – 59 EOO

7.7: 17 – 89 EOO

8.1: 15 – 67 EOO

8.2: 13 – 37 EOO

8.3: 11 – 47 EOO

8.4: 23 – 63 EOO

9.1: 13 – 41 EOO

9.2: 27 – 67 EOO

9.4: 23 – 83 EOO

9.5: 41 – 51 ODD

9.6: 19 – 91 EOO

9.7: 21 – 57 EOO (you may use calculators for some problems)