Spring 2014 Physics Final Exam Review

Physics tutorial site: physicsclassroom.com

You may also additionally use Test Reviews given out during the semester and available on abdulhussain.wikispaces.com


g=10 m/s2 UG=mgh K= ½mv2 W=∆E W=Fd P=W/t


1.  A 7 kg mass is held 1.5 m above the ground. What is the approximate gravitational potential energy of the mass?

2.  It takes 80 J of work to push a large box 4 m across a floor. What is the magnitude of the force on the box?

3.  What is the total mechanical energy of a roller coaster cart that has a mass of 80 kg, and is at rest 20 m above the ground?

4.  At what point is the total mechanical energy of a roller coaster equal to the kinetic energy of a roller coaster?

5.  A lawn mower is pushed across the lawn by a force of 110 N horizontally for 55.6 m. How much work is done?

6.  Val E. Gurl lifts 430 N to a height of 0.6 m in 0.9 seconds. How much power did she use in the lift?

7.  A box slides down a ramp. What happens to all the kinetic energy when it comes to a stop?

8.  What is it called when energy is transferred into or out of a system by an external force ?

Use the diagram to the left to answer the next two questions: Two balls, both with a mass of 1 kg, are released from rest at the heights indicated on the diagram. Assume air friction is negligible.

9.  How does the UG of ball A compare to the UG of ball B?

10.  How much Kinetic energy will B have just before it strikes the ground?

Momentum and Impulse

p=mv J=F∆t J=∆p m1v1i+m2v2i=m1v1f+m2v2f

11.  Compare the momentums of a car at rest and a bicycle at rest. Compare the momentums of a car moving at 5 m/s and a bicycle moving at 5 m/s.

12.  T/F: A moving bowling ball will always have greater momentum than a moving tennis ball.

13.  What is the correct unit for momentum?

14.  What kind of collision occurs when:

A.  an arrow strikes an apple on top of a circus clown’s head, and gets stuck in the apple?

B.  a shotgun is fired, and the shooter is pushed back by the butt of the gun?

C.  on a pool table, the cue ball strikes the stationary eight ball, and after the collision, the cue ball is at rest and the eight ball is moving

18. What variable is increased when an egg is dropped onto a pillow, compared to when an egg is dropped onto a tile floor?

19. Momentum is:

20. If the mass of an object is doubled and the velocity remains constant, what happens to the momentum of the object?

Use the following information to answer the next two questions. Carts A and B have equal mass and are in a closed, isolated system on a frictionless track. Cart A (moving to the right) hits cart B (at rest) as shown in the drawing below. They stick together and both move to the right after the collision.

21. BEFORE the collision, the momentum of the system (A and B) is

22. The velocity of cart A after the collision will be ______its velocity before the collision.

Electrostatics F=kq1q2d2 k=9 x 109 Nm2/C2

23. What is true about the protons and electrons in neutral objects?

24. T/F: Neutral objects contain no electrical charges.

25. Opposites ______and like ______

26. T/F: Positive objects contain only positive charges.

27. What process is occurring when electrons gather at the bottom of a storm cloud, causing the ground below to be charged?

28. What is true about electrons in a conductor, versus in an insulator?

29. Which particle can be easily gained or lost by an atom?

30. What would a force diagram look like for the Coulomb force between two positively-charged particles? What affects Coulomb force more, distance between the objects, or the charge of the objects?



31. What happens to current in a series circuit?

32. A 6.0-ohm resistor that obeys Ohm’s Law is connected to a source of variable potential difference. What happens to the current passing through the resistor, when the applied voltage is decreased from 12 V to 6 V?

33. An electric appliance draws 0.75 amperes of current when it is connected to a 9-volt source. What is the resistance of this appliance?

34. Conductors allow electrical current to _____easily through them.

35. In which type of circuit is the total current of the circuit the sum of all of the branch currents?

36. In terms of positive and negative ends of a power source, how does conventional current move? How does this compare to electron flow?

37. Compare and contrast series and parallel circuits in terms of voltage, current, and resistance.

38. A parallel circuit has one branch with a 4 ohm resistor, a second branch with a 6 ohm resistor, and a third branch with a 8 ohm resistor. What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit?

39. How could two circuits have a different resistance from one another, just by rearranging the connections of the resistors?

40. Why does a light bulb in series to a battery have the brightest glow, compared to identical light bulbs in parallel with the same battery?

Waves & Sound

T=1f f=1T v=λf A=12(high-low)

41. Compare how a medium moves, relative to the direction of the energy traveling through it, in transverse waves versus longitudinal waves.

42. Draw a transverse wave, and label all of the parts of the wave (crest, trough, amplitude, wavelength).

43. The diagram below represents two pulses approaching each other from opposite directions in the same medium. What will it look like once the waves pass through each other?

44. How many nodes, and how many antinodes, does a standing wave of the 6th harmonic have? Draw it.

45. What determines the speed of a wave?

46. The more energy a sound wave has, the greater its ____ , and the ______the sound will seem.

47. An object produces a sound with constant frequency as the object moves from X to Y. Draw a diagram that represents the pattern of the sound waves. What is the effect called?

48. Interference of sound waves causes a compression to converge with another compression in the area next to Guy’s ear. What is this type of interference?

49. Why wouldn’t astronauts on the Moon not be able to hear a landslide?

50. Draw a diagram of diffraction.

51. Draw a diagram of a transverse wave with high frequency. Draw one with low frequency. What else is different about them?

Light v=λf f=1/T T=1/f

52. For a student to see her full image from head to toe in a flat mirror, what must the minimum length of that mirror be?

53. What is the law of reflection?

54. What is the order of the EM spectrum from lowest to highest frequency? How does that correlate with wavelength?

55. Compare specular and diffuse reflection, and what situations cause each.

56. If stretched out to 2000 miles, the visible light portion of the EM spectrum would be about 1 ______(give the unit).

57. Images in plane mirrors are

58. What causes photons to be emitted from an atom?

59. Which has more energy, a photon of red light, or a photon of blue light?

60. Which of the people below (represented by eyes) would be able to see the image of the light bulb in the mirror?

61. How does the photoelectric effect demonstrate the particle nature of light?

62. How does Young’s double slit experiment demonstrate the wave nature of light?

63. Draw a diagram of a ray of light entering water, from air, and refracting?

64. Luminous objects ______light, while illuminated objects ______light.

65. Are light waves mechanical, or electromagnetic? Are they longitudinal, or transverse?

66. How can you locate the image of an object in a plane mirror?

67. The sun is an example of a(n) ______body, and the moon is an example of a(n) ______body.

68. Draw a diagram showing both refraction and reflection at the surface of a calm body of water.

69. What is the frequency of infrared light with a wavelength of 0.0001 meter (1.0 x 10-4 meter)? (Use a speed of light of 3.0 x 108 m/s)

70. When light passes from air into water, the frequency of the light remains the same. What happens to the speed and the wavelength of light as it crosses the boundary going from air into water?