Lighthouse Project Grants Program – Questions and Answers (2016)
Background informationQ1. / What is the purpose of the Lighthouse Project GrantsProgram?
A1. / The purpose of the Lighthouse Projects Grants Program is to encourage local governments to undertake workplace self-assessments and develop/improve the Outcome 7 sections of their Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs), and to assist with implementing Outcome 7 projects.
The Outcome 7 guidelines and workplace self-assessment tool can be accessed on the Disability Services Commission website .
The projects are intended to directly or indirectly increase employment of people with disability within local governments, and facilitate the culture and practices for ongoing positive employment outcomes.
Q2. / What does the Lighthouse Project Grants Program cover?
A2. / Some examples of projects or initiatives that could be covered by the Lighthouse Project Grants Program include:
- delivery of a local job expo in partnership with a Disability Employment Services (DES) provider that brings together local employers (including the local government) and potential employees with disability
- establishment costs of a traineeship program targeted at people with disability
- modifications to generic workplace infrastructure, such as internal doorway widening to accommodate wheelchairs, accompanied by a communication campaign promoting the works to potential employees and DES providers in the area
- redesign of recruitment policies and procedures in partnership with a DES provider with a deliberate plan to facilitate employment outcomes at completion of the review
- development and implementation of a work experience program (or similar)
- development and implementation of strategies and/or disability-focused staff training and development programs to increase disability confidence and/or a culture of inclusiveness.
Applicants will need to demonstrate howtheir project or initiative will facilitate disability-friendly culture and/or practices within their organisation and how that will directly or indirectly increase employment of people with disability.
Q3. / What is not covered by the Lighthouse Project Grants Program?
A3. / Funding will not be considered for a project or initiative (whether in full or in part) that:
- includes expenses directly related to the administration of the grant requirements, such as grant preparation and acquittal
- supports normal organisational operations and operational costs including staffing, other than specific in-kind contributions to the project or initiative concerned
- includes interstate or overseas travel, attendance at conferences and accommodation costs, costs of disability-related supports and services such as attendance fees or places in programs
- is already completed and/or is scheduled for commencement within two months of the grant round closing date (noting the assessment, approval and communication of grant outcomes to applicants will take approximately two months)
- includes the development of, or improvements to, community infrastructure
- comprises the refurbishment of existing infrastructure
- relates to the provision of infrastructure, equipment, assistive technology, support or wages associated with a specific individual
- is funded through a dedicated grant program elsewhere.
Q4. / Who can apply for a grant?
A4. / All local governments within Western Australia are eligible to apply for funding under the Lighthouse Project Grants Program.
Q5. / Does the Lighthouse Project Grants Program have a state-wide focus?
A5. / Yes, funding for the Lighthouse Grants Program has a state-wide focus. All applications will be assessed against the selection criteriaoutlined on pages 4 to 6 of the Lighthouse Project Grants Program Guidelines (2016).
Q6. / What is the total funding available under the grants program and how much grant money can I apply for?Are applicants expected to dollar-match or provide in-kind support?
A6. / The Lighthouse Project Grants total $220,000. The maximum grant per local government is $10,000, although applications may also be made for less than this amount. Local governments may choose to collaborate with neighbouring local governments, in which case the application can be for a grant up to $10,000 per local government (eg two local governments could jointly apply for a grant up to $20,000).
Grant funding may be used to contribute up to 75 per cent of the total cost of a project, up to the maximum grant amount of $10,000 per local government.
At least 25 per cent of the total project cost must be met by the applicant, whether in-kind and/or in cash. This means an application for the maximum grant amount for one local governmentwould need to include an in-kind or cash contribution of $3,333 or more ($6,666 for two local governments and so on). In order to get the maximum grant amount per local government, a project would need to total $13,333 or more ($26,666 for two local governments and so on).
It is the responsibility of the applicant to indicate their required funding amount (within the Lighthouse Project Grant Program Application Form 2016) and to also provide details of the supplementary funding sources to meet the required 25 per cent contribution.
Q7. / Will the grant funding be inclusive or exclusive of GST?
A7. / The $10,000 is exclusive of GST.
Q8. / Can I apply more than once to this grant round?
A8. / No. Only one application will be considered per local government. Local governments may choose to collaborate with neighbouring local governments, in which case the application can be for a grant up to $10,000 per local government (eg two local governments could apply for a grant up to $20,000).
