10/14/2001 – I think I have now supplied all poster data – this is my 9th email – several with attachments
NCATE POSTERS – Sunday 11/4/01
The left side of the poster will have input information
Faculty names and ranks, Dr. Ronald G. Helms Program Advisor Social Studies sent10/13/01
NCATE Vita Attached 10/13/01
Partnership Activities in the program,
, Fairborn Site Liaison,
Kettering Site Liaison
Student Teacher Supervisor –Oakwood, Fairborn, Kettering
Numerous DPPR Meetings and NBPTS meetings with Partnership sites 10/31/31
Knowledge base bibliographies, Attached 10/13/2001
and entry requirements.Social Science Baccalaureate degree, 2.7 GPA, Passed PRAXIS II EXAM, SUBMITT APPLICATION PACKET, writing sample, 3 letters of recommendation, admissions committee interview 10/13/01
The center will have
Program title, See -- Sent10/13/01 http://www.ed.wright.edu/departments/pep/pdf/SocialScience.pdf - http://www.ed.wright.edu/departments/pep/pdf/SocialScience.pdf
Program of Study,
http://www.ed.wright.edu/departments/pep/pdf/SocialScience.pdf - http://www.ed.wright.edu/departments/pep/pdf/SocialScience.pdf
and perhaps pictures 10/13/01 – print out by GA from PPT presentations
The right side will have Outcome information 10/13/01 NCATE Rejoinder
(Correlation of Conceptual Framework Learning Outcomes with program objectives, Attachment sent 10/14/01
Midpoint, completion, and alumni transition
Ratings on candidate performance in Practica, B grade or higher in program,
Minimum 3.0 GPA
Performance ratings on teaching experiences
Ratings on candidates portfolios
Concern conference status
Minimum 3.0 GPA
Ratings on candidate performance in Practica/Student Teaching
Ratings on candidate performance in Practica/Student Teaching with NCSS Guidelines
Performance in culminating courses (comprehensive Exam, resesearch, thesis, projects
Performance on Elecronic Portfolio
Data should be displayed where available. Attached 10/14/01
Current status of students in the program,
Certification is ending. Licensure will commence summer 2002 – current 66+ social science studies expected to apply.
sample forms, and work – Available in Helms, R. (2002) Social Studies for the Secondary School, North Chelmsford, MA: Erudition Books.
As Desktop Display 10/13/01
samples may be displayed here or on the table top. Will have – 10/31/01
Bonnie will make the posters when you give her the
information. Not later than October 26th.