The secondmeeting of the eighth Senate of the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University was called to order at 5:02PM on September 8, 2009 with the Speaker of the Senate in the chair.
There were19of 23senators present.
The minutes were read and approved.
President – Kevin Smiley
-Freshman assembly is tonight at 6. I’ll be emceeing that
-deadline has passed for the application. We’ll have a great race.
-There will be a mandatory rules meeting tomorrow at 5.
-Voting is next Tuesday
-Will be doing tabling from 10-1 on Thursday
-There will be a revised sheet for office hours
- Campus Cleanup has been scheduled
-You should have received a constitution today.
Executive Vice President – Kendrick Bryan
-Student Life Foundation
-Mass Media- handing out scantrons
-Invite all of your friends to the ballgame on facebook
-After the budget passed I’ll be discussing
Administrative Vice President – Justin Thurman
-Tomorrow there will be an Org Aid workshop
-Hopefully next week those meetings will begin
-The undergraduate curriculum council met, there were several interesting courses
18th provide a ride package committee will meet
-Org-aid board nominees are up for appointment tonight
-Showed the blackout tshirt
-September 26th- international festival
Speaker of the Senate – Wade Pierce
-Attendence is low
-Tonight we’ll be going through nominees
Staff Reports
Chief of Staff: Eric Smiley
-Has been emailing about meal plans (ex: the turkey in subway)
Director of Public Relations: Angelika Masero
Director of Academic and Student Affairs: Aaron Pawley
-Make a difference week is October 19th-23rd
-Hopefully will get some legislation out soon
-Applications are in the office.
-Talked to Dave Vickery about legislation
Director of Information Technology:Sarah Howell
-Sometime soon you will be able find profiles on website
Committee Reports
Academic Affairs: Dave Vickery
-Will be looking at scholarships
- Will be looking into extending the hall of distinguished seniors
-Meetings will be directly after Senate
-Wants to get a survey of who might be interested
Campus Improvements: Kaylee Egerer
-Will meet today after senate
-Will discuss the Mural which will be painted on the side of the academy
-Needs money for the mural
Legislative Research Committee:Eileen Forsythe
-Looking at legislation
-Meeting on Thursday at 5 and will be making cookies
Student Affairs:Currie Martin
-Next meeting will be Tuesday at 7:00
-Make sure to go to the game this weekend and shake a lot of hands and kiss some babies.
Presidential Appointments
Chief of Staff- Eric Smiley 2 abstentions, passed
Public Relations Director- Angelika Masero unanimously
Information Technology Director- Sarah Howell unanimously
Director of Academic and Student Affairs- Aaron Pawley unanimously
Chief Justice- Stuart Kenderes
Associate Justice – Colton Jessie
Associate Justice – Dajana Crocket
Associate Justice – Eliana Martinez
Associate Justice – Corbin Snardon
There was a motion by Kaylee Egerer toblanket the vote, there was a second - passed unanimously
Academic Affairs- Dave Vickery no debate- unanimous
Campus improvements – Kaylee Egerer-
Legislative Research- Eileen Forsythe
Student Affairs – Currie Martin
There was a motion by Kaylee Egerer to blanket the vote, there was a second - passed unanimously
Senator- Dave Vickery
Senator- Justin Thurman
Senator- Stuart Kenderes
There was a motion by Currie Martin to blanket the vote, there was a second - passed unanimously
Administrative VP Approvals
Farhat hamidullah
Malika Ahmed
Bianca Brown
Jerebeth Lucas
Jonathon Randolph
Lukas Simmons
Kat Johns
Greg Capillo
Rebecca Katz
Currie Martin
There was a motion by LaDarra Starkeyblanket the vote, there was a second - passed unanimously
Speaker of the Senate’s Nomination
Ann-Blair Thornton
There was a motion to vote by Kaylee Egerer, passed unanimously, there was one (1) opposed.
Special Orders
University Committee Reports
Dave Vickery-
-Just got out of the Senate Executive meeting and met 2 weeks ago with Dr. Ransdell
-Talk to Kevin about the other University Senate Committees
- Domestic Benefits: Dr. Ransdell is going to look at it; working on getting some kinks worked out
Kevin Smiley-
-needs more people to sign up to hand out t-shirts
Unfinished Business
New Business
Old Business-
Justin Thurman-
-Budget was shown on overhead screen
-Slight increase since last year
-We caught office supply and travel
-Study abroad, field trip, and buy a book- there are no budgeted amounts. Think -it’s best to leave this to the academic affairs committee
-Org-Aid- capped it at 40,000. We will be spending it all this year
-Provide a Ride- the Contract is up for review on the 18th. That 15,000 includes non emergency medical transport and provide a ride
- senate spends 20,000 however they see fit
-Grand total of 109,040.66
There was a vote to approve the 2009-2010 operating budget. The vote passed with three (3) abstentions.
Daniel Shaw-
-running for senate again in the fall. Just wanted to say it’s ok to ask questions.
Skylar Jordan-
-many read his comments in the Herald. Thinks Eric’s appointment was unethical even though he thinks he’s a great guy. It’s unethical because it is his brother. He questions the integrity of the Senate after we approved him. He is only speaking as a student, not a member of this body.
Kendrick Bryan-
-reminder of the game andall appointments are qualified
Dave Vickery-
-Academic affairs meet in the corner after meeting
Kaylee Egerer-
-meet with Emily Wilcox after meeting
Wade Pierce-
-talk to the new committee heads after the meeting
The meeting adjourned at5:54 pm
Ann-Blair Thornton, Secretary of the Senate
Student Government Association
Western KentuckyUniversity