Q9. / Can I submit one application for multiple projects under the one grant stream?
A9. / Yes. The application can relate to a package of more than one project/sub-projects to contribute to the implementation of Outcome 7 of the DAIP, as long as the total amount applied for is within the grant limit (noting the requirement for 25 per cent applicant contribution) and all the other application requirements are met.
Q10. / Can a specialist staff person be employed to execute the grant initiative using Lighthouse Project Grant funding?
A10. / The Grants Panel will not consider applications that seek funding for internal operational costs, such as wages for staff or backfilling staff to be deployed on Lighthouse projects.
However external specialist expertise, contract project officers and/or technical advice/inputs are eligible costs.
Applying for a grant
Q11. / How can I apply for a grant?
A11. / Applications for funding through the Lighthouse Project Grants Program must be made on the Lighthouse Project Grants Program Application Form (2016).
The Lighthouse Project Grants Program Funding Guidelines (2016)contain detailed information on the preparation of applications, as well as contact details for those wishing to discuss their proposal or the grant application process.
Q12. / What is the timeframe for making a grant application?
A12. / Applications open on 30 May 2016 and close on 28 July 2016 (5pm). Late applications will not be accepted.
Q13. / What do I have to do before I submit my application?
A13. / All applicants are required to have completed a workplace self-assessment in 2016to assess the disability-friendliness of their organisation,using the tool provided (or equivalent). They also need to have developed or revised their Outcome 7 strategies consistent with the recently released Outcome 7 Guide before submitting their application. The Lighthouse Project Grants Program Application Form (2016) contains fields for applicants to demonstrate this.
The purpose of the workplace self-assessment is to identify organisational issues, opportunities and/or barriers (focusing on accessible workplaces, effective management practices and inclusive organisational culture) that can be addressed to improve employment opportunities for people with disability.
The Outcome 7 strategy should identify actions and initiatives to address these issues and/or barriers. The strategy and/or the implementation plan should include the project or initiative to which this application relates. (Applicants who have developed an implementation plan detailing actions the organisation will take to achieve the strategies identified within the Outcome 7 strategyshould include relevant details in their application.)
Applications that fail to demonstrate completion of these steps will not be eligible for consideration in the Lighthouse Project Grants Program.
Please note the following requirements for local governments to consult publicly in relation to their DAIPs and associated Outcome 7 strategies:
- revisions to existing DAIP (and Outcome 7 strategy) – provide public notice of the changes via local newspaper and council website (at least two weeks)
- adoption of new DAIP (and Outcome 7 strategy) –endorsed as requiredby yourcouncil’s governance and accountability requirements.
Q14 / My Outcome 7 was completed and adopted before the new guideline was issued. It is very similar in overall scope but structured differently – do I need to revise it?
A14. / It is possible a revision is not required. If you consider your Outcome 7 section to meet the scope of the revised guideline, while structured differently, please contact Localise (details at the end of this document) to check before you submit your grant application.
Q15. / How do I access the workplace self-assessmenttool?
A15. / You can access the digital tool or hard copy form on the Commission’s website .
Q16. / My workplace assessment was completed using a different methodology but gave a comprehensive overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the workplace in relation to disability-friendliness, including a staff survey. Can I use this assessment?
A16. / It is possible to use an equivalent workplace assessment. Please contact Localise (details at the end of this document) to check before you submit your grant application.
Q17. / What does my application have to cover?
A17. / Applicants are required to complete all fields within the Lighthouse Project Grants Program Application Form (2016). As the assessment of applications will draw directly from these fields, it is critical that applications address all points comprehensivelywithin the application form, and take account of the considerations detailed within the Lighthouse Project Grants Program Funding Guidelines (2016).
Preference will be given to applicants that have attended a Lighthouse Project Training Workshop and projects that involve a direct connection or partnership with local DES providers.
Please note that all details of your organisation’s workplace self-assessment will remain confidential.
The Commission reserves the right to publish and/or use information (excluding the workplace self-assessment) derived from the Lighthouse Project Grants Program in the future. This may include case studies derived from successful projects and initiatives implemented with grant funding. The Commission would provide advance notification in such cases.
Q18. / Will collaborations be looked upon more favourably than applications from individual local governments?
