Free Video: Is “Attractive Traffic Control” an Oxymoron?
Not at Shady Canyon Golf Club
Shady Canyon Golf Club is gently carved into the scenic, rugged, unspoiled beauty of Irvine, California’s Shady Canyon. Its layout is dramatic. But the narrow entrance and exit areas of many of its fairways can invite wear and tear, presenting a clear traffic management challenge. Superintendent David Major, CGCS, has developed an efficient, effective and elegant solution to directing golf cart traffic. His approach is illustrated in PACE Turf’s new video: “Traffic Control at Shady Canyon Golf Club,” which is now available on YouTube.
“Premiere golfing conditions always require some level of traffic control,” said Dr. Larry Stowell, director of PACE Turf. “The challenge is to give golfers clear guidance while at the same time not interfering with the aesthetics of the golf course. David’s approach at Shady Canyon has been particularly successful, and he was happy to share it with the turf management community through this video.”
Like other PACE Turf videos, this one is practical, to the point, and contains information that can be put to immediate use. “Our videos have been one of PACE Turf’s most popular member benefits,” Dr. Stowell said. “We’re pleased we can share some of them with the turf management community free of charge.”
PACE Turf videos can be placed on superintendent association websites or golf course websites by clicking on the “Share” button that appears underneath the video on YouTube. PACE Turf’s other golfer education and superintendent education videos can be viewed on the PACE Turf YouTube Channel or
PACE Turf is a membership organization that provides breaking research news, information and expert advice on its website The mission of PACE Turf is to generate and share independent and objective agronomic information for turf professionals, so they may develop management programs that are effective, practical and scientifically sound.
Media Contact:
Felicia Gillham
Gillham & Associates Marketing Communications
619-482-8820; Fax: 619-482-8825; Cell: 619-341-3054
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