PROJECT TITLE: On-line Home Entertainment Shop

Author : Tony Mack

Course: HND Computing (IT)


Supervisor : M. Nawaz


Project Environment:

The system is to be developed with the intention of expanding HomeMusic Ltd’s business interests and in doing so make them more commercially viable.


The main object of the project is to produce an automated on-line shopping system to hold details of stock, prices, new orders, pending orders, completed orders, check orders against stock and to create an invoice for each order. The system would benefit HomeMusic Ltd by making their company more efficient, manageable and profitable.

Product Aim:

The aim is to allow customers to place orders and buy consumables on-line. It is intended for the customer’s details to be interpreted and processed automatically - by way of a CGI script - through the company’s in-house database, which will be linked to an in-house server.

A structured methodology will be adopted to help produce the project document through the various stages systems development covering analysis, design and implementation. The appropriate Computer Aided Software Engineering tools and techniques will be used to convey the proposed model.

Analysis Stage: A full systems investigation will take place to determine what the system requirements are. A proposed model will be formulated, agreed and documented.

Design Stage: Determine how the system requirements (analysis) are to be met and achieved. Produce a design specification to provide the information necessary to build the system.

Implementation Stage: Determine the system functions to be implemented in the time scale remaining. Build the relevant systems functions by coding the tables, forms, queries & reports. Test individual components and the complete system by following a test plan. Produce and document relevant test plans and results.

Maintenance Stage: Produce the maintenance documentation, which covers User Guides, Operation strategy for changeover from old to new, maintenance (fine tuning/bug fixing/upgrade) and Future enhancements.

Academic Aim:

To utilise the skills and knowledge gained in HNC/ HND Computing (IT) modules in Apps. In I.T. SAD, DD, Web Authoring, Introduction to Computer Networks and research and adopt a Systems Methodology for project development. Gain new skills and knowledge in the area of Web and database servers.

Resources & Constraints

The choice of hardware & software will be restricted to that available in the School of Computing.

Conform to the UoT standards for coding & documentation.


It is intended that all stages of the project will be completed within the time scales of 26 weeks. The approximate schedule is – Analysis (6 weeks), Design (7 weeks), Implementation (10 weeks), and Documentation to be completed over a 26-week period.