Course Redesign with Technology (CRT) Application
Directions: Before you complete your application, be sure that you have carefully read the Request for Proposals [hyperlink] and the Appendices to the RFP [hyperlink]. Both provide you with guidance and context that can be useful in your application and improve the likelihood of being funded.
Course Information:
- Campus: [drop down menu]
- Campus Coordinator Name: [pre-populates with selection of campus]
- First Name of Faculty:
- Last Name of Faculty:
- Position: [drop down menu: Tenured, Tenure-track, Full-time, Part-time]
- Faculty CAMPUS E-mail:
- Faculty Phone Number:
- Full Name of Course:
- Course Abbreviation (e.g., CHEM 101):
- Number of Course Units:
- Catalog Description:
- Is this course a state-funded course?
- Is this course a prerequisite for another course?
- If yes, what is the course Course Abbreviation (e.g. CHEM 102)?
- Is this request being coordinated with any related requests, such as another section being redesigned by another faculty member or a course being redesigned as part of a sequence of courses, or a multi-campus project?
- If yes selected:
- Please explain:
- Provide the names of faculty involved (separate faculty by using a comma):
- Add corresponding campuses of the other applicants (separate campuses by using commas):
Note: Please consult with Institutional Research and/or your Department Chair for accurate information to respond to Questions 15-18.
- How many students were enrolled in all sections of this course in 2015-2016?
- Is C- a passing grade for the course?
- How many students received repeatable grades in all sections of this course in 2015-2016 (e.g., D, F, W and C- if it is a non-passing grade)?
- Optional Comments or Context:
- What percentage of students received repeatable grades in all sections in 2015-2016 (e.g., D, F, W and C- if it is a non-passing grade)?
- Optional Comments or Context:
- In what term did you last teach one or more sections of this course?
- In what year did you last teach one or more sections of this course?
- In that last year/term, how many sections of this course did you teach?
- What is/are the course number(s)/id(s) for the course(s) you last taught?
- What is/are the corresponding section(s) number(s)? (Open both 20a and 20b side by side so that faculty provide corresponding info)
Redesign Proposal:
- Have you participated in another CSU Course Redesign with Technology (CRT) Program?
- If yes, which academic year(s):
- If yes, please supply the URL(s) for your ePortfolio(s) (if multiple, separate using commas):
- Has this course already been redesigned at your campus through a previous Course Redesign with Technology Project?
- If yes, please explain in detail why another redesign should be funded and how this new approach will improve student success. (Normally only courses that have not been previously redesigned through a CRT grant are eligible for funding, so the circumstances need to be exceptional.)
- How many total sections of the proposed course were taught in Fall 2016?
- Are other faculty members teaching a section of this course?
- The RFP identifies three categories under which courses may be submitted to CRT. Which of these categories applies to the course you are planning to redesign. Please consult with your CRT Campus Coordinator. Check ALL that apply. [Drop down menu: a) Courses with high demand and low student success (25% or greater DFW in courses with enrollment of 100+); b) Courses that hinder student success because of significant or persistent achievement gaps; c) Labs with limited access due to facilities, equipment, and other barriers (to use virtual labs technologies)
- When do you plan to redesign the course? These courses must be redesigned during the 2017-2018 Academic Year:
- When do you plan to first offer the redesigned course? These courses must be offered during the 2017-2018 Academic Year:
- How many seats will be available in each redesigned section?
- In comparison to non-redesigned sections of this course, are these sections:
- In a paragraph or two, please describe why this course should be redesigned. Be sure to address any of these that apply: student success issues (high demand/low success), facilities issues, achievement gap concerns, learning problem(s), other course characteristics, inclusivity concerns.
- Identify your preferred disciplinary area:
- Is this course a laboratory course?
- If yes, are you applying for Virtual Labs funding?
- If yes, select Virtual Labs as your first pedagogical choice below. [A STATEMENT NOT A QUESTION]
- Identify the primary technologies and pedagogies/High Impact Practices (HIPs) you are planning to incorporate in your redesign, in preferred order (1 is highest interest). NOTE: brief descriptions of these technologies/pedagogies are in Appendix B of the RFP. [drop down box with place to check 1, 2, and 3]
Virtual Labs
Adaptive Learning
LMS (e.g., Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas, Desire2Learn) Online
Online Homework
Online Proctoring
Online Videos
Social Media
Other: [comment box]
Active Learning Strategies
Collaborative Assignments and Projects*
Flipped Classroom
Fully Online
Service Learning, Community-based Learning*
Student Learning Communities*
Student ePortfolios*
Supplemental Instruction
Supplement /Augmentation (e.g., tutoring, additional learning activities, modified course materials, etc.)
Universal Design for Learning
Writing-Intensive Courses*
Other: [comment box]
- Please select whether you prefer to join a discipline cohort or a technology/pedagogy/HIP cohort, if there is not a cohort that combines both your discipline and technology/pedagogy/HIP interests? (Drop down box: “discipline” or “technology/pedagogy/HIP”)
- State specifically and in detail the goals of your redesign and how your course will be aligned with student learning outcomes.
- Explain in detail the pedagogical methods and practices you will use to accomplish these goals. That is, what you are planning to change from your current practices and methods? And how will your course redesign address student readiness, inclusivity issues, and barriers to success, using new pedagogical strategies?
- Describe in detail how your redesign will use technology to impact student learning and success and achieve your goals. If you are applying for Virtual Labs, please also describe the product(s) you are interested in using and the rationale for your choice(s).
- Explain how you will: 1) track progress and assess whether your course redesign goals are achieved, 2) assess whether student learning outcomes are achieved, and 3) measure the success of the redesigned course against previously taught sections or non-redesigned sections. Please discuss assessment strategies and/or whether Institutional Research will be involved.
- As a result of redesigning the course, what percentage reduction in repeatable grades (e.g., D, F,W) do you hope to accomplish?
- Will more seats will be available because of this course redesign?
- Describe how the course redesign will be institutionalized beyond the funding period of this RFP (by ensuring the instructional strategies are sustained with changes in course and instructor).
- Do you plan to use Supplemental Instruction (SI) as part of your redesign?
- If yes or maybe, describe the SI services provided by your campus.
- What is a student’s cost for the textbook(s) and/or course materials for this course? For example, online homework costs.
- Is there a course fee for instructional materials?
- If yes, what is the cost per student?
- [Comment box]
- Describe strategies you will use to reduce the cost of required student course materials?
- Will this course also support a quarter-to-semester conversion redesign?
Commitment to Responsibilities:
- Do you commit to participating in the Chancellor's Office Summer Institute for Course Redesign (the week of June 26-30, 2017 in Northern California)? Location TBD and will require travel somewhere within California:[drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
- Do you commit to working with CSU Chancellor's Office to engage in the Professional Learning Community, which includes online webinars (Fridays twice a month 12-1pm) and archives of those sessions for those teaching at those time, for the redesigned course throughout the academic year? [drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
- Do you commit to participating in cohort activities during the academic year? (Cohort activities vary but may include regular updates on the project, electronic meetings, teleconferences, etc. )[drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
- Do you commit to aligning Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and assessment strategies to provide evidence of improving student academic performance while maintaining quality of instruction? [drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
- Do you commit to creating a teaching e-portfolio that documents the content and pedagogical practices, reflections and findings, student learning outcomes, and assessment results? [drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
- Do you commit to improving the accessibility of the instructional materials in your course redesign? (e.g. captioning videos, using Word features like Headings and alternative text for images, etc.) [drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
- Do you agree to follow acceptable use policies in your course redesign, including copyrighted information, fair use of content, and applying a Creative Commons license to the faculty created information? [drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
- Do you agree to inform students, in the course syllabus, that they will be surveyed by the Chancellor’s office about the course? [drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
- Do you agree to acknowledge the funding from the CSUwhen presenting or publishing materials that are based on all or part of the work of the grant? (Funding to support this project was provided by the California State University Chancellor’s Office Course Redesign with Technology program.)[drop down menu: Yes, No, Maybe]
- If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
Budget Justification:
The total award amount is typically no more than $20K which includes the following categories.
- Release Time amount requested (automated): [inactive text box]
Note: assigned time is awarded only to the faculty member teaching the redesigned course. - Instructional Support/Teaching Assistant/Supplemental Instruction funding request (capped at $4,000): [text box]
- Provide a detailed description of the type and cost of Instructional/Supplemental Instruction support needed (this area should include SI Leaders, Teaching Assistants, Graduate Assistants, student mentors, tutors, course coordinators, and additional faculty participants, as appropriate). [comment box]
- Technology Support (capped at $10,000)
- Hardware/Software Expenses: [text box]
- Informational: No desktops, laptops or projectors will be purchased as part of the course redesign funding. Also note there are system-wide software licenses listed here. [hyperlink the word ‘here’:
- Provide a detailed description of the type and cost of technology needed that are specific to the redesigned course: [comment box]
- If you are applying for Virtual Labs, provide the cost of the Virtual Labs product(s) you plan to use.
- Cost per student: [text box]
- Estimated total cost for for the course: [text box]
- Indicate if you are planning to develop or use online videos in your course redesign [drop down menu: Yes, No]
- According to the accessibility guidelines, videos should be captioned. If you do not have campus resources to provide captioning, the Chancellor’s Office CRT team will arrange for captioning of your non-commercial videos up to a maximum of 1600 minutes. If you need assistance with captioning, please estimate how many minutes of video you need captioned for this course. [Text box]
- Do you plan to develop affordable electronic learning materials for students? [drop down menu: Yes, No].
Note: The CSU can use this tool to provide a complimentary 2-year license of SoftChalk Cloud to faculty who would like to develop affordable learning materials. The Chancellor’s Office will follow up with you for licensing and training.
c. What other technology support are you requesting? Give detailed explanation of budget request and rationale for the course redesign. [comment box]
ii. Amount of budget request: [Text box]
iii. Detailed Explanation: [comment Box]
4. Management and Technology-related Staff Costs (capped at $3000) [text box]
- Provide a detailed description of the necessary staff costs for management and technology support that are specific to the redesigned course: [comment box]
- Informational: during the grant period, the Chancellor’s Office support makes start-up easier, but in the short and long term, the institution must commit to the necessary staffing and infrastructure to support the ongoing success of this project.
NOTE: Submission of this proposal signifies that your campus will provide the technical support and services needed to sustain the course redesign, including technologies and funded software and hardware.
Administration Submission Approval:The approvals listed below indicate that this proposal is endorsed as a valuable and important effort on behalf of the faculty member toward teaching effectiveness and greater student success in their courses.
●Department Chair Name:
●Chair E-mail:
●Dean Name:
●Dean E-mail:
●Provost Name:
●Provost E-mail: