2017 Chapter Charity Grants & Volunteer Initiatives

The PLUS Foundation will make available up to $5,000 for each PLUS Chapter to allocate to a non-profit charityin their region. The Foundation will also make available up to $1,000 to facilitate volunteer events for a non-profit charity.

Members, please submit completed form to your Chapter Charity Volunteer Coordinator no later than Friday, January 13, 2017to participate in the Steering Committee’s review and vote.

The goals of this program are:

  • to engage PLUS Chapters and members in the philanthropic work of the PLUS Foundation
  • to promote the good will of PLUS members and the professional liability industry
  • to provide financial support to worthy causes in numerous geographic areas and broaden the giving base of the Foundation
  • to encourage and support volunteerism by the PLUS community
  • to promote the Foundation to PLUS members and their local communities

The following general criteria will apply to the approval of a Chapter Charity Grant and Volunteer Initiative.

  • The organization will be a free-standing 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with a sound reputation and history of accomplishment. New organizations with little experience and minimal administrative capacity, pools of money collected without corporate oversight, or a project that is part of the government are not preferred.
  • The organization will be non-partisan, not closely religiously affiliated, nor discriminate in any way (other than based on need) as to who is eligible for the benefits they administer. We want organizations that nearly everyone, regardless of their personal affiliations and beliefs, will be comfortable supporting.
  • Organizations must be providing human services and/or meeting human needs, broadly defined.
  • The organization will support the PLUS Foundation’s and any Chapter fundraising efforts for the charity by providing information and images that will help craft a quality message to potential donors.
  • PLUS Foundation staff will do research on the organization, which may include making direct contact.
  • The PLUS Foundation Board of Directors must approve all grants before the organization is notified of an award.
  • Grants may be split between two charities.

Volunteer Initiatives: Please note the following guidelines when considering your nominations.

  • The volunteer event will be complete by September 30, 2017, unless otherwise approved.
  • The Chapter may select different charities for the grant and the volunteer initiative (one each). Both efforts may, but are not required to be, targeted to the same charity.
  • Volunteer grants of $1,000 are inclusive of reimbursedpre-approved expenses or direct bills when feasible.
  • Eligible expenses include: meals for volunteers, tools/supplies that can be considered in-kind donations left with the charity (ex. paint, brushes, landscaping material such as plantings), or other items pre-approved by Foundation staff.
  • Ineligible expenses include travel costs, event fees (fundraising dinners, golf outings, etc.), photography, any items not considered in-kind donations left with the charity, or any items not approved by staff.
    Always check with the Foundation office!
  • The Foundation will provide t-shirts for volunteers, which will not count against your $1,000 budget.

Additional Fundraising: Many Chapters inquire about raising additional funds or collecting items for their charity. The PLUS Foundation Board of Directors has established these parameters.

  • All additional fundraising activities must be approved by the PLUS Foundation.
  • Additional fundraising will be limited to one Chapter event per year. This can be for cash, items or both.
  • All cash and items collected go directly to the charity. All donation checks must be made out directly to the charity. The Foundation or PLUS will not collect and redistribute money.
  • Cash and items can only be requested from individuals, not from companies. Company “sponsorship” of events or activities is not appropriate.
  • When cash or items are collected there must be some Foundation related function happening at the event (ex. check presentation, volunteer event, etc.). Educational events that are PLUS-specific only, are not an appropriate place to collect for charity.

2017 Chapter Charity Grant & Volunteer Initiative Nomination Form

PLUS Chapter:
Charity Name:
Address of Main Offices:
City, State, Zip:
Organization’s Website Address:
Suggested Contact Name & Title:
Contact Phone & E-Mail:
We Nominate this Charity for: Chapter Charity Grant Volunteer Initiative Both
(Please, use separate forms if nominating more than one charity.)
Organization’s Mission/Primary Services (please be brief):
Other Information – if you have access to additional information include it here (ex. year founded, number of people assisted, annual budget, service area, etc.). You may also submit their annual report or other material. This information will be helpful in the expeditious consideration of the charity.
If this nomination is for a Volunteer Initiative, to the extent possible, explain the general activity and timeframe for the initiative. We understand that the details may not be managed until the charity is approved by the Foundation.
Disclosure – please disclose any known substantive personal, familial, business or professional affiliation that any person playing an integral part in your Chapter selection process has with the organization you are nominating:
Nominating Member’s Name (print): / Phone & E-Mail:
Signature & Date:

PLUS Chapter Members, please submit completed form to your Chapter Charity Volunteer Coordinator.
Submit no later than Friday, January 13, 2017 to participate in the Chapter’s Steering Committee review and vote.

Due: February 28, 2017
Each Chapter wanting to allocate a grant and/or organize a volunteer event must engage in a process which achieves the following:
  • uses a selection process that is led by, and involves all members of the Steering Committee
  • facilitates a minimum of one e-mail to the entire Chapter soliciting nominations – this e-mail will be generated by the Foundation office by Friday, December 16, 2016,with nominations due Friday, January 13, 2017.
  • does reasonable research to assure that the recommended charity(ies) is/are reputable and meet the program’s general eligibility requirements
  • has the Steering Committee select the recommended charity by an official vote, noted in minutes
  • has final recommendations submitted to the PLUS Foundation no later thanTuesday, February 28, 2017.
  • incorporates a check presentation into a PLUS Chapter or charity function, gets local publicity for the effort, and/or captures images from any related events that can be used by the Chapter and Foundation for promotional purposes
  • submits only the final charity(ies) as voted by the Steering Committee to the PLUS Foundation, and completes the additional questions in the packet below, one for each final charity selected as attached.
  • With prior approval, the Foundation will support extra volunteer events by making available up to $1,000 inclusive of expenses for each additional event. The funds will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis.
  • Chapters are required to engage in this nomination process at least every other year. Chapter will be allowed to give to/volunteer for the same charity two years in a row, or select a new charity from the previous year’s nomination pool.
Selection Process – Please, briefly outline the nomination and selection process used by your Chapter to arrive at the nomination, and the date of the meeting at which it was approved.
How many nominations did you receive
If this nomination is for a Chapter Charity Grant, please provide any information about how the Chapter intends to present the check, gain publicity, do additional fundraising or otherwise expand on the partnership with the charity beyond this donation.
If this nomination is for a Volunteer Initiative, to the extent possible, explain the general activity and timeframe for the initiative. We understand that the details may not be managed until the charity is approved by the Foundation
Disclosure – please disclose any known substantive personal, familial, business or professional affiliation that any person playing an integral part in your Chapter selection process has with the organization you are nominating:
Chapter Chair (print) / Phone & E-Mail
Chapter Chair Signature / Date

Chapter Chair to submit completed Final NominationForm(s)by February 28, 2017 to the PLUS Foundation to:

Laura Palmer-Turnacliff |Email: | Direct: 952.746.2593