A18. / While joint applications by two or more local governments, including regional organisations of councils, will be welcomed, the Grants Panel will assess each application on its merits and against the relevant selection criteria.
Q19. / Can an application use multiple sources of funding? ie also draw funding from other sources?
A19. / Yes, the requirement for applicants to meet at least 25 per cent of their project cost either in-kind or in cash may be sourced from a third party (in whole or in part).
Q20. / In the grant application document, can an electronic signature be included as part of the applicant’s certification?
A20. / Yes. An electronic signature can be used as part of the certification.
Q21. / Would you be willing to accept a video as part of an application?
A21. / No.
Assessment of grant applications
Q22. / How will applications be assessed?
A22. / Applications will be assessed on their merits, in accordance with selection criteria outlined on pages 4 to 6 of the Lighthouse Project Grants Program Guidelines (2016).Preference will be given to applicants that have attended a Lighthouse Project Training Workshop and projects that involve a direct connection or partnership with local DES providers.
Localise (consultant to the Lighthouse Project) will pre-assess applications against these criteria, on behalf of LGMA WA, and provide a detailed assessment and recommendation report for consideration and decision by the Lighthouse Project Grants Panel.
The Grants Panel will comprise representatives from the Commission and LGMA, as well as a representative from the disability sector.
Grant funding is limited and highly competitive. In the event the Lighthouse Project Grants Program is oversubscribed, grant funding will be allocated to the projects that best demonstrate a link to disability-friendly culture and practices that lead to increased employment of people with disability.
Q21. / Who will sit on the grants panel?
A21. / The Grants Panel will comprise representatives from the Commission and LGMA, as well as a representative from the disability sector.
Q22. / What if the grants program is oversubscribed?
A22. / If oversubscribed, grant funding will be allocated to the 22 (approximately) projects that best demonstrate a link to disability-friendly culture and practices that lead to increased employment of people with disability.
Note the application form contains a field for this link to be explained by the applicant.
Preference will be given to applicants that have attended a Lighthouse Project Training Workshop and projects that involve a direct connection or partnership with local DES providers.
Preference will be given to applicants that have attended a Lighthouse Project Training Workshop and projects that involve a direct connection or partnership with local DES providers.
Geographic distribution may also be taken into account among applications of a similar standard if the program is oversubscribed.
Q23. / If my application is unsuccessful will I receive feedback?
A23. / General information about why applicants were not successful will be published on the Commission’s website.
Any applicants wishing to obtain specific feedback may contact LGMA’s Chief Executive Officeron 9271 1136.
Q24. / Will applicants’ enquiries be published?
A24. / All questions received during the application period, where relevant to other applicants generally, will be published on the Commission website.
Please note that responses will not be issued to questions and enquiries received after 5pm, 22 July 2016.
Questions relating to a particular grant application (which are not relevant to other applications) will not be published.
Q25. / What is the process after the closing date for the applications?
A25. / All applications received by the closing date (28 July 2016) will be assessed against the specified selection criteria. Localise will prepare a detailed assessment and recommendation report for consideration by the Lighthouse Project Grants Panel.
The assessment process will take up to eight weeks from the close of applications.
Successful applicants will be notified by email and a formal letter shortly after conclusion of the assessment and decision-making process. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by letter once successful applicants have been informed.
Funded projects need to be undertaken between 23September2016 and 31 March 2017. Acquittal forms are required by 2 June 2017.
Q26. / Will recognition be given to the best Outcome 7 strategies and/or initiatives?
A26. / Yes. A selection of the best Outcome 7 strategies and/or initiatives will be featured on the Commission’s websiteand recognition given as appropriate.
Please note that the Commission reserves the right to publish and/or use information (excluding workplace self-assessments) derived from Lighthouse Project Grants Program in the future, including case studies derived from successful projects and initiatives implemented through the Lighthouse Project Grants Program.
Q27. / Who can I contact if I have any questions during the application process?
A27. / Please contact Tiffany Tonkin, Senior Consultant at Localise,on 9271 1030or , if you would like to discuss any aspect of your proposal or the application process.
Q28. / Where can I access all the information and documentation related to the Lighthouse Project Grants Program?
A28. / All the relevant information, including the Lighthouse Project Grants Program Application Form (2016) and the Lighthouse Project Grants Program Funding Guidelines (2016), can be found on thelocal government page of the Commission's website.