Strikes in Public Sector classified by Industries during the year 2005

Industry Code
(NIC-998) / Number of Disputes / Number of Workers involved / Number of Mandays Lost / Wages Lost
(in Rs) / Production Loss
(in Rs.)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
101 / 14 / 291,529 / 303661 / 10,90,61,084(13) / 23,34,32,020(13)
102 / * / 609 / 609 / 2,57,323(*) / ..
10 / 14 / 292,138 / 304,270 / 10,93,18,407(13) / 26,34,32,020(13)
111 / 1 / 893 / 893 / .. / ..
11 / 1 / 893 / 893 / .. / ..
132 / 1 / 19,317 / 19,317 / 49,93,193(1) / 8,050(*)
13 / 1 / 19,317 / 19,317 / 49,93,193(1) / 8,050(*)
171 / 3 / 1,259 / 20,763 / 35,34,853(2) / 1,84,72,412(2)
17 / 3 / 1,259 / 20,763 / 35,34,853(2) / 1,84,72,412(2)
232 / * / 11,186 / 11,186 / 37,50,403(*) / 1,98,49,900(*)
23 / * / 11,186 / 11,186 / 37,50,403(*) / 1,98,49,900(*)
242 / 2 / 1,905 / 16,018 / 87,11,408(2) / 49,80,000(2)
24 / 2 / 1,905 / 16,018 / 87,11,408(2) / 49,80,000(2)
269 / 1 / 1,691 / 50,730 / 30,40,755(1) / 19,84,48,999(1)
26 / 1 / 1,691 / 50,730 / 30,40,755(1) / 19,84,48,999(1)
273 / 1 / 930 / 8,370 / 6,19,380(1) / ..
27 / 1 / 930 / 8,370 / 6,19,380(1) / ..
292 / * / 3,795 / 3,795 / 3,25,000(*) / ..
29 / * / 3,795 / 3,795 / 3,25,000(*) / ..
311 / * / 7,005 / 7,005 / 28,01,000(*) / ..
31 / * / 7,005 / 7,005 / 28,01,000(*) / ..
353 / * / 5,779 / 5,779 / 23,11,000(*) / ..
35 / * / 5,779 / 5,779 / 23,11,000(* / ..
15-37 Mfg. / 7 / 33,550 / 123,646 / 2,50,93,799(6) / 24,17,51,311(5)
502 / * / 9,000 / 9,000 / 32,81,800(*) / 93,50,400(*)
50 / * / 9,000 / 9,000 / 32,81,800(*) / 93,50,400(*)
512 / * / 274 / 274 / 5,00,000(*) / ..
51 / * / 274 / 274 / 5,00,000(*) / ..
611 / 1 / 1,500 / 12,000 / 40,00,000(1) / ..
61 / 1 / 1,500 / 12,000 / 40,00,000(1) / ..
621 / * / 6,852 / 6,852 / 24,12,503(*) / ..
62 / * / 6,852 / 6,852 / 24,12,503(*) / ..
630 / * / 20,546 / 20,546 / 81,91,015(*) / ..
63 / * / 20,546 / 20,546 / 81,91,015(*) / ..
641 / * / 10,943 / 10,943 / 44,48,150(*) / ..
642 / * / 4,570 / 4,570 / 16,62,354(*) / ..
64 / * / 15,513 / 15,513 / 61,10,504(*) / ..
651 / 16 / 1,483,301 / 1,483,301 / 50,85,28,423(10) / ..
65 / 16 / 1,483,301 / 1,483,301 / 50,85,28,423(10) / ..
660 / 7 / 56,888 / 68,480 / 2,17,15,080(4) / ..
66 / 7 / 56,888 / 68,480 / 2,17,15,080(4) / ..
751 / 8 / 34,169 / 63,555 / 1,91,20,617(8) / ..
75 / 8 / 34,169 / 63,555 / 1,91,20,617(8) / ..
851 / 1 / 50 / 100 / .. / ..
85 / 1 / 50 / 100 / .. / ..
Total / 56 / 1,973,991 / 2,127,747 / 71,32,65,341(43) / 51,45,41,781(18)

.. = Not available- = Nil

Note: 1. Figures in brackets indicate the number of cases to which the relevant information relates.

2. See Annexure for the legend corresponding to the NIC-1998 code number

* = The number of disputes have been shown as ‘NIL’ as the same relates to All India Strikes and not counted in thisIndustry. During the Year 2005, three All India Strikes took place which have been accounted for in the Industry in which the mandays lost were maximum but the number of workers involved, mandays lost, wages lost and production loss have been included in the concerned industries