/ Transport
Safety and Security / Transports
Sécurité et sûreté
Transportation of Dangerous / Direction générale du transport
Goods Directorate / des marchandises dangereuses
330 Sparks Street / 330, rue Sparks
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5 / Ottawa ON K1A 0N5

Equivalency Certificate

(Approval issued by the competent authority of Canada)

Certificate No.: SU 10931 (Ren. 3)

Certificate Holder: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Enforcement Branch

Mode of Transport Road, Rail, Air, Marine

Issue Date: May 3, 2016

Expiry Date: April 30, 2018


This Equivalency Certificate authorizes the officers of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Enforcement Branch, for the purpose of carrying out their duties, to handle or transport by any means of transport, dangerous goods including forensic samples, in a manner that does not comply with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, under the following conditions:

(a) the dangerous goods are in quantities that do not exceed the quantities normally required for these duties;

Equivalency Certificate

(Approval issued by the competent authority of Canada)

SU 10931 (Ren. 3)


(b) before the dangerous goods are loaded on the means of transport, the certificate holder provides a paper or electronic copy of this Equivalency Certificate to the transporter or air operator and receives authorization from the transporter or air operator for the transportation of the dangerous goods.

Note: The issuance of this Equivalency Certificate in no way reduces the certificate holder's responsibility to comply with any other requirements of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the Canadian Aviation Regulations not specifically addressed in this certificate.

Signature of Issuing Authority


David Lamarche P. Eng., ing.


Permits and Approvals Division

Equivalency Certificate

(Approval issued by the competent authority of Canada)

SU 10931 (Ren. 3)

(The following is for information purposes only and is not part of the certificate.)

Contact Person: Karina Kessaris

Manager, Program Support

Environmental Enforcement Directorate

Enforcement Branch

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Place Vincent Massey, 5th Floor, Room 5059

351 St. Joseph Blvd.

Gatineau QC K1A 0H3

Telephone: 819-938-5310

Facsimile: 819-938-5383

E-mail: and

Explanatory Note

The members and the employees of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Enforcement Branch require dangerous goods to be carried and utilized in the performance of their duties to ensure public safety.

Legend for Certificate Number

SH - Road, SR - Rail, SA - Air, SM - Marine

SU - More than one Mode of Transport

Ren. - Renewal